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Over the past few days the news has been coming fast and furious, oil spills and the politicians attempt to use it for their own benefit, New York City bombers who go through under Obama's Watch only to be stopped by the bombers own incompetence.  Floods, tornadoes, it goes on and on and it gets pretty overwhelming after a while. So today I thought something nice and uplifting was in order. American Innovation, from a very innovative Company called Apple. You know the company run by leftist hippies and righteous nerds!  In California no less!

So whats the big deal about Apple anyway?  How about right where you are now, at your computer, most of what you see and use today came from Apple engineers with a little shove from Xerox.  If you don't know that story look it up.

No Apple no Mouse, No Apple no Desktop with icons. Along the way, the reason why freedom and individual freedom to boot,  is why America is Great.  We have thousands of Companies like Apple that were allowed the freedom to innovate!   That is what makes America great, not the Government, not Government Money handouts, no Government Programs.  Imagine a light bulb developed by Congress or AC electricity by a czar of Obama's?  How about the automobile, how far do you think that would get developed by Government.  Broadcasting, just look at England where the Government Owns the air waves and the US where the people own the air waves and see the difference.

1976 Apple starts with a wooden box called the Apple computer made in a garage.  Basically a PC. In 1978 Apple sells the first affordable floppy drive.  But after a trip to see the innovative work done at Xerox (and coming away with it because Xerox said there was no future in it) and the hiring of several key employees,  1984 Macintosh! (Originally the Lisa) The worlds first object oriented, icon loving, mouse driven computer, fully 6 years before the PC would have Windows 3.11!  Macintosh operating systems, designed to work with one specific hardware motherboard. One of the reasons there is only one place to by a Mac. 1993  the Newton, a failure by Apple standards, but still one of the best handhelds ever. I still use mine 15 years later. Handwriting recognition that has yet to be surpassed and using the first ARM processor that made palm computing so popular! The new Mac OS X,  using Openstep from Steve Jobs Next Computer company. Beauty and simplicity and it worked!  Add to this list the Ipod in all its sizes and Iphone, now Ipad but don't forget the IMac the most successful and beautiful all in one Computer ever, period.  How about iLife? iMovie, iDVD, iTunes, iPhoto, and Garage Band. The power book notebook series of portables that wow every-time they come out with a new one.  Lets not forget the Mac Mini, so tiny so useful!  iTunes anyone? As I look around my room I have a Mac SE30, Mac LCIII and my Mac Pro  Quad dual, as well as two older Mac Portables and my lonely little PC which gets used once in a while!  My SE30 is from 1989 has 128meg ram, 80 meg Hard Drive and all in one and never once has it failed to boot. Same for my LCIII from 1992 and in fact it is wired to my local network and was the first computer I used on the internet in 1994.

This is just one of many American Companies who have never taken their eye off the ball so to speak and done it well. There are others like Johnson and Johnson, HP and more. So it makes you wonder why our car companies are so awful compared to the rest of the world.  Its not that we can't do it, its just the many companies look to the bottom line first, forgetting the product and thus never deliver either!

One of the ways Apple has been able to get their programs to work so well is developers  must get a Kit from Apple and follow its guidelines to be able to sell a product to run on an Apple or Mac.  This means every app runs the same.  They use the same interfaces and makes learning how to use a Mac a thing of beauty in itself.  To do the normal tasks its the same for all programs and there is no registry data base its all in the OS and the program.  Simple.

So now enter the Ipad and The Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission are in negotiations over which one will investigate antitrust action on the part of Apple's policy requiring software developers who devise applications for devices such as the Ipad and Iphone to use only Apple's programing tools.  That's right get the Government involved and the first thing they do is try to cut off the very thing that makes something work right!  I mean, "how dare they require someone to use their programming tools to make an application to run on their platform!  How dare they!"

Someone told me once that they used PC's because there so many more applications for them. I responded yes and most of them don't work very well or cause problems with other programs.  Now the Government wants to find a way to stop the very system that makes a Mac work right most of the time.  Like I said imagine a world where the Government is controlling and making everything! If you don't vote the current Congress and administration out of office this fall your going to find out just how bad Government can be.  And I do know this, you wont like it at all!