It struck me again, now I will help it strike you too!

Remember when President Clinton got caught with his...... and he said He never had sex with that woman? See you do remember! How long did it take before all through the teen world, the tween world and the world of adults with teen minds (the 20's) started saying hey Oral Sex is not sex. I wonder where they got that idea? Now, Years later President Clinton is the Poster Child for Testosterone excess.

For good or bad what we say has consequences. How down and out were we as a country during the days of the most ineffectual Carter Administration. Other countries took our people while we felt totally helpless. With the leadership in Washington at that time we were pretty much defenseless. It does seem that whenever the Democrats get in power we are always backpedaling, making compacts to reduce out weapons, downgrading our army, navy and reserves.

Today President Obama signed a treaty with Russia to par down our Nuclear weapons. For good or bad the Congress has to agree before its ratified. Obama has decided that we can no longer call Military Islamic's, terrorists, Or for that mater even reference that they are Islamic. It matters not that this so called religion is just an excuse for testosterone overloaded middle east males to be Lord and Master over their Wives. The very book they hold holy tells them to kill anyone who is not a believer. But that doesn't matter to Obama. we have to treat them fair, to be kind and to apologize for what ever we have done to them to cause them to hate us. (I am sorry but we were not even around when they wrote their holy book) Across the globe the Islamic Fascists, maniacs and religious nuts are having a field day! They are empowered to the point that they can do anything and even right here in our country.

Mohammed Al-Madadi from Qatar shows the result. A diplomat in our country with diplomatic immunity, has such little respect four our county, its laws and our fight against Islamic Terrorism that he pokes fun of our fear of them. (do they know something we don't?) He not only lights up a cigarette on an airliner headed for Denver but then jokes about lighting his shoe on fire in supposed reference to the shoe bomber.

When we give the enemy reason to feel good about their very existance in our country it is bound to lead us to more and ever more dangerous situations like the Mohammed Al-Madadi affair.
When we start acting like the weak kid in the sandbox, we are going to get sand kicked in our face. I think the sand is getting more and more dangerous every day.

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