From the creators of "Birth to death"' "the Nanny" and "Everyone Hates Obama" comes this fresh new Comedic Farce... 16 Ways to Nuke the USA and Survive!

Watch as the totally inept tweeners in the Hussein Household try to give away Government secrets to the lowest Bidder! Its a Riot!

See how to strike fear and Loathing into Las Vegas and other towns we don't need anymore!

Feel the frustration with Daddy Hussein when he tries to explain the Health benefits of abortion!

The laughter boils over in third world countries as they Watch Daddy bow before.... well anyone! LOL!!

On this Monday nights adventure, watch them give away our nuclear plans and tell our enemies how to Nuke us without revenge!

This Monday night at 9, 8 central! Then stay tuned for the comedy "The Oval Office" when the Big Man strikes the use of the words Enemies, Islamic extremism and terror from use throughout the land! Its a real Nirvana!

Its all happening this Monday night on the Lefty TV Network!

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