"I Fred Dred tell you in wholesome honesty, I will not go to Washington and vote for any Health care bill that includes abortion!"

The crowd roars its enthusiasm!
The Lights go down the Sun sets and the people go home. Meanwhile Fred Dred gets on his plane and heads back for Washington.

"Hey Fred welcome back! Your just in time to vote on this awesome healthcare measure we have cobbled together!"

"That's nice Helmet! Do you know if they got the wording in there so Public money cannot be used for abortion?"

"No its still in there!"

"Then I cannot vote for it!"

"Why the heck not? this is the Presidents Leading initiative we need this passed, its a cornerstone of his plans for his first term! You have to vote yes."

"...But I told my supporters in North Dakota that I wouldn't! I...I Can't!"

"Forget them, they will never remember anyway."

"But what do I tell them when I get back home?"

"Tell them you know whats good for them, you know what they really need. and when you go back home you talk this bill up like its the best thing since sliced bread and they will eventually agree with you! No worries!"

When politicians start to think that they know better that we do its time to vote them out of office. They were not sent to Washington to tell us what to think, they were sent to Washington to do our bidding not their own. They are our employee, not our priest!

Send the North Dakota Delegation Packing, let them come and live at home under the laws they passed and see how they like it!