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Dakota Pain

25 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 14 years ago -

Dakota Pain comes in several colors and sizes. For instance, a Tornado is usually black while a Blizzard is White and we are not sure what color the Government is. A small rain shower can get you wet, and an ice storm is slippery. Rules and regulations, while needed are often nothing more than attempts at stealing what little freedom we have left.

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Are Incumbents worried about the election cycle this year? Should they be?

June 07, 2010 20:21

Are Incumbents worried about the election cycle this year? Should they be? That all depends my friends on how quickly America forgets in the Political Season. In a country that tired of war after being attacked, so quickly, how then are we to judge whether or not the US electorate will not forget the very nature of the current Congress that produced this blogs question in the first place? When it comes time to pull the lever, if they actually do that anywhere any more, will the person p...

How much more can we take?

June 04, 2010 16:33

Podcast is Here A word of advice to all those who voted for Obama for President, during the next election, please whom ever you vote for, please, please check out his credentials! It is very important! I wonder how many people who voted for Obama actually knew his background? How many cared? Was it just a feeling of “we need change?” I cant stand whats going on? Weary of War? Or just weary of Politics? Cant stand the hostile Dialog? Sorry but none of these reasons qualify for abdicati...

Freedom Crosses

May 31, 2010 03:44

All the white cross neat in rows the grass grown to perfection the flowers in bloom little girls in dresses and bows. Little man hold the hand of your mom he looks to you for security he looks and looks for his Daddy who was sent far away by a bomb. Cute little girls who some day will know all about love, hate, tragedy and war and may take this walk again with their little boy or girl in tow. This scene in each generation repeated Flanders, Paris, Rome and Seoul Saigon, Kuwait, Baghdad...

I am an American

May 28, 2010 17:06

I get up in the morning knowing that I will not beg for food on the street. I get dressed in clothes fit for a King/Queen in some countries. I enjoy my my wife/husband and kids, all healthy, getting an education. I drive to work in a clean working automobile. I have a job that is the envy of most of the World. I stock shelves, I heal the sick, I have choices most of the world does not. I can plan for retirement save, but I never save enough, too many things to buy. I am safe in my town, my St...

Arizona, education,Taxes, Founding Fathers

May 24, 2010 17:28

PodCast Here! Arizona, take off your rainbow shades Arizona, have another look at the world Lyrics from the song Arizona by Mark Lindsey in 1970, yes the Mark Lindsey the Record Producer and Voice of Paul Revere and the Raiders and the Raiders. Seems Arizona took a little while but they have seen the light and taken off the rainbow shades. They now see with a clarity that many in the United States cannot or do not want to see. They see how illegal immigration is not only ruing their state,...

All the news that's Bad

May 21, 2010 17:24

PodCast Here Have you noticed that in the last few days it seems that multiple news headlines are about devastation, everywhere? I mean not just devastation in the way we normally think about it but also in politics, education,science, technology. It almost seems that the World is ready to unhinge. I think it is. First lets look at some of these headlines and stories. President Obama's top intelligence adviser, Dennis C. Blair, has resigned and most likely due to the many breaches of se...

What is a lie?

May 18, 2010 21:02

Podcast Here! Seems a lot of Democrats need to look up that little word in the Dictionary because they have a rash of falsehoods from their candidates over the last several years. Since when did telling an out and out “lie” become “misspeaking”? It is what it is, if it is not the truth it is a lie by definition. According to Fox News; Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal on Tuesday acknowledged that he has "misspoken" about his record but described those instances as few and...

Why I am where I am

May 12, 2010 19:16

Podcast Here How did I get to this place in my life? I am speaking philosophically here and about my views on politics national or state. When I was in 6th grade the president was John F. Kennedy and of course we had current events every morning and for school we had to watch the news, read the paper and whatever else to bring content to school. It was a good idea to help kids to start paying attention to the world around them, to expand their view from I am here to so are they. I got to...

National Nightmare

May 10, 2010 19:00

Podcast Here! Looking back over the last year at our National Nightmare, suggests to me that we could have avoided all this. The sudden move to the far left, to socialism, the wholesale money giveaway to the supposed companies too big to fail, to the outrageous National deficit we find ourselves in. How you might ask could we have avoided all this? Very simple, by voting with our brains and not our hearts. We let the main stream media turn the last election into a vote for rock-star. Th...

Troubling events in Journalism

May 07, 2010 16:33

PodCast here! There are a couple of troubling events, or at least to me they are troubling events, having to do with Journalism or supposed Journalism. I am sure you have heard it a thousand times by now but the story of the question asked of students of Journalism. The questions is why do you want to be a Journalist. The vast majority answered "I want to change the world and/or help the world" NARK!! Wrong answer! Journalism is not about changing the world or helping anybody. Its ab...

How to end the Mexican Problem in 6 weeks.

May 06, 2010 17:45

Podcast Here! After reading the story this morning of the 5 students in a Southern California School who were sent home because they were wearing an American Flag on their t-shirts I realize that we are not only under assault from radical Muslims but by the Mexicans as well.  We need to stop them from taking over our National Identity and stop them now! How? Very simple, read on: 1) Close the border tighter than a drum holding nuke waist. Put up walls, bring in the National Guard and the...

Tired of the world of Politics? Try American innovation!

May 04, 2010 18:44

 Podcast Here! Over the past few days the news has been coming fast and furious, oil spills and the politicians attempt to use it for their own benefit, New York City bombers who go through under Obama's Watch only to be stopped by the bombers own incompetence.  Floods, tornadoes, it goes on and on and it gets pretty overwhelming after a while. So today I thought something nice and uplifting was in order. American Innovation, from a very innovative Company called Apple. You know the company ...

Obama and his henchmen are at it again, Las Vegas the Target!

April 29, 2010 05:35

Podcast here! I just got back from two days in Vegas visiting my 101 Year old Aunt. While I was there I realized just how unpopular Obama is in the Sin City! It seems ole' Obama Man cannot get it right at least with out his teleprompter! If you remember last year when he was less than cordial in his attempts to curb Business from spending money foolishly like going to Las Vegas! Ohhh! That did not sit well for either side in Las Vegas. I was there shortly after and talking to the Peopl...

PC Gone Amuck?

April 24, 2010 21:15

In America today we have a very big problem with rampant Political Correctness. This brings me to three points to argue. First on my list today is the problem that The creators of The Animated TV Show South Park have found themselves in. I am not a big fan of the series but have seen some episodes over the years. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have poked fun at everyone and everything, more in line with very over the top satire than any singling out of any one idea, place or person. So what...

Bed Quake

April 21, 2010 03:45

The scene is a small San Fransisco apartment, sparsely furnished. A man and his wife are talking: "Well, dear its almost 11 o'clock and we should really get to bed!" "Why do you want to go to bed this early? What DO you have in mind?" "Well, I... ah.. maybe we could make love?" "Hmmm, I guess, I do have a headache" "Oh, and uh sweetheart, could you do something special for me tonight?" "Like what, pray tell?" "Could you wear that skimpy little outfit, the one with the over the should...

NASA Do WE Really need it?

April 19, 2010 15:13

Podcast here! Again and again and again, President Obama just will not let go of his vision of a European America. You know the one, where there is no lower class just a low class and the ruling elite. So last week he set his Obama-target on NASA, and if you have half a brain you could have seen this coming. What better way to tear down our superiority than with the drowning of NASA. How arrogant it is of us to go to space, to the moon or beyond when so many people are living in squalor o...

My Mom's Sister at 101!

April 16, 2010 18:46

My mother came from a family of 12. The Engberg's of Crosby North Dakota. My mom passed away August 25, 2008. Now there are two from the Family left. They are my Uncle Ken at 90 and My aunt Ann at 101! My aunt is affectionately known to a lot of us Nieces and nephews as Annie-Bear. When I was very little, my mom was reading me the story of the three bears in my Aunt Ann's apartment in Minot. As she went down the list of the Pappa Bear then the Mama Bear and then the baby Bear, I piped up and...

Education in the USA

April 15, 2010 18:07

Podcast for today Also now on iTunes: rdavidadams Every once in a while education comes forward to be talking point. I was watching the TV the other day and I heard someone talking about getting rid of the Education department at the Federal level. That got me to thinking. Across the country, state by state we are spending more and more money and getting less and less! The overall grades of our students are falling, yet the cost keeps going up! How much money are we spending? The Nat...

My new favorite word!

April 12, 2010 23:04

Podcast Click Here I have found a new favorite word! ruminate! Definition: transitive verb 1 : to go over in the mind repeatedly and often casually or slowly Certainly not something our Congress is very intent on ever doing , that is until their replacements arrive in January. I bet there will be a lot of ruminating then! My least favorite word today is Congress. I used to tell a joke that pretty much sums up what congress really is. If the opposite of Pro is Con then the opposite o...

What you do and say does have consequences

April 08, 2010 22:16

It struck me again, now I will help it strike you too! Remember when President Clinton got caught with his...... and he said He never had sex with that woman? See you do remember! How long did it take before all through the teen world, the tween world and the world of adults with teen minds (the 20's) started saying hey Oral Sex is not sex. I wonder where they got that idea? Now, Years later President Clinton is the Poster Child for Testosterone excess. For good or bad what we say has co...

New Comedy to air Monday nights on the Obama Channel!

April 07, 2010 15:44

From the creators of "Birth to death"' "the Nanny" and "Everyone Hates Obama" comes this fresh new Comedic Farce... 16 Ways to Nuke the USA and Survive! Watch as the totally inept tweeners in the Hussein Household try to give away Government secrets to the lowest Bidder! Its a Riot! See how to strike fear and Loathing into Las Vegas and other towns we don't need anymore! Feel the frustration with Daddy Hussein when he tries to explain the Health benefits of abortion! The laughter boils ...

Fermenting in a Drawer

April 06, 2010 19:12

"I Fred Dred tell you in wholesome honesty, I will not go to Washington and vote for any Health care bill that includes abortion!" The crowd roars its enthusiasm! The Lights go down the Sun sets and the people go home. Meanwhile Fred Dred gets on his plane and heads back for Washington. "Hey Fred welcome back! Your just in time to vote on this awesome healthcare measure we have cobbled together!" "That's nice Helmet! Do you know if they got the wording in there so Public money cannot be u...

Where Have I been?

April 05, 2010 18:29

It seems as much as I love doing theis Blog the more things in the real world keep getting in the way! Everyonce in a while something really gets my ear and/or eye and I feel I have to blog. That explains why this blog comes and goes I guess. I really want to restart the experiamnce again and I do thingk my life has slowed down enough and stable enough for me to try this again. And then of course there is Obama, you know President Hussein! But that is for tomorrow. Right now a reminder th...

Better Luck next Time

January 22, 2009 19:41

<!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> I suspected from his speeches over the last year that Obama wa...