We live as though we are separate, and seek connection, provision and understanding wherever we go. However, Zen practice shows us that whatever we do, we are connected. There is nothing but relationship. And as we understand and practice this, as we honor all that comes to us, it becomes easy to see that the Giver and Receiver are one. The ancient Zen practice of begging, Takahatsu, displays this beautiful dance wonderfully.  The monks come into the village to receive provisions. They wear a straw hat, cover their eyes, and chant as they arrive to let the villagers now they're coming. Then they simply hold out their empty bowl. When someone comes to make an offering, both bow to one another, and no one can see the others face. There is no shame for another, no praise for giving, just the act of giving and receiving in which they are One.  And thanks from both sides for the gift each gives. What a beautiful model of a relationship, as each plays their role harmoniously and both gives and receives at the same time. Nothing unfulfilled.