Much of the time life does not go as we've planned for, and we become distressed. If events don't go according to our liking or according to our expectation we feel something is wrong - either with the events or with ourselves. But life happens as it has to, and when we accept, enjoy and even celebrate each moment, as it is, we will often find unexpected discoveries.  Although it may not be apparent at first, any moment can bring surprises, gifts, and new possibilities we had no idea of. A plant I received seemed to be ordinary, and was placed casually on a small table. I loved it right away though, and brought it to join me at the kitchen table for meals. Within a couple of days the plant sprouted, grew a few feet and then it suddenly bloomed. From out of nowhere, huge red blossoms kept bursting through. The joy of the blossoms filled my heart day by day by day. Open your eyes wide, love what you're given and allow  the blossoming to go on and on.