As summer ends and the holiday season closes, a call comes to each of us. "Linger With Me, One More day."  

Before we return to our business, (busyness), become absorbed in schedules, routines, plans and  responsibilities, we are being asked to take one more day and set it aside. We have so many claims upon our attention day after day. So many events and people appear, bearing all kinds of reports. It is difficult to sort out what's real and what isn't. What's important and what is not. But, now, Dedicate the Day. 

Make space in it for something new to be seen and heard. Make space in your life. Stop running around blindly.  We are being asked to listen to the call of the divine. For the touch of warmth, love, clarity. To connect with the One Within Who Knows the Way, who sees what truly Is. This call comes to each of in different ways, but ultimately it is always arising from deep within ourselves. So, let's all linger today with that which can and will always guide us well.