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It's Beyond the Food

435 episodes - English - Latest episode: 14 days ago - ★★★★★ - 127 ratings

Welcome to the feminist well-being podcast!

Join well-being expert Stephanie Dodier as she guides on how to feel damn good by reshaping your mind instead of your body. We beyond the food and fight diet culture & patriarchy by living powerfully. Through solo episodes and special guest interviews, you’ll walk away with ressources to embrace your well-being & health in a way that will expand your freedom and power. New episodes drop every Tuesday and bonus episodes when available on Thursday.

Your host Stephanie Dodier is a Non-Diet Nutritionist, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Cognitive Behavorial Coach. She earned a PhD in diet culture at the age of 40 after graduating from a 25 years dieting career.

This podcast has been helping women since 2016.

Nutrition Health & Fitness Education Self-Improvement holistichealth antidiet bodyacceptance bodyconfidence bodyimage bodyneutrality emotionaleating femaleempowerment foodcravings healthateverysize
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093-The Surprising Truth About Happiness with Gillian Mandich

October 01, 2017 10:00 - 53 minutes - 49.5 MB

Happiness...We all want it or we want more of it. We eat more than we should because we don’t have it. Happiness is at the center of most of our goals...In some cases, we believe that if we do more of X we will be happier. But is it really the case? PhD Gillian Mandich has studied happiness and will reveal to us what it takes to be happy and how it affects our health and, yes, our cravings! In the last episode, I had Mindy Gorman-Plutzer on the show. We all know how to diet, but many of us...

092-You Know How to Diet...Do You Know How to Eat With Mindy Gorman-Plutzer

September 24, 2017 10:00 - 39 minutes - 36.7 MB

Are you an expert dieter? You, just like me, know how to diet. Been there and done that too many times. For us to reach our goals today, what we need is likely not more knowledge on dieting ... it's knowing how to eat. That's the difficult part in our relationship with food. Mindy Gorman-Plutzer will teach us how to do it in 7 steps. Last episode, I had an interesting discussion with Dr. Taz about the Superwoman Syndrome. Learn how to fuel the Superwoman within you while staying healthy! L...

091-The Superwoman Syndrome with Dr. Taz

September 17, 2017 10:00 - 44 minutes - 42.2 MB

Superwoman Syndrome Every woman I know is a Superwoman. You are superwomen already and you don't need to learn how to be one. What we need is to learn how to fuel to superwoman that our health, both physical and emotional, doesn’t take fall apart. Dr. Taz will give us our superwomen prescription in this high-energy interview. She is full of tips and tricks to help us be better and healthier while maintaining our current superpower!  The last episode of the podcast, we talked about ...

090-What If We Got Weight Loss All Wrong?

September 14, 2017 10:00 - 16 minutes - 15.7 MB

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device. If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review”! Links mentioned in this episode: Fat...

089-The Keto Diet for Women: Can It Be Dangerous for Women? Interview with Shawn Mynar

September 10, 2017 10:00 - 45 minutes - 42.9 MB

The Keto diet  The Keto diet, also known as the Ketogenic diet is currently the #1 health trend in Google. Some say it's a fad diet but the truth is that the Keto diet is really a therapeutic diet used first used for the treatment of Epilepsia.  Scientific studies dating back to the beginning of the century has proven its efficiency in reducing seizure events significantly particularly in young children. Atkin's was the first to bring the Keto Diet forward in the 1960's by cardiologist R...

087-Reverse Engineering Perfectionism in 4 Steps

September 07, 2017 10:00 - 10 minutes - 10.4 MB

Perfectionism You know that you have perfectionist tendency... maybe that you are a perfectionist. You know that it’s not a good behavior for yourself but what to do to change it? Overcoming perfectionism is not something that will be done overnight. These 4 steps will lead you towards a path of overcoming this tendency. This  process will help you began the process of altering your perfectionist tendencies  Perfectionism: Reverse engineering 4 steps The last episode, we talked t...

086-Thrive with PCOS with the PCOS Diva Amy Medling

September 03, 2017 10:00 - 50 minutes - 46.4 MB

More then 50% of the women affected by PCOS,  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are not diagnosed by their doctor.  PCOS  In this episode Amy Medling, The PCOS Diva is teaching us how to identify the symptoms associated with PCOS and the top 4 steps you can take to take control of your hormonal imbalances and PCOS all with the mindset of being the Diva of our health. The last episode, we talked about being in a funk... have you ever been there? I sure did and likely will again because you kn...

085–5 Steps to Get Out of a Funk

August 31, 2017 10:00 - 10 minutes - 10.5 MB

How to get out of a funk: 5 steps We all experience having rough times in our life, when we feel stuck, depressed or just discouraged.  Maybe that where you are right now. What if I told you it’s ok? Crazy right... Here are 5 ways that I have learned to get out of a funk. What if I told you it’s ok? Crazy right... Here are 5 ways that I have learned to get out of a funk. In this episode, I share  5 ways that I have learned to get out of a funk. The last episode, we talked to Irene ...

084-Adrenal Fatigue-What You Have Never Been Told About It with Irene Lyon

August 27, 2017 15:00 - 1 hour - 97.1 MB

Are you exhausted all the time? Gainning weight for unexplained reason? Problem sleeping particularly waking up in the early morning? Challenged with your menstrual cycle or suffering from way too many hot flahes? Theses body messages aka symptoms could be signs that you are affecting by what is commonly known as "adrenal fatigue". Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Fatigue is a common self-diagnosis among health enthusiast.  You may have ditched sugar and coffee, stop over exercising but...

083-I Just Gave Up...A Story with a Much Deeper Meaning

August 24, 2017 16:00 - 13 minutes - 20 MB

Do you ever use these words in regard to yourself: “I just gave up… and then insert the subject of choice”? I just gave up ? You accept it not really realizing what you are saying and that is until someone calls you out on it. You then start really feel upset and frustrated. How to begin to find, look and deal with these very sensitive issues.This is what we will discuss in today episode in the Coaching Series. Today podcast is an actual real life event that happens between myself and ...

082-Clear Skin From Within with Dr. Trevor Cates

August 20, 2017 15:00 - 41 minutes - 58 MB

Be sure to check back every Sunday and Thursday for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe so we can freshly deliver a new episode directly to your device. If you enjoy the show and would love to encourage me and support my work, leave me an honest review using this link. For a podcaster like me, reviews are like fuel. I would appreciate hearing from you more than I could possibly say! Here’s a quick tutorial on “How to leave a review ”! Links mentioned in this episode:   ...

081-The Secret Fear of Success

August 17, 2017 10:00 - 13 minutes - 31.1 MB

I came back from California and posted a quick video in my community to get some inspiration on what this podcast was going to be about. I wanted to know what you needed…. This is what came through from a member: “I have a fear of succeeding in weight loss. Like people will treat me differently as I lose weight. They will expect even more perfection from me.” First I have to say to you, putting that question forward, you have a high level of self-awareness, which is amazing and will br...

080-Building Self Confidence-Interview with Ella from On Air with Ella podcast

August 13, 2017 10:00 - 46 minutes - 64.9 MB

Building Self Confidence 101 Do you suffer from the imposter syndrome? Or maybe scarcity mindset or always compare yourself to others? We diving deep into a way to Build Your Self Confidence. Ella will share with us the 3 Self Confidence Killers and what we need to do to increase our own Self Confidence. Is it possible that if we had more self-confidence we would trust ourselves and be less reliant on outside solutions? The last episode, we discussed stress eating and how stress ea...

079-Stress Eating May Actually Be Life Saving!

August 10, 2017 10:00 - 10 minutes - 14.8 MB

Stress eating may actually be helping you and help you save your own life. Stress in itself is not the problem, it's actual a very healthy mechanism it’s like an alarm system that we need to make changes. It’s stress is like an alarm system Last episode, I had a successful live Q & A session with the ladies in my tribe. I answered all their burning questions about self compassion, amenorrhea, social eating, and other topics. I highly recommend this episode. If you like it, do let me know s...

077-How to Put Yourself First Without Guilt

August 03, 2017 10:00 - 10 minutes - 23.7 MB

The word Self Care is central to many of my teaching. You need to learn how to put yourself first without guilt because I strongly believe and know that if you don’t take care of yourself…no one will. There will no be a magical angel that will come down from the sky to sprinkle you with fairy dust, making you more in control of your eating, leaner, or more fit. You’re are going to have to do the work. The only way for you to do the work is for you to actually make time in your schedule t...

076-Self Compassion, Hormonal Imbalance, Social Eating, Amenorrhea and Much More – Live Q&A with the Community

July 30, 2017 08:00 - 41 minutes - 38.2 MB

I'm excited about this episode because I got to try something new! Also, it was such a pleasure for me to answer some of my tribe's burning questions about self compassion and other things. Here is a list of topics that we covered during our live Q & A: Hydration Chlorophyll Sugar Cravings Self Compassion Social Eating Collagen Fermented Food Hormonal Imbalance Amenorrhea If you like this format, we will do it again, so be sure to leave your comment and review of the podc...

075-#1 Strategy to Break Emotional Eating

July 27, 2017 14:52 - 9 minutes - 14 MB

I received a phenomenal question from one of our community members, and I knew so many of your would benefit from it. Here is the exact question I have received from Emily from our community: “What is your #1 strategy to break emotional eating ( or addiction) and is it even possible to do without outside (and regular) support/ help?” Well, let me get this out of the way first: Is it possible to stop emotional eating without outside help/ support? Yes and yes, BUT you need to first be aware...

074-From Restriction to Food Freedom with Meg Doll-She Shares Her Story

July 23, 2017 08:00 - 46 minutes - 43.1 MB

Food restriction is a topic that I’ve never discussed in the Crave Cure series. I mainly help women who have issues with emotional eating. Also, I never had any experience with food restriction. However, whether we struggle with emotional eating or food restriction, the path to healing is the same. So in this episode, I’m touching on food restriction for the very first time. I’ve brought in a guest who is intimately familiar with this issue. Meg Doll’s Story   Meg Doll is a registered n...

073-How to Start Believing in Yourself

July 20, 2017 08:00 - 11 minutes - 11.5 MB

How do you start believing in yourself that you can actually change your life and your relationship with food? That’s one of the questions I got from a member of my online community “Going Beyond The Food.” That’s word for word from Vicky. Does it sound familiar to you? The reason why I decided to share this question with all of you is because I know that Vicky’s question is one that many of us have asked ourselves, but only a few will ever voice out loud. I know I certainly didn’t v...

072-Overcoming Sugar Addiction: Interview With Karen Thomson - She Shares Her Story

July 16, 2017 08:00 - 43 minutes - 39.9 MB

I’ve written and talked about overcoming sugar addiction a number of times before. But my guest in this podcast episode has new valuable insights to offer because she knows sugar addiction quite intimately. Karen Thomson was a sugar addict who had to check into rehab to overcome her addiction. When she was about 4 years old, a family member died and she was traumatized. Since then, she started turning to food whenever she needed her emotional needs met. She started to use sugar and refined...

071-How to Detox the Right Way with Megan Blacksmith from Zesty Ginger

July 09, 2017 10:00 - 1 hour - 56.2 MB

I'm so happy to have had the chance to interview Megan Blacksmith, a certified holistic health coach who graduated from Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York. She has made it her mission to help women work through their chronic medical conditions. She also teaches women how to detox the right way so they can move further along their journey to health and wellness. Below is the summary of what we covered in our fruitful interview: What is Detoxification? If you want to know how...

070-The Illusion of Perfection

July 06, 2017 10:00 - 13 minutes - 12.9 MB

Perfection is a Joy Killer   Perfection is a controversial subject. Before we go further, let’s define “perfection” so we can have a neutral ground. “Perfection is the condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.” – Wikipedia Being free of flaws…”An attempt to be free of flaw” pretty much sums up my life from the age of 9 to 35 . When I was 35 years old, I ended up in hospital because I was trying so hard to be perfect, and my body wasn’t...

069-Intuitive Eating with Devyn Sisson: Learning to Trust Yourself

July 02, 2017 10:00 - 54 minutes - 50.2 MB

For some, intuitive eating sounds “New Age-y,” but there’s nothing mystical or new about it. In fact, intuitive eating has been part of our evolution as humans. For thousands of years, humans ate what they needed to survive and what was available in their environment. It’s the oldest, most natural way of eating. For this podcast episode, I interviewed a person who has delved deeply into the subject of intuitive eating — Devyn Sisson, the author of Kitchen Intuition. Devyn is also an artist...

068-Consistency-How to Be More Consistent with Consistency

June 29, 2017 10:00 - 10 minutes - 10.8 MB

This has happened many times: I would start a new “daily routine” with great results the first week…excited about it and truly enjoying it. Then the second week came around, and it would require more effort on my part to stick with it. And then, by the Sunday of the third week… well, I wouldn’t do anything. Just one day off, and I’ll get started tomorrow again, I’d say to myself. Monday would come around and my calendar was too full and had to work… you know where this is going, right? ...

067-Dr.Amy Johnson: How to Break Up with Bad Habits : The No Willpower Approach!

June 25, 2017 10:00 - 47 minutes - 43.4 MB

  If somebody asked you how to change habits, you'd probably tell that person that he or she had better have strong willpower. That's because habits are usually associated with willpower, whether you want to ditch a bad one or develop good ones. This is why ditching or acquiring habits is harder than it needs to be. This episode, I have Dr. Amy Johnson, psychologist and author of Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit. Yes, she's here to show us how t...

066-Self- Sabotage: How to Stop IT Permanently!

June 22, 2017 10:00 - 17 minutes - 16 MB

What's your favorite form of self-sabotage? For me, it’s procrastination… my most expressed form of self-sabotage. I have a mile-long list of things to do, but I don’t feel like doing anything. I just keep thinking of how much work is in front of me and I feel overwhelmed. My anxiety kicks in and I just can’t get started. I can’t even do one thing on my list! So instead, I start cooking. My best recipes are born out from my tendency to procrastinate a.k.a. Self-sabotage. The reason behin...

065-Sean Croxton: How to Get Anything You Want : 7 Steps to Beating Fear, Doubt and Indecision

June 18, 2017 10:00 - 51 minutes - 48.3 MB

You might be saying, "I want to learn how to get anything I want!" Who doesn't? But first, we must ask, is it really possible to get or achieve anything we want? Sean Croxton is passionately saying YES! It starts with the right mindset, the right thoughts, and goals. We can manifest anything we want only if we believe we have the power. Sean has been inspiring people around the world with his Quote of the Day podcast. He’s also the author of The One Percenter’s Mind. In this interview, he ...

064-Self-Awareness is More Important than Food

June 15, 2017 10:00 - 14 minutes - 14.1 MB

We all know that eating junk food is not good, sugar is not the best, that overeating or binging is not good for our body and our weight. Yet we do it. We are intelligent people. We have the facts, we have the data, we’ve listened to podcasts telling us that sugar drives inflammation and insulin. We know that if we want to lose weight, we need to eat better and less… So what the heck is the problem? I believe it’s self-awareness. Self-awareness is from the Greek aphorism: Know Thys...

063-The Biology of Belief- Interview with Bruce Lipton

June 11, 2017 10:00 - 1 hour - 61.1 MB

Have you ever gotten upset and frustrated with yourself because you thought you were too weak to change the way you’ve always behaved? If so, you’re not the only one who’s ever felt this way, and it’s not your fault. Not many of us know the reason why it’s so hard to change our behaviors or our even the way we think. If you listen to my interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton on the biology of belief, you’re going to learn the reason why. Plus, you will gain some insights that will help you tremendo...

062-The Beginning of the Rest of My Life-Coaching Session

June 08, 2017 10:00 - 10 minutes - 10.2 MB

In this episode, I discuss: Coaching Session – The Beginning of the Rest of my Life-  learn how to go about making changes in your life – in any aspect- that are permanent. The first step in this type of change is a mindset and it requires you to look at change in a completely different way!  Last episode, I interviewed Dr. Melissa McCreery who taught us to ask the important question that will help us uncover our hidden hunger — what are we really craving? It’s an insightful episode tha...

061-Unfulfilled Desires and Food Cravings: Interview With Dr. McCreery – The Crave Cure Series

June 04, 2017 10:00 - 46 minutes - 42.9 MB

  In this episode, I discuss: This is episode 10 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food.  Dr. Melissa McCreery and I discuss desire and food cravings. Dr. McCreery is teaching us to how to ask ourselves the real important question when facing our cravings: What are we really craving? This is when the magic happens and we discover our hidden hungers. This is really whathungerave Cure series is really about...   Last episode, we had Dr. Keesha Ewers on the show. She and...

060-Nutritional Deficiencies & Cravings-Dr. Ewers-The Crave Cure Series

June 01, 2017 10:00 - 52 minutes - 48.4 MB

This is episode 9 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. Our instinct always prevails … when we lack we desire. When our body needs a specific element to function, it will let you know via a cravings. Deficiencies could either be physical or emotional. Dr. Keesha Ewers shares how deficiencies cause cravings.  Last episode, I had Dr. Adam Nally on the show. We talked about the best diet to stop cravings. I highly recommend this episode. If you missed it, you can listen to...

058-Gut Health and Cravings with Dr. Will Cole - The Crave Cure Series

May 25, 2017 10:00 - 50 minutes - 46.3 MB

This is episode 7 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. Could the little bacteria in your gut influence your cravings? The answer is YES! There is a connection between your gut health and cravings! Your cravings are sometimes a signal from your body that your digestive health needs help. Hippocrates, the father of medicine once said, "All diseases begin in the gut." You likely never thought that your cravings are there to save your life! In the last episode, I had an int...

057–Psychology of Eating Interview With Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson – The Crave Cure Series

May 21, 2017 10:00 - 48 minutes - 45.6 MB

This is episode 6 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. We know what to eat, when to eat, but we just don't do it. Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. will teach us powerful key lessons in the psychology of eating that will transform your ability to do what you know is right when it comes to food.  Last episode, Evan Brand and I talked about stress eating. We discussed what is at the root of this issue and Evan taught us a simple technique that we can use to move away from ...

056-Stress Eating & Cravings with Evan Brand BCHN CFMP-The Crave Cure Series

May 18, 2017 10:00 - 47 minutes - 43.4 MB

This is episode 5 of the 10 part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. Many of us eat because we are stressed. We know it and wish we didn't. Evan Brand, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Nutritionist, will teach us what is really at the root of stress eating. The stress that makes you eat can also affect your overall health far beyond what you may think. Stress may be at the root of many other symptoms in your body. Evan will teach us a simple technique that you can use to move away ...

055-Sugar, Cravings and Addiction with Dr. Sam Shay - The Crave Cure Series

May 14, 2017 10:00 - 54 minutes - 50 MB

This is episode 4 of the 10-part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food. Have you ever considered that your sweet tooth or sugar cravings could actually be an addiction? What we really need to understand is the definition of addiction. Our guest today, Dr. Sam Shay, will not only define sugar addiction but will also help us understand the underlying issues that cause it. The origin of your sugar cravings or addiction can actually be in your thoughts and beliefs. In the last episode,  Dr....

054-Overeating & Binging-Dr. Carolyn Ross-The Crave Cure Series

May 11, 2017 10:00 - 46 minutes - 42.6 MB

This is episode 3 of the 10-part Crave Cure Series: Going Beyond the Food.  Ever wonder when you overeat or binge eat? It's not because you love food, but it’s about the sensations food gives you. Dr. Carolyn Ross, world authority in overeating and binge behaviors, says we are seeking sensations, not the love of food. Perhaps this is why motivation and mental strength have nothing to do with self-control. In the last episode, we had Dr. Kyrin Dunston who taught us how to balance our hormon...

053-Women, Hormones and Cravings with Dr. Kyrin Dunston-The Crave Cure Series

May 07, 2017 09:00 - 49 minutes - 45.5 MB

Cravings sweets just before your period or cravings going through the roof as you enter your perimenopause? That’s a message from your body that you can address to reduce your cravings. Dr. Kyrin Dunston, OB-GYN will take us through step by step on what we need to do to balance our female hormones with ease. In the last episode, I discussed emotional eating with Samantha Skelly from Hungry for Happiness. We talked about how we use food to relieve painful emotions. If you’ve been struggling...

052-Emotions & Cravings- Samantha Skelly from Hungry for Happiness-The Crave Cure Series

May 04, 2017 10:00 - 39 minutes - 36.6 MB

In this episode of the Crave Cure Series, we explore how our emotions impact our cravings. We have Samantha Skelly from Hungry For Happiness as our guest. Today, we discuss emotional eating -- how we use food to feel better and to relieve painful emotions. Our relationship to food is not only to obtain nourishment but also use it as a way to cope with our life. We can change this! In the last episode, Drew Manning shared how he voluntarily gained 70 lbs to learn more about food cravings and...

051-The Crave Cure Series – Drew Manning, The Man Who Voluntarily Gained 70 Lbs to Discover More About Food Cravings

May 02, 2017 01:41 - 40 minutes - 38.3 MB

I'm so excited to present our very first guest on The Crave Cure Series here on The Beyond The Food Show! Drew Manning is the New York Times bestselling author of the book, Fit2Fat2Fit and is best known for his experiment that went viral online. In this episode, he shares how he voluntarily gained 70 lbs to discover more about food cravings. He also tells us how this experiment affected him emotionally and what it did to his self-identity. It's so insightful you'll want to ...

050-The Crave Cure Series-Discover the Secret Causes of Your Food Cravings

April 27, 2017 07:00 - 25 minutes - 24.3 MB

It's episode 50 of The Beyond The Food Show and we are celebrating! Our show has a new format with full videos. I'm also making a special announcement: we'll be having the first online conference on food cravings in the world, hosted right here on the Beyond The Food Show. We're beyond excited! I'm also kick starting the Crave Cure Series- Uncovering the Secret Cause of Your Food Cravings. I'm also giving away The Crave Cure Guide for free.  Make sure to listen in for all the details and whe...

049-Dr. Stephen Sinatra-Grounding for Glucose Metabolism and Fighting Inflammation

April 23, 2017 07:00 - 39 minutes - 37.3 MB

Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a world-renowned cardiologist who takes healing a step further with his research on grounding / earthing. Our ancestors spent time outdoors much more than we do in modern times. Humans always had direct contact with the soil…until recently. Grounding / Earthing is a simple technique that will help you fight the #1 precursor to sickness -- inflammation.  The last episode was an interview with Alexandra Covucci, a mindset coach who teaches us to be who we want to be so...

049-Dr. Stephen Sinatra-Grounding for Glucose Metabolism and Fighting Inflammation

April 23, 2017 07:00 - 39 minutes - 37.3 MB

Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a world-renowned cardiologist who takes healing a step further with his research on grounding / earthing. Our ancestors spent time outdoors much more than we do in modern times. Humans always had direct contact with the soil…until recently. Grounding / Earthing is a simple technique that will help you fight the #1 precursor to sickness -- inflammation.  The last episode was an interview with Alexandra Covucci, a mindset coach who teaches us to be who we want to be so...

048-Mindset Shift Changing Your Identity - Interview With Alexandra Covucci

April 20, 2017 07:00 - 44 minutes - 41.3 MB

Who do you want to be? How do you want to feel? These are the 2 essential questions that will kick start a powerful mindset shift. Alexandra Covucci is a mindset coach who teaches us how we can change the way we think and act by simply being who we want to be. Make better choices!   In last week's episode, Dr. Joseph Pizzorno and I discussed how environmental toxins can cause insulin resistance. We also talked about the human body's ability to flush out and avoid toxins. It's an informativ...

047–Dr. Joseph Pizzorno–The Connection Between Toxins, Disease, Weight, and Insulin Resistance

April 16, 2017 07:00 - 38 minutes - 35.8 MB

Dr. Pizzorno is a leading world authority in science-based natural/integrative medicine. In his latest book, he shows how toxins such as arsenic cause insulin resistance, which is the root cause of diabetes. Our bodies have a tremendous capacity to remain vital, heal themselves, and bounce back. Having the ability to flush out and avoid toxins will help you feel radically better for the rest of your life. In the last episode, Alex Jamieson and I had an honest and raw conversation about bei...

046-Alex Jamieson: Being a Woman in the Face of Your Cravings: Perfectionism, Sexuality and Play

April 13, 2017 07:00 - 40 minutes - 37.8 MB

How does being a woman influence your cravings? Could it be possible that your desires or even sexuality could influence your food cravings? Alexandra Jamieson is the author of Women, Food and Desire. In this episode, she will take us through how being a woman can influence your cravings and why perfectionism is actually killing us. Alex and I have a very honest and raw discussion in this episode on how to finally be at peace with food.  Last week’s episode was an interview with Leanne Vog...

045-Leanne Vogel–The Superpower of the Keto Diet on Her Own Terms

April 09, 2017 07:00 - 53 minutes - 50.1 MB

Leanne Vogel decided to implement the keto diet on her own terms, her own way. After years of having a distorted relationship to food and a damaged body, she discovered the ketogenic diet, which literally changed her health, body, and mindset. Leanne Vogel created a protocol in The Keto Diet book that is designed to ditch the restriction and strict mentality of the keto world's standards. She shares her story and how it fueled her work. Last week's episode was my interview with Dr. Rachel ...

044-Discovering Your Body's Intelligence for Lifelong Health-Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams

April 06, 2017 07:00 - 53 minutes - 49.8 MB

Dr. Rachel teaches a 4-step process called “Body Wise” to ignite the connection between our mind and our body. Chronic body depletion is an epidemic among women who ignore their own health by prioritizing the needs of everyone else. The symptoms associated with this depletion, as uncomfortable as they may be, are actually a sign of our body’s intelligence. Body Wise is a system that will empower you to take charge of your own health.  Last week’s episode was an inspirational interview wi...

043-Definitive Guide to Thyroid Symptoms with Dr. Izabella Wentz- Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause

April 02, 2017 07:00 - 47 minutes - 44.7 MB

If you have suffered from fatigue, hair loss, brain fog, abnormal weight loss or gain, dry skin, depression, muscle aches, and the countless other possible symptoms the hidden reason behind all of these symptoms might be your thyroid gland health.  Dr. Izabella Wentz suffered from all the above symptoms. She used her scientific training and did some research to discover the root cause of her thyroid condition and develop a natural protocol to help herself get back to health. Since then, s...

042-Recovering From an Eating Disorder, Aglaee Jacob, R.D., SHARES HER STORY in a Deeply Inspirational Testimonial

March 30, 2017 07:00 - 46 minutes - 46.7 MB

In this month’s edition of SHE SHARES HER STORY, Aglaee, a registered dietician (R.D), shares her personal and intimate journey of how she overcame emotional and binge eating. Allowing herself to be very vulnerable in this interview, she reveals her terrible secret, a secret she was so ashamed of that she even hid it from herself for years. Aglaee’s courage is a powerful source of inspiration for all of us whom may have struggled or are still struggling with emotional eating. Resources ...


Amy Johnson
1 Episode
Amy Medling
1 Episode
Brodie Welch
1 Episode
Drew Manning
1 Episode
Dr. Izabella Wentz
1 Episode
Dr. Sasha Heinz
1 Episode
Dr. Terry Wahls
1 Episode
Emily Fletcher
1 Episode
Geneen Roth
1 Episode
Isabel Foxen Duke
1 Episode
Jes Baker
1 Episode
JJ Virgin
1 Episode
Kara Loewentheil
1 Episode
Kate Northrup
1 Episode
Kelly Covert
1 Episode
Leanne Vogel
1 Episode
Sachin Patel
1 Episode
Samantha Skelly
1 Episode
Sean Croxton
1 Episode
Will Cole
1 Episode