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Again and again and again, President Obama just will not let go of his vision of a European America. You know the one, where there is no lower class just a low class and the ruling elite. So last week he set his Obama-target on NASA, and if you have half a brain you could have seen this coming. What better way to tear down our superiority than with the drowning of NASA. How arrogant it is of us to go to space, to the moon or beyond when so many people are living in squalor on this planet. He continues to apologize to the world for American exceptional-ism, for our trying to keep the world safe and now for leading the western world in Space. I mean anyway whats the big deal, NASA is costly and what do we get from it anyway?

I am about to give a glimpse into the benefits of NASA not in outer-space but inner space!

Lets start with basic of home life! Enriched baby formula. That's right you see it correctly. It seems NASA discovered some microalgae-based, vegetable-like oil called Formulaid developed from long distance space travel research. It turns out that this "formula" contains two fatty acid compounds that are found in Human milk but not in baby formulas! Turns out they are very important to human baby mental and visual development.

How about Regenerable Biocide Delivery Unit, bet you didn't know that one! Its used for a NASA developed municipal size water treatment system for developing nations, it uses iodine instead of chlorine to kill bacteria.

I continue with Scratch resistant lenses, the ones you like so well or the ribbed swimsuit that makes swimmers faster or the cardio-muscular conditioner, how about real Moon Boot material in running shoes mid-soles to improve shock absorption and better stability. Not convinced? Try these: Dustbuster, shock-absorbing helmets, home security systems, smoke detectors, flat panel TV, cool sportswear, self adjusting sunglasses, composite golf clubs art preservation and more.

Just in case your still not convinced think about these products from NASA researcher and design: Solar energy, Forest management, Structural analysis, virtual reality, Laser Surveying, Compact disc material, Microcomputers, noise abatement, sewage treatment, air purification, digital imaging Breast biopsy system or LORAD, breast cancer detection, laser angioplasty, programmable pacemaker, ocular screening, voice controlled wheelchair, automatic insulin pump, portable x-ray, micro-lasers, high pressure water-stripping, advanced welding torch, Doppler weather radar, high temp composite material for vehicle brakes, advanced lubricants....

I guess if you still think we spend too much on NASA, you might never change your mind. I have listed but a few of the areas where space research from NASA has influenced our lives. It has done so since the late 1950's.

I know Obama didn't say he was gonna scrap NASA, but he never says what he is really trying to do. NASA has and is one of the kind of programs our National Government should be doing as it benefits the common good of the whole nation. It is taking the best and the brightest from 50 states and making one ideal.

NASA has not been without its problems remember it is a bureaucracy and will still in many ways serve its self, but they have proven that they have served us well. And we have not even talked about the impact NASA has had on defending out country...... AH HA! maybe that is why Obama will continue to undermine NASA. Since we are now a "nice" nation who has apologized for being great, we will soon have no enemies and will not need military technology and so therefore will not need NASA in the future.

If you think this is the last we will hear about the Obamanazation of America, your brain just isn't in gear. We have a little over two years left of this Marxist regime and who knows where he will go next!