So many of us are looking over the year gone by, going over our goals and actions. Sadly, many conclude that they are failures. They haven't performed as they might have wished, haven't been able to control things. This malady of constantly judging ourselves, our lives and others to see if we have failed or succeeded, is not a part of true Zen Practice.  Constantly looking to see if we have failed or succeeded  robs us of joy,. It curtails our curiosity and often ruins an otherwise beautiful day. However, when we sit on the cushion in zazen, whatever arises is just right. We're not in charge of what comes or what goes.  Our role is to be there, without running away, available to see  and even welcome the constantly changing  flow of life. Many sittings are rough, many are beautiful, we simply experience them all. Over time the way we relate to our experience alters. We stop making it all about ourselves, or judging each moment. We  are then  able to enter the flow of life, of which we are an integral part. As that happens, despite the nature of the waves that approach us, we enjoy them all. And,  there is no judging one wave a failure and another a success.