Previous Episode: I am an American

All the white cross neat in rows
the grass grown to perfection
the flowers in bloom
little girls in dresses and bows.

Little man hold the hand of your mom
he looks to you for security
he looks and looks for his Daddy
who was sent far away by a bomb.

Cute little girls who some day will know
all about love, hate, tragedy and war
and may take this walk again
with their little boy or girl in tow.

This scene in each generation repeated
Flanders, Paris, Rome and Seoul
Saigon, Kuwait, Baghdad and Kabul
Until the end of all and evil defeated!

Be watchful and wary of those who might carry
a grudge or the hate of few emissaries
be sure and remember  Evil never surrenders
the cost of your freedoms lie buried

The earth receives its heroes and holds them tight
against all future terror and devils at night
till the day shines anew when darkness vanquished
the King Of Kings sets all to right!