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A word of advice to all those who voted for Obama for President, during the next election, please whom ever you vote for, please, please check out his credentials! It is very important!

I wonder how many people who voted for Obama actually knew his background? How many cared? Was it just a feeling of “we need change?” I cant stand whats going on? Weary of War? Or just weary of Politics? Cant stand the hostile Dialog? Sorry but none of these reasons qualify for abdicating your responsibility to be an informed electorate. The very hope of Democracy is based on an informed electorate. What does this mean? Simply you need to know the candidates, the issues and what you think about them in order to pick the correct man and or issue.

So did anyone actually think that Obama came out of nowhere? That just because he said there would be change, it would happen? Would it be the change that the electorate wanted? Obama in years past was not on the side of reformers in Chicago who were trying to change that corrupt political landscape. Obama came down firmly for the Daley organization. Did you know that before you voted? I am sure you heard about Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, William Ayers and Antoin Rezko. Did you think these were just people who were around during the same time as Obama? Just coincidence? Did you know that Obama chose to associate with these people? Do you know why these people are dangerous to the United States? Did you know the first election that Obama won was unopposed? Did you know he was involved with the discrediting of petition signers for his opponent that kept him from running? What I do not understand is how any one could miss this and a lot more. Obama ran on a platform that was totally the opposite of what he had done the decades before he began his run for the White house.

Obama kept reminding us of the importance of transparency in government and he was right, he just never bothered to follow through with it. Remember when he said on inauguration day “We will publish all non-emergency legislation to the website for five days, and allow the public to review and comment before the President signs it.” He broke this promise with the first law he signed! Remember how he told you that President Bush administration was the most secretive ever? Turns out he couldn't hold a candle to Obama and his bunch. They have denied more freedom of Information act requests than Bush, have held less Presidential news conferences than Bush did. Remember the promise to broadcast health care negotiations on CSPAN? Ever See One? Thought so. By the way what about the secret back door deals to get the Health care measure passed? For Obama to even an untrained eye its business Chicago Style.

Why do so many still seem to like him? The answer is complex, mixed in Race and creed. I never did like him as a candidate. One look into his eyes when he spoke belied a very angry man. If you want to know what someone is thinking just look into the eyes, they can tell you a lot. He looked like an angry man. One who at any moment would loose his cool and come unglued. I can not wait for the tell all books to let us know what the White House was really like inside with him at the helm. A few recent headlines give a hint at his real demeanor. President Obama says he is Furious about the Oil Spill cleanup process. Today a Furious President is canceling his schedule to deal with the spill.

He has been pretty unable to do anything for any grave situation that has come up in the last year or to deal with it in a Presidential way. It has become slip up after slip up. It seems to me the only way Obama can effectively work is by secret initiative as he did in the health care debacle. Maybe he needs to work out an "under the desk" deal to stop the oil spill in the gulf, or to deal with the Iranians or the Israelis. He sure seems to be effective as a manipulator and not so much as a manager. Gee, that is just what we were told during the election, that Obama had no experience in management. Guess he proved that correctly a time or two!

Here is the deal the Presidents approval rating is down to about 47% Depending on the Poll, from a high of about 65%. That in a bout a year and a half. I still don't think those numbers are that high for him. When I ask people about him time and again there is no support at all but then I live in a very conservative state, with good job numbers, positive balance in the states coffers and low crime rates.
With set back after setback in the news, Health care costs with the new Healthcare bill are going higher and higher and higher, and we haven't even started the program yet! You have the accusations of impropriety in offering a Job to Sestak via Clinton. That could turn out to be a big issue that will make Watergate look like a First Grade Picnic. Where are the Tax cuts for small Business. Where are the Tax cuts for college tuition? How is that stimulus package working for you. It seems the only success this current Administration has had is getting the Health Care bill passed, and that is so disliked by the American People that he will most likely loose big at the polls for his party this November! If this trend keeps up I do think he may have to resign and/or not run again in 2012.

Here is the deal, Democrat or Republican, independent or Libertarian, know your candidate and if you don't know then find out. As a country we cannot afford these kinds of missteps in the future. It is going to take a generation to get the Obama Administration Policies off our backs.