Previous Episode: How much more can we take?

Are Incumbents worried about the election cycle this year? Should they be? That all depends my friends on how quickly America forgets in the Political Season. In a country that tired of war after being attacked, so quickly, how then are we to judge whether or not the US electorate will not forget the very nature of the current Congress that produced this blogs question in the first place?
When it comes time to pull the lever, if they actually do that anywhere any more, will the person pulling the lever remember what happened in the last 2 years? Do they remember Obama trying to out spend FDR to try to get the economy on a positive track. How did it work for FDR? It did not, unemployment in 1932 was over 23% but in 1938 it was 19% and still 14% in 1940. We forget that it was WWII that pulled us out of the Depression state of the 1930's. Obama's policies of pouring even more money into the sink hole will just undermine the economy for more years in the future. We are looking at around 9 – 10% unemployment for some time. The president has no power authorized by the constitution to manage the economy. It is absurd that any one untrained man could do such a thing at all. Obama has increased the federal deficit by over 1 Trillion dollars! That cost is $42,370.55 per person, for you married couples that is $84,741! Do you have that in your pocket? This is not any more Obama's fault that it is George W. Bush and the Congress and Senate. They are all complicit in this. They all have to go.
When it comes to our esteemed representatives we assume we send them to Washington to do our bidding, not theirs. They are to look back to their State and districts where they come from and do what the people want. We did not want the Health Care Bill they pushed through but we got it anyway. Since the Passage of the bill we find out that the cost will be at least 500 Billion more over the next ten years and a whopping 1.5 Trillion over the following decade. That is 2 Trillion more than health care costs us now! Will the electorate remember that?
The electorate is fickle, they put us in this mess, they can take us out but will they? Today is primary day and what does it have to offer us? Time will tell but by the end of this primary season there will be a lot of new faces, but will it be enough? Last month, Sen. Arlen Specter was ousted by Rep. Joe Sestak in the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania, Tea Party-supported Rand Paul won the Republican nomination for the Senate in Kentucky.  Sen. Blanche Lincoln has a Democratic primary runoff against Lt. Gov. Bill Halter after she failed to win 50 percent of the vote. This is one southern democrat incumbent who most likely will not be going back to Washington! Even with former President Clinton behind her!
California, Nevada and South Carolina have some high-profile elections as well.
In California two political newcomers are in the lead for US Senate and Governator. Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard as well as the former adviser to John McCain's 2008 presidential run, has a significant lead over former Rep. Tom Campbell in the Republican primary to challenge California Sen. Barbara Boxer in November. The race for governor finds a business tycoon has the lead for the Republicans. Meg Whitman, Former eBay CEO, looks to have bounced back in the polls from the attacks on her immigration stance from California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner.
In Nevada's Republican Senate primary, Tea Party-supported Sharron Angle moved to the front in the polls, over former state Republican Party Chairwoman Sue Lowden and Las Vegas businessman Danny Tarkanian.  They are hoping to go against Navada's Harry Reid.
One can only hope that Obama's mismanagement of the Gulf Oil Spill, his blow-off of Arlington on memorial day and general lack of anything that resembles a Commander in chief will only help those trying to end this very dark time in our Nations History. 
If the conservatives can make big inroads into the Obama Power Structure,then we may see Obama retire instead of trying to win another election. If you fail at your job chances are you will not feel a lot of confidence in trying to do it again, we can only hope.