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Have you noticed that in the last few days it seems that multiple news headlines are about devastation, everywhere? I mean not just devastation in the way we normally think about it but also in politics, education,science, technology. It almost seems that the World is ready to unhinge. I think it is. First lets look at some of these headlines and stories.

President Obama's top intelligence adviser, Dennis C. Blair, has resigned and most likely due to the many breaches of security we have faced in the last 6 months. It seems he might be a fall guy for the administration, but who really knows?

The Senate on Thursday passed the most sweeping regulatory overhaul of the financial system since the New Deal. It uses Government overreach to get in the way of private transactions, there is no “too big to fail” company, let one fail and the rest will tow the line on their own. Nothing better than a shot of reality and a good dose of money loss to get peoples attention, and a lot cheaper too!

Arizona responded to the Los Angeles city council boycott with a suggestion of its own: cutting power to the nation's second-largest city. The Arizona Corporation Commission has offered to pull the plug on Los Angeles, noting that Arizona's power plants supply electricity to 25% of the city. All this is the direct result of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT not doing its job to secure the boarders. What if one illegal crosses with a WOMD in a back pack, wanna bet the problem would be on the front lines of the Administrations things to do memo?

A Texas man with no military experience tricked the Army into letting him enter a reserve unit as a non-commissioned officer earlier this year, a deception that placed an untrained soldier in a leadership position in a time of war, an Associated Press investigation has found. Who else can get in to our armed services? Do we even know?

Stocks erased Friday's earlier 150-point loss to move solidly into positive territory as the nation's big banks led the markets higher. Two things here, why would you invest in big banks just because the Federal government has just gotten in bed with them? Seriously this is not a stable market. Also why the big fuss over a 150 point gain, after a 150 point loss when the markets them selves have gone from 11,280 to 10,152? Thats a drop of 1128 points, isn't that the news?

An international investigation team offered evidence that North Korean submarine fired a homing torpedo that caused a massive underwater blast that tore the South Korean warship apart and 48 died. Our esteemed Mrs. Clinton says “the communist country must face international consequences for its actions. “ You and I know that nothing will happen, North Korea knows the world will not deal with him and why should he worry?

An assistant principal at a Florida middle school sent a topless photo of herself to a 14-year-old boy, police say. No Comment needed.

Measles is making a rapid comeback in African, Asian and even some European countries despite being easily avoided through vaccination, the World Health Organizations said Friday. Close to being eradicated, now on the march again, because kids not getting shots. Money and false claims about inoculations is most likely to blame.

The massive expansion of requirements for businesses to file 1099 tax forms that was hidden in the 2,409-page health reform bill took many by surprise when it came to light last month. But it's just one piece of a years-long legislative stealth campaign to create ways for the federal government to track down unreported income. Everyone tried to warn Americans about this bill and now its starting to come to roost, just hang on to your wallets!

With a fresh set of tough sanctions on the table, Iran lashed out Wednesday against U.S. efforts to punish the nation for its nuclear program. Did we expect anything less?

From the Top down, the President on down, from all around the world we are under attack, not in the sense of 9-11 but in the sense that there are getting to be so many bad players are we going to have to start supporting players that are not so bad? Take a good look at the news this weekend, be sure to get it from a couple of sources to ward off getting more bias from one or the other and take note of just what is happening. Humans on this planet seem bent on planning their own doom. Some times I wish there were Aliens to come from the skies and stop this, but its our problem and any Aliens that might be out there, if they can get here, are smart enough to stay away from our problems. The plight of man is man is not a nice, but is very capable of doing very bad things.

Keep safe.