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Seems a lot of Democrats need to look up that little word in the Dictionary because they have a rash of falsehoods from their candidates over the last several years.
Since when did telling an out and out “lie” become “misspeaking”? It is what it is, if it is not the truth it is a lie by definition.
According to Fox News; Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal on Tuesday acknowledged that he has "misspoken" about his record but described those instances as few and far between.  The record they are talking about here is his VIETNAM record. According to the New York Times "We have learned something important since the days I served in Vietnam," Blumenthal, a Democrat, told a veterans group in March 2008.  Blumenthal reportedly told military families gathering to show support for U.S. troops that, "When we returned, we saw nothing like this." Then Blumenthal said this enlightening half truth: "On a few occasions, I have misspoken about my service and I regret that and I take full responsibility," Blumenthal said they were "absolutely unintentional," and said the mistake has only happened a few times out of "hundreds" of addresses he's given.  He said he was "proud" of his service in the United States Marine Corps Reserve.  Blumenthal goes on to say "Unlike many of my peers, I chose to join the military and serve my country," he said. "I will not allow anyone to take a few misplaced words and impugn my record of service." 
Ok, so now after spending nearly ten minutes laughing at the incredulous stuff that I just read I have only one question, how do you casually mis-speak about a very dangerous event that you did not take part in?
Problem is Democratic Socialists do not like the military, they don't like the military anything. Don't sit there and say “that's not true” because in your heart, as you think back over the last 40 years, you know it is true. To make you think that they do like the military and are for military strength, they make stuff up as they go. If the truth is not convenient enough embellish it. Tell a lie, who will know? Have these people been anywhere near this planet the last 15 years with the explosion of the internet and the ease of which we can find out nearly anything about anybody?
Do you really want someone who claims he misspeaks about being in a war zone to have anything to do with the military, especially in a civilian capacity? An even bigger question might be, is this the only thing he has lied about? Will he tell us lies about legislation he he is working on, for or against? You see once you tell a lie, how does anyone ever trust you again, are you lying again? Telling the Truth? This is the root of the biggest problem we have in Washington, they all lie to us and we take it as truth!!  No more, if you hear a Congressman, a Senator or the President say something then check it out for yourself. My pastor for many years always reminded every congregant to bring a Bible to church, any one can stand up and say anything and you need the manual to check it out.
This then brings me to another point. Why do we pay these increasingly idiot Congressmen and Senators money! They can not even take the time to read a bill. This has been going on for years and has reached its height of ridiculousness during the reign of his Highness the most serene Hussein Obama.
Case in point, the Arizona Immigration bill. Notice the left going out of their minds and calling this bill racist, something that Nazis would do, and worse. Seems no one actually read this bill, so for those of you who did not here is from Section 1:
Section 1.  Intent
The legislature finds that there is a compelling interest in the cooperative enforcement of federal immigration laws throughout all of Arizona.  The legislature declares that the intent of this act is to make attrition through enforcement the public policy of all state and local government agencies in Arizona.  The provisions of this act are intended to work together to discourage and deter the unlawful entry and presence of aliens and economic activity by persons unlawfully present in the United States.

Do you notice that there is no mention of race, creed or color, in fact the only mention applicable to people is to discourage and deter unlawful entry by ANYONE! That can be read race, color, religion and politics as well. If your purple it applies to you only if you are trying to or are already here ILLEGALLY!

In Article 8:
11-1051.  Cooperation and assistance in enforcement of immigration laws; indemnification
A.  No official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state may adopt a policy that limits or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law.

So this says the National Federal Law that is on the books must be followed. How bad is that? Not!


B.  For any lawful contact made by a law enforcement official or agency of this state or a county, city, town or other political subdivision of this state where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person.  The person's immigration status shall be verified with the federal government pursuant to 8 United States code section 1373(c).

Oh! Those Nasty Arizonans! How dare they!

So our esteemed Attorney General Eric Holder, had warned the law could create a "slippery slope" toward racial profiling, then according to Fox News told a House committee last week that he had not read the bill. So how did he come to the conclusion that it was racial profiling? Because to a Socialist everything has to be about race of course. Then Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admitted she has not read it, even though she's gone on television to say that it was "bad law enforcement law." How does she know this if she has not read it? She cant, its just more socialist dreaming.

Do not forget that no one read the Health bill either, and since it passed, a lot has come out about it that should have been discussed in the course of a debate, but since it was needed asap there was no time, Trust us they say, are they nuts? Trust an administration that has done more to destroy the fabric of this nation than any other in the History of the United States? An administration that does not read bills before commenting on them, or even voting on them for that matter?

People we are in a “pickle” so to speak, and the longer this socialist administration is left in power the father down in the pickle jar we sink, till only a new American Revolution can bring us back. I still stick by what I have said before, as a Country we are headed to a dissolving into three separate countries, the East the center and the west. Just think how happy all the dictators in the world would be, how happy Europe would be that we would dissolve and sink to their their low level. Happy that is until the next world Dictator wants to take over and then they discover there is not Shinning city on the Hill, No America, No USA to come and save them. A dark day indeed for the world, and this November another dark day is coming unless we stand our rightful ground and throw the bums out of office!