Previous Episode: NASA Do WE Really need it?
Next Episode: PC Gone Amuck?

The scene is a small San Fransisco apartment, sparsely furnished. A man and his wife are talking:

"Well, dear its almost 11 o'clock and we should really get to bed!"

"Why do you want to go to bed this early? What DO you have in mind?"

"Well, I... ah.. maybe we could make love?"

"Hmmm, I guess, I do have a headache"

"Oh, and uh sweetheart, could you do something special for me tonight?"

"Like what, pray tell?"

"Could you wear that skimpy little outfit, the one with the over the shoulder boulder holder and the short short short skirt?

"Why on earth would you want that?"

"It's exciting that's why!"

"Ok, i will get ready then you come in a moment."

"Ok sweety"

The sweety, er I mean the wife exits the room and then the husband picks up his cell phone and dials a number:

"Hi, is Abudabba el Dimwit there?, yes this is Shaleem. The plan is working perfectly and now after years of planning and a terrible marriage, we will destroy San Fransisco and many Infidels"

"Honey what did you say dear?"

"Ah nothing, I am on the phone getting the weather report!"

"I have to go Abudabba, my so-called wife is putting on very skimpy clothes! No I am not going through with the sex, I wont need to!"

"Honey I am ready!"

"Ooops I gotta go Abudabba, Heil! Osama!"

Now the husband goes to the bedroom to look, and there his wife is scantily clad!

"Allah Be Praised it is done!"

"What the heck are you talking about"

The building starts to shake, its an earthquake! The building starts to crumble and then an enormous eruption and all of San Francisco disappear in a great chasm!!! As the Husband goes down, he is heard to say:

"I love those scantily clad women they are better than bombs! AYeAYEEEYAYAY!"

Reporting in the news the next day:

Women who dress provocatively and tempt people into promiscuity are to blame for earthquakes, according to Hojatoleslam Kazim Sadeghi, who says women and girls who "don't dress appropriately" spread "promiscuity in society."
"When promiscuity spreads, earthquakes increase,"

Pretty much what Carole King said in her classic song, I feel the Earth Move.