This amazing season is a time of turning deeply to the light.  Many holidays converge at this time all dedicated to living a life if kindness, wisdom and truth. It often seems as if we are left alone in this world , having to battle gigantic forces, having no power to turn darkness around. This, and many other illlusions can grip us and tie us up in a season of pain or despair. However, the time of Light, tells us otherwise. It says we all have the power to turn in another direction, take our focus off the difficulties and gaze upon the lights. We can sit, pray, laugh, love and give our strength and focus to that which will turn things around.  Take a moment to notice what you are dedicated to, how you see your role in this world. Then step by step, turn in the direction of who you really are. What we focus on is what we receive.  Great strength and power reside within.