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After reading the story this morning of the 5 students in a Southern California School who were sent home because they were wearing an American Flag on their t-shirts I realize that we are not only under assault from radical Muslims but by the Mexicans as well.  We need to stop them from taking over our National Identity and stop them now!


Very simple, read on:

1) Close the border tighter than a drum holding nuke waist. Put up walls, bring in the National Guard and the army if needed and stop anyone from coming over unless they go through the check points provided.  This just makes common sense when you have at best, a Third World country with undoubtedly the most corrupt Government from the top to the bottom, on your border.  A lot of people want to get out and I say, yes! let them in,  but by the book, by the front door. Legally.  Don't start your chance at a new life by breaking a law in the very land that you want to settle in.  The reason you want in here is because your country has laws that are enforce against outsiders but are mostly ignored for insiders. 

2) Ban all American companies from labeling products in Spanish.  You want to know what you are buying then learn, this lands language. You want to speak Spanish then go to a Spanish speaking country.

3) Start requiring all students to learn English and stop teaching Spanglish as well. If you come to a country and want to take part in its greatness, then learn the language just like my ancestors did.  If you really want opportunity this is the first step on the road. If you just want a job to make money to send home to your "other" country then please stay at home and let someone else come who wants to actually take part in, and chase the American Dream.

4) Start Exporting illegal Mexicans (aliens to cover all other groups) back home. No matter how long it takes and  put their names on a no enter list. There are consequences to breaking the law and going back to the end of the line should be one of them. This news will travel fast and many will leave on their on accord, to try to come back in the legal way. Back in Mexico this will work in conjunction with #1 to stop the flow of illegals coming in.

That's it!

When you have a problem that is complex as the media are trying to tell us the illegal problem is, then the most direct route to tackle that problem will be the best and only solution.  This way we allow entry to people who need to get out of their god-awful country and get to a country of exceptional-ism, and be embraced the way other immigrants have.  We are all immigrants or from immigrant families, yet we are united in our country the way no other on earth has ever been.  Letting illegals in and to stay  is nothing more than a slap in the face of each of us. We welcome you to our land, but come in the front door with the idea of joining us and chasing the real American dream.  Exceptional-ism does not start with breaking a law, even to get into the greatest country on the face of the earth!