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Energized with Dr. Mariza

623 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 months ago - ★★★★★ - 723 ratings

Energized host and bestselling author Dr. Mariza Snyder puts the power back in your hands so that you can age powerfully and live life to the fullest. Get ready to navigate your hormone and metabolic journey with wisdom and grace throughout your forties and beyond. 
Each episode will leave you feeling empowered with the knowledge of how your body actually works by providing root-cause explanations for the symptoms you’re facing (with a side of real talk) along with proven, research-driven solutions to reset your metabolism, fatigue, and hormones. In each information-packed episode, you will discover solutions designed to reclaim your energy and aliveness so that you can feel ENERGIZED in your body and become the CEO of your health. 
Visit www.drmariza.com for hundreds of free recipes and resources, plus game-changing programs, products, and incredible support designed to optimize your metabolism, energy, and brain function as you powerfully navigate the second half of your life.  
This podcast was formerly named "Essentially You with Dr. Mariza".

Medicine Health & Fitness Alternative Health health holistic wellness doctor essential essentialoils family food functionalmedicine healthy
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217: 5 Signs of Progesterone Deficiency and How to Fix It

August 14, 2020 08:00 - 30 minutes

Do you know or suspect that you may have low progesterone? If you’re struggling with infertility, severe PMS, irregular periods, PCOS, or if you just feel like something’s off in your body...chances are low progesterone may be to blame.  Today I’m getting real about the struggle to conceive with low progesterone (and other hormone problems) and how you can naturally take back control of your health by boosting progesterone levels through lifestyle, supplement, and nutrition changes.  If you’r...

216: How Women Can Tap Into Their Innate Skills That Will Give Them A Competitive Advantage w/ Dr. Marisa Porges

August 11, 2020 08:00 - 41 minutes

Tapping Into Your Innate Skills in Life and Leadership Learn the inherent skills of women and how to foster those skills in the younger generation The importance of communication, adaptability, prioritization and taking risks  Understanding the generational shift when it comes to collaboration and problem solving Tips for teaching young women to practice using their voice and lean into change Why you need to get serious about asking for help in achieving your personal and professional go...

215: How Your Diet Can Make or Break Your Hormone Health

August 07, 2020 08:00 - 24 minutes

Everything you eat is either helping or hurting your hormones...there is no middle ground. Unlocking the power of food is the key to restoring your energy, revving your metabolism, helping you lose weight, supporting a healthy mood, and so much more.   Tune in to today’s episode to hear my top 10 tips for using food to balance your hormones. From specific foods to daily rituals to some of my favorite recipes, this episode is packed with practical tips to get you feeling your best -- naturally...

214: The Mood-Food Connection: How to Feed your Brain To Better Emotional Wellbeing w/ Dr. Uma Naidoo

August 04, 2020 08:00 - 34 minutes

Optimizing Your Mental Health Through Food Learn about the groundbreaking research happening in nutritional psychiatry  Why adding in foods rather than restricting them is more successful for many The science behind the importance of the gut microbiome and the gut-brain connection  Discover how what you eat can improve your mood, relieve anxiety, and more Which superfoods you should be incorporating into your diet right now   Episode Summary:  Did you know that what you eat actually pla...

213: What Is the Right Exercise if You Are Dealing with Hormone Issues?

July 31, 2020 08:00 - 22 minutes

If you’re in your mid-30s, 40s, or beyond and you find yourself suddenly starting to gain weight, feeling completely worn out by your exercise, and just not getting the same results, you’re not alone.   Hormones affect every part of your life -- including your exercise. If you are struggling with PMS, exhaustion, low thyroid, perimenopause changes, and other hormone-related symptoms, the exercise you used to do may not be serving your best self any more.    Tune in today to learn exactly how ...

212: The Five Good Girl Myths w/ Majo Molfino

July 28, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes

Good Girl Myths Learn about the ‘Good Girl’ archetype and why it is deeply rooted in the patriarchy  Discover the 5 ‘Good Girl Myths’ that every woman needs to overcome to some degree How to shed the subconscious misconceptions you have been living with for years Tips for becoming the heroine of your own story and tapping into your inner wisdom Why you need to start following your intuition and listen to what your body needs   Episode Summary:  Do you find yourself following external au...

211: What Is the Difference Between Perimenopause and Menopause and Why Is It So Confusing?

July 24, 2020 08:00 - 19 minutes

In my years of talking to women and even in my own experience, I’ve discovered that we have been lied to, scared, and misinformed about the changes that happen in our bodies during perimenopause and menopause.   But the good news: you do have control over your hormones, even during this transition. Tune in today to hear exactly what’s going on in your body during perimenopause and menopause, how to tell where you fall, and simple strategies to keep you feeling your best.   Exact explanations...

210: From Overcoming Fears and Limiting Beliefs to Living a Life You Love w/ John Assaraf

July 21, 2020 08:00 - 40 minutes

Mastering Your Mindset While Reducing Your Stress The difference between committing to your goals and just being interested in them How to set up automatic patterns within yourself using the latest brain science Easy and efficient Innercise practices that you can start to implement today Why bringing back your awareness can help you utilize your brain and stress circuits better Strategies to relax and calm your mind, achieve your goals and start taking action   Episode Summary:  John As...

209: How to Create a Morning Ritual that Works for You?

July 17, 2020 08:00 - 17 minutes

What would you do with 20-30% more energy each and every day? Imagine -- no need for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, energy past 5 pm, and more zest for life all day long. One simple habit is the key to unlocking lasting energy and happiness in your life.   A morning ritual is a powerful way to set your priorities straight and set the stage for more energy that lasts all day. Tune in today to hear how a morning ritual can change your life, my own personal rituals, and how -- in less than 20 minut...

208: How Exercise Can Either Boost Your Metabolism or Damage It at Age 40+ w/ Debra Atkinson

July 14, 2020 08:00 - 41 minutes

Mastering Your Metabolism with Ease and Grace Which types of exercise are best for peri-menopause, menopause, and beyond The importance of giving your exercise routine some grace during COVID-19 Why you might be blocking your metabolism even if you are going to the gym The difference between endurance training, strength training and weight training Tips for creating an optimal exercise and nutrition schedule unique to you   Episode Summary:  Many of us have been told that the harder you...

207: What Are the Best Foods for Healing Your Liver?

July 10, 2020 08:00 - 23 minutes

Your liver is a critical organ for hormones, energy, detoxification, digestion, maintaining a healthy weight, and so many other things that make or break your health. If it’s not in optimal shape, your whole body is going to suffer.   Tune in today to hear my top superfoods (plus some bonus supplements) you can use to keep your liver working its best. By incorporating these foods and nutrients into your daily routines, you can create balanced hormones and free yourself from the symptoms makin...

206: 8 Weeks to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

July 07, 2020 08:00 - 40 minutes

How to Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes Quickly The biggest myth that needs to be dispelled when it comes to reversing diabetes  Tips for reversing your diabetes plus ways to prevent it when in the pre-diabetes stage Discover what progress you can expect from as little as a week of Dr. Roy’s program How to implement ‘rescue plans’ to keep your stubborn weight off long term  Real viable solutions to reverse your diabetes and extend your longevity   Episode Summary:  Dr. Roy Taylor has helped...

205: What are the Best Supplements for Your Thyroid?

July 03, 2020 08:00 - 19 minutes

Thyroid dysfunction is super common among women right now, leading to exhaustion, weight struggles, brain fog, digestive issues, and so much more. But thyroid problems don’t come out of nowhere -- more often than not, they are triggered by nutrient deficiencies.   Your thyroid relies on several key vitamins and minerals that you may not get enough of through diet alone. Tune in today to hear my specific recommendations for what supplements you should take to support your thyroid naturally!   ...

204: How to Reverse Reproductive Aging And Upgrade Your Baby's Epigenetic's w/ Dr. Cleopatra Kamperveen

June 30, 2020 08:00 - 50 minutes

Upgrading Your Baby's Epigenetics  Learn about the primemester protocol and why it is your most powerful window of opportunity What you can be doing in your primemester to upgrade your epigenetic expression How to avoid feeling overwhelmed by your fertility, pregnancy or biological clock Learn about the fertility statistics that nobody ever talks about and what it means for you Discover the ‘get pregnant in no time formula’ and your perfect fertile window  Dismissing the myths and misun...

203: Why Your Menstrual Cycle is a Key Indicator of Your Health

June 26, 2020 08:00 - 14 minutes

The research says it all: your menstrual cycle is an essential indication of your overall health. So why do doctors continue dismissing it and just pushing hormonal birth control?   Tune in to today’s episode to hear why your period should be treated as a vital sign and some of the root causes that lead to irregular periods in the first place. It’s time to understand what’s normal, what’s not, and how you can dial in to what your body needs to heal. Join me today to get started!   Mentioned i...

202: How a Lack of Rest Leads to Energy Burnout and Decreased Productivity w/ Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

June 23, 2020 08:00 - 41 minutes

Beating Burnout Discover the seven different types of rest, what drains them and what fills them The long term effects of exhaustion and how to recognize the warning signs How to know which of the seven areas of rest you need the most help with Recommendations to help you get rest in the area you are most deficient in Why rest does not always mean sleep and why it is not always a luxury   Episode Summary:  Traditional medicine tells us that if you are tired, you need more sleep. But hav...

201: What’s the Number One Supplement You Recommend for Women?

June 19, 2020 08:00 - 17 minutes

When it comes to your hormones, lacking key nutrients can really mess things up. Today I’m unpacking one of the most common nutrient deficiencies that wreaks havoc on your body, causing anxiousness, migraines, muscle cramps, sleep problems, tiredness, and more. Magnesium is vital for hundreds of your body’s processes, but not all supplements are created equal. Tune in today to hear why magnesium is so critical, how it can transform the way you feel, and how to choose the supplement that’s rig...

200: How to Deal with Fibroids Naturally, and When to Opt for Surgery w/ Christine Garvin

June 16, 2020 08:00 - 56 minutes

Supporting Your Hormone Health From The Inside Out Learn what fibroids are and what symptoms and causes to look out for  The role of stress, trauma and gut health when it comes to your hormone levels Why you should be tracking your menstrual cycle as a vital sign of your health How to lessen toxins and stress to preserve your liver and digestive functioning  Tips for dealing with fibroids naturally and when to opt for surgical remedies    Episode Summary:  After receiving the diagnosis ...

199: What are the Top Foods that Create Inflammation?

June 12, 2020 08:00 - 16 minutes

The foods you eat are either causing or fighting inflammation, and I’m tackling some of the biggest heavy-hitters in today’s Friday Q&A episode. Digestive issues, low energy, brain fog, allergies, skin rashes, migraines, PCOS, thyroid issues, and so many other common problems are the direct result of inflammation in your body.    Tune in today to hear why inflammation is so important to address, which foods are the most common culprits, and how you can get relief by making some intentional fo...

198: How to Manage Your Brain Chemistry During Times of Stress and Worry w/ Dr. Kristen Race

June 09, 2020 08:00 - 37 minutes

Managing Your Brain Chemistry  Learn how to become a more mindful parent and role model for your children The most common external solutions that people lean on in times of difficulty What you can do to build resilience from the inside out and protect your family How to create calm and find inner balance by managing your own brain chemistry  The critical importance of acknowledging the good in the world for your health   Episode Summary:  Managing stress is an extremely difficult task, ...

197: What Labs Do I Need to Request for my Hormones?

June 05, 2020 08:00 - 18 minutes

If you’re experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance (like feeling tired, anxious, stressed, or foggy, and struggling with low libido, hot flashes, and more), but aren’t sure where you should start to get a solution, this episode is for you! Today I’m breaking down which types of hormone tests are the most helpful and laying out the exact preliminary panel you should run to start getting to the root of your symptoms. I know what it’s like to be dismissed or ignored by doctors. With the guidel...

196: How to Let Go of Your Inner Perfectionist w/ Dr. Jane Tornatore

June 02, 2020 08:00 - 53 minutes

Harness The Power Of Your Perfectionism Learn the science behind how we become perfectionists neurologically  How practicing gratitude can create new neuropathways and change your mindset Tips for changing the way we talk and think about ourselves and others New and simple techniques to help you activate your sympathetic nervous system  Ways that you can hack the normal processing of your brain to stop limiting beliefs    Episode Summary:  Everybody has beliefs about themselves and the ...

195: How Do You Get More Energy, Like Yesterday?

May 29, 2020 08:00 - 18 minutes

If you’re running through your life feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, and exhausted, your cortisol levels are probably out of whack. This is the biggest hormone imbalance I see in women, and it’s the root of so many other problems down the road.    Wouldn’t it be great to get through a day without feeling wired and tired and having your energy plummet mid-day or late afternoon? It is possible! Tune in today to find out if you have a cortisol issue and how you can catch a break from chronic s...

194: Three Simple Ways to End Emotional Eating w/ Tricia Nelson

May 26, 2020 08:00 - 39 minutes

End Emotional Eating How to create boundaries around food when you are stuck at home Learn how to use the control and consequence test when having a treat Discover the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger  Tips to check in with yourself and identify your emotions around snacking The importance of creating a ritual and schedule for your eating Why people-pleasing leads to overeating and what you can do about it   Episode Summary:  Have you been struggling to avoid eat...

193: How Do You Know You Need a Detox?

May 22, 2020 08:00 - 18 minutes

On today’s episode, I’m exposing some of the tell-tale warning signs your body sends you to let you know it needs a reset. I’ll give you a hint: if your energy dips throughout the day, or if you have gained weight and don’t know why, or if you just know something’s off, you’re going to want to listen today. By walking through the simple assessment I share, you can approach your healing with confidence! You’re not in this alone, and I’ll tell you exactly how you can gently lead your body back ...

192: How to Make Over Your Metabolism For Longterm Success w/ Mark Sisson

May 19, 2020 08:00 - 37 minutes

Gaining Metabolic Flexibility Through Your Nutrition Learn why food is the number one foundation for your health challenges What to do if your quarantine food choices are not serving your best self How to stop your snacking by ensuring your meals are satisfying  Tips for experimenting with your hunger and achieving metabolic flexibility Why micro workouts are the perfect at-home workout during quarantine   Episode Summary:  There is a really good chance that we all need a metabolism reb...

191: Is There Anything that Stops Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Naturally?

May 15, 2020 08:00 - 17 minutes

If you’ve been hit by the hot flash freight train, you know what I’m talking about: the sudden, intense sweating that hits at any time of day or night and leaves you desperate for ANYTHING that will cool you down. But there are ways you can get control over this common menopause experience.   Tune in to today’s episode to hear what’s going on in your body to start your hot flashes, the individual triggers to watch out for, and my simple, natural recommendations to help you get relief!   What...

190: What is Mindfulness and Why is it So Important Right Now w/ Eric Edmeades

May 12, 2020 08:00 - 48 minutes

Holding Onto Your Vision Through Mindfulness and Mindset How to satisfy your fundamental needs through new ways of connection Ways to nourish your body, brain, and immune system during this quarantine Learn about the 14 essential needs of humans and how to satisfy them today Tips for finding calm and harmony in your isolation space through meditation What to do if your close proximity is breeding contempt in your isolation bubble   Episode Summary:  Right now, the power of mindfulness a...

189: Does Sugar Impact my Hormonal Balance? If So, How?

May 08, 2020 08:00 - 13 minutes

Sugar, chocolate, and snack cravings are REAL (especially right now with our pantries so easily accessible all day long). But these foods have a deep impact on your hormones, mood, weight, energy, skin health, and so much more.   If you’ve found yourself raiding the kitchen for a mid-day or late-night treat, tune in to today’s episode for simple ways to break this self-sabotaging habit. My tips will give you what you need to say no to cravings all day long!   Understanding how extra snacking...

188: The Low-Down on Hormones and How to Get Your Mojo Back in Menopause w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

May 05, 2020 08:00 - 50 minutes

How to Gain Control Over Your Hormones & Menopause Discover the role your hormones play in your ability to be fully functioning in the world How to get your resilience and willpower back through lifestyle and nutrition Why oxytocin, laughter, and love are the best medicines to help you heal from trauma Learn how the Keto-Green 16 can help you nourish and empower your body and mind What testing your urine PH can tell you about your mental and physical state of being    Episode Summary:  ...

187: What Is Causing My Heavy Bleeding and Migraines, and Can Bioidentical Hormones Help Me?

May 01, 2020 08:00 - 22 minutes

If you are experiencing heavy bleeding, migraines, PMS that makes you want to kill someone, mood swings, trouble sleeping, tender breasts, decreased sex drive, sluggish thinking, bloating, or weight struggles, you are in the right place.   Know this: you are not alone, and there are natural, simple steps you can take to get yourself back again. On today’s episode, I’m breaking down what causes these symptoms and the proven strategies I’ve found to help you get relief!     The #1 root cause o...

186: Debunking Period Myths Once and For All w/ Nicole Jardim

April 28, 2020 08:00 - 46 minutes

What You Really Need to Know About Your Period Learn why ovulation is so critical to your overall physical and mental health The most common reasons for your irregular period and what to do about it How stress impacts your menstrual cycle and hormones on multiple levels Why your cycle is a key indicator of what is going on inside of your body  What you can do to love up on your body and set yourself up for success   Episode Summary:  Myths surrounding your period, birth control, and fer...

185: How Perimenopause Affects Your Period and What You Can Do to Eliminate Severe PMS Symptoms

April 24, 2020 08:00 - 19 minutes

For my first Friday Q&A episode, I'm tackling something I hear about from my listeners every day. So many women reach out to me wondering what the heck is going on with their periods, why they suddenly have PMS that makes them not even recognize themselves, and how to make it stop.   If erratic periods, unstable moods, cramping, bloating, trouble sleeping, hot flashes, migraines, and sugar cravings have become your "normal," you don't want to miss this episode. It doesn't have to be like this...

184: How To Hold The Vision For Your Life During Difficult Times w/ Jennifer Hudye

April 21, 2020 08:00 - 57 minutes

Creating A Vision For Your Life The three main reasons why it is crucial to create a unique life vision true to you Learn about the seven roadblocks keeping you in life by default instead of design How to fall in love and experience wins with the process of your vision, not just the goal  Ways to cope with the deviation of your vision and keep moving forward anyways Create a powerful vision through the five key ingredients it takes to pull you forward   Episode Summary:  During this tim...

183: Tips to Instantly Circuit-Break Stress and Overwhelm w/ Dr. Heidi Hanna

April 17, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour

What we're talking about in this episode! Discover the different stages of living in a chronic ‘stressaholic’ state How to recognize if you are abusing your stress response system before its too late Learn how your body can change on a physiological level due to perceived stress Tips for proactively training your nervous system to circuit-break your stress cycle How to use stress to your advantage and reframe this crazy global situation    Episode Summary:  Stress can be highly addictiv...

182: How to Overcome Fear To Finally Create Success in Your Health, Career and Relationships w/ Jack Canfield

April 14, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour

What we're talking about in this episode! Powerful tools to help you attract what you desire through your thoughts Learn how you are keeping yourself trapped in the false positives of your limiting beliefs  How to seamlessly implement The Success Principles into your daily life  The importance of being in gratitude, service, and joy during COVID-19 Ways you can start acting ‘as if’ in order to achieve your wildest dreams Why you should be asking for feedback to turn your perceived failu...

181: Diet Disruption: The Weight Loss Solution for the Chronic Serial Dieter w/ Jennifer Powter

April 10, 2020 08:00 - 36 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! How to gain self-awareness and recognize if you are stuck in a diet loop Dismissing some of the most common metabolism and exercises myths  Why you need to create healthy expectations about your body and weight How your partner could be sabotaging your nutrition without even knowing it The importance of putting your health as your non-negotiable top priority   Episode Summary:  I bet there is a good chance that at some point in your life you hav...

180: How to Overcome the Anxiety Pandemic by Managing Your Mindset w/ Dr. Joan Rosenberg

April 07, 2020 08:00 - 38 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! How to manage and overcome your mindset during this anxiety pandemic Tips for acknowledging the unpredictable while remaining in charge of what you think Strategies and tools to change your physiological state when going through anxiety Why you should cut back the time you allow yourself to watch the pandemic news Ways to create connection, routine and schedule during this quarantine  How to make this pandemic something that is happening for you...

179: How to Thrive During a Pandemic and Quarantine w/ Dr. Mary Clifton

April 03, 2020 09:29 - 48 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! Specific information that everyday families need to equip themselves with How to support your immune system and set yourself up for continued health Supplement, vitamin and mineral recommendations for your immune system  Learn how smart a virus can be and how you should be preparing for quarantine Discover how CBD pre-treatment can increase your ability to fight off infectious diseases    Episode Summary:  The sudden changes our world has faced ...

178: 2nd Anniversary Episode: Are You Addicted to Stress? If So, How to Banish Stress with 3 Strategies w/ Dr. Mariza Snyder

March 31, 2020 08:00 - 34 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! How to know if you are experiencing Rushing Women’s Syndrome right now Gauge where your stress levels are through my quick stress level assessment  Learn why the frequent activation of your stress response system can make you sick What you can do stop the addictive stress response loop before it becomes your normal Self-care rituals you can use to anchor yourself into physical and emotional wellbeing   Episode Summary:  Today is a very special d...

177: How to Boost Your Immune System by Healing Your Gut w/ Dr. Vincent Pedre

March 27, 2020 08:00 - 43 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! The best ways to fix your leaky gut, even if you don’t know you have it yet How to protect your immune system and create a stronger gut foundation Tips to help avoid viral diseases such as the Covid-19 virus through gut health Ways to protect your gut while stocking up on food during a quarantine  Learn about the biophysical effect stress has on your body and immune system   Episode Summary:  Today Dr. Vincent Padre is taking time off the front ...

176: How Fluoride Could Be Affecting Your Skin, Hormones, and Brain Health w/ Melissa Gallico

March 24, 2020 08:00 - 45 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! Learn when and how fluoride air and water pollution was accepted as ‘non-toxic’  How to find the hidden sources of fluoride in your diet and clear up your acne Which water filters and types of toothpaste you can consume without fluoride exposure The importance of being mindful and finding fluoride-free wine production What a typical fluoride flareup can look like and fluoride recommendations for all    Episode Summary:  Fluoride has been widely ...

175: Top 10 Ways to Immediately Boost Your Immunity and Stay Healthy w/ Dr. Mariza Snyder

March 19, 2020 15:34 - 19 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! Key facts you need to know about the new coronavirus sweeping the globe Top recommendations to boost you and your families immune system now The importance of social distancing to stop the spread and help our hospitals Which essential oils you can use to reduce your stress and support your sleep Why water infusions and matcha are your best friends right now and all the time   Episode Summary:  Given the current state of the Covid-19 pandemic, it...

174: How to Be a Menopause Boss – 4 Steps to Thriving in Menopause w/ Dr. Kyrin Dunston

March 17, 2020 09:00 - 56 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! Learn what a menopause boss is and how you can become one at any age The four steps to thriving and vibing in perimenopause or menopause  Explore the role of toxicity and stress when it comes to your menopausal symptoms How to create a health vision board to harness the power of the ‘intangibles’ Tips for giving yourself nutritional support physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally   Episode Summary:  Over 50 million women in the United ...

BONUS: Why Food Is Key to Balancing Your Hormones Plus How to Treat Key Nutrient Deficiencies w/ Dr. Mariza Snyder (Re-Release)

March 13, 2020 08:00 - 40 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! Key foods that will balance your hormones naturally Why nutrient deficiencies may be the root cause to hormone imbalance My top nutrients for thyroid, PMS and fatigue Which green smoothie you should be drinking to support your liver How to begin to balance your hormones naturally with food Keeping your hormones supported during times of fluctuation with nutritional tools   Episode Summary Today is a MAJOR milestone that I am so excited to celeb...

Why Food Is Key to Balancing Your Hormones Plus How to Treat Key Nutrient Deficiencies w/ Dr. Mariza Snyder (Re-Release)

March 13, 2020 08:00 - 39 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! Key foods that will balance your hormones naturally Why nutrient deficiencies may be the root cause to hormone imbalance My top nutrients for thyroid, PMS and fatigue Which green smoothie you should be drinking to support your liver How to begin to balance your hormones naturally with food Keeping your hormones supported during times of fluctuation with nutritional tools   Episode Summary Today is a MAJOR milestone that I am so excited to...

173: How to Relieve Endometriosis-Driven Pain, Digestive Symptoms, Anxiety and Infertility w/ Dr. Jessica Drummond

March 10, 2020 08:00 - 46 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! Learn why endometriosis is so commonly undiagnosed by traditional medicine The most common symptoms around endometriosis and what you can do about them How to address your pelvic pain through functional medicine and functional nutrition Why hormonal birth control can put you at greater risk of infertility in the long term The importance of finding a trained surgeon when considering laparoscopic surgery What you can do right now at home to lessen...

172: What You Need to Know About the Coronavirus and How to Boost Your Immunity w/ Dr. Elisa Song

March 09, 2020 11:28 - 1 hour

What we're talking about in this episode! Learn what exactly qualifies a coronavirus and the many pre-existing types  What you can do to keep your family healthy and strong during this time Why you should be focusing on facts instead of instigating panic responses Things that you should consider before you cancel your travel plans Natural ways that you can boost your immune system to protect your body from any disease   Episode Summary:  It’s safe to say that many of us are worried abou...

171: Synergistic Foods for the Nervous System, Brain, Adrenals, & Thyroid w/ Christa Orecchio

March 03, 2020 09:00 - 45 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! Understanding the collateral damage stress has on the brain and nervous system Learn a six pillar strategy to move from sympathetic dominance to parasympathetic dominance Why using food as medicine is one of the best ways to heal your mind, body, and spirit How to train your organs and hormones to work for you instead of against you What temperature and heart rate can tell you about the foods that you are eating   Episode Summary:  The power of ...

170: Saying NO to People Pleasing and Establishing Effective Boundaries w/ Amy Smith

February 28, 2020 09:00 - 48 minutes

What we're talking about in this episode! How to kick people-pleasing to the curb and just say no to what isn’t serving you Why you should stop putting everyone else’s needs in front of your own Tips for establishing boundaries, making yourself happy and finding fulfillment  The three phases of setting boundaries and how to enforce those that you set How to silence your inner critic and own the boundaries that are okay with you   Episode Summary:  Have you ever set boundaries for yourse...


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