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Arizona, take off your rainbow shades
Arizona, have another look at the world

Lyrics from the song Arizona by Mark Lindsey in 1970, yes the Mark Lindsey the Record Producer and Voice of Paul Revere and the Raiders and the Raiders. Seems Arizona took a little while but they have seen the light and taken off the rainbow shades. They now see with a clarity that many in the United States cannot or do not want to see. They see how illegal immigration is not only ruing their state, costing them billions of dollars and a huge mess of litter to clean up but is a real chink in the armor of our defense against terrorists. Yes Obama there really are terrorists!

Most thoughtful Americans agree with the bill passed by Arizona, once they have read it and see it only says that Arizona law enforcement must follow Federal Law. Nothing more.

Arizona is now doing it again, doing it is what I mean by acting like a Real American and standing up for American rights against the onslaught of the World. Arizona is taking a stand in education now. They dare to say that an English Teacher must be able to speak and read English! How dare they?

Would your school district hire a Geography Teacher if they could not find Australia on a map? I really rather doubt that!

Would your school district hire a Math Teacher who cannot add and subtract correctly?

Would your school district hire a Science teacher if they did not know what an atom was?

Would your school district hire a Music teacher that could not sing or play any instrument or even read music? I dare say NO!

Would your school district hire a History Teacher that did not know anything about history? Ok OK! I hear you, yes, we know that there is a lot History rewriting going on from the left, but at least they know what History to rewrite!

So why is everyone getting on Arizona for making sure that Teachers who teach English actually can talk read and write English with proficiency

Just another example of of the left taking any issue and twisting to make it sound like it is something you would not want. The left has been in charge of our Education system for 40 + years and we are now paying a terrible price for their blasphemy.

According to the Labor Department last year, the price of education increased faster than the price of medical care over the last year! 27 out of the 30 years, the price of education grew faster than medical care, 29out of 30 years faster growth than inflation and medical actually beat inflation for 27 of those years, that is it did not grow faster than anything else. Did we hear any talk from the Obama crowd about a sweeping 6,000 page bill to fix the education Fiasco? No you did not, the agenda of the Obama crowd was health care takeover no matter what and even if it was not needed. It was not about saving money as they claim or we would have had a huge education bill instead. But the left knows that they own the education system in this country. The only challenge to this seems to come from Texas!.

Why is it when you start to speak of English only or no bi-lingual language for America the left comes unglued? It is simple, they have figured out that those new immigrants and the destitute of America can vote them into office. It surely would not be because they think uncontrolled unbridled immigration was good for us.

When will we wise up and understand what is happening to the United States, today, tomorrow or after we have become impotent like Europe? Arizona, it turns out is our last and of today, the best defense against illegal immigration. If it is that easy to get into America, don't you really think its that easy for a terrorist?

We are fighting these battles today because of a manifesto... the communist manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels written in the 1800's With the exception of a small handful, most countries that tried this route found out that socialism with totalitarianism is so repressive there ends up being too little production to sustain a country trough even the harshest of taxation policies. So in the early 20th century a more pure form, of socialism was trotted out. This was a bane to freedom loving peoples and countries of the world. It worked inside the frame work of freedom to defeat it. It relies on that fact that at our core as humans, the thought of getting something for free is a very strong motivation. The original Pilgrims who came to America to establish Plymouth Colony had a requirement that “all profits and benefits that are got by trade working, fishing or any other means” were to be “common stock” and “all such persons as are of this colony are to have their provisions out of the common stock!” Talk about your socialist agenda!

The pilgrims suffered a 66 day brutal-voyage, reached Cape-Cod in November of 1620, too late to build much of anything and they ended up living on the Mayflower and were hit with disease and only half remained alive by the spring. The Pilgrims struggled for two more years until William Bradford, their leader reorganized the colony on Biblical principles. Gone would be the communal (communist – socialist) system. Every one was given a parcel of land and they could keep all they produced. This caused a stunning change, everyone worked twice as hard and they never starved again. By 1624 they were able to start to export commodities. The very founding of America has a couple of lessons for us, Religious freedom was the reason for Plymouth and the change from socialism to capitalism was the reason they and us today flourish in the world.

So to all of you, a reminder that we were founded on Religious freedom, enjoy our bounties due to capitalism and need to impart that to the next generation via education. Listen to what our founding Father George Washington had to say:

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence—it is a force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” Benjamin Franklin

You might want to print them out and attach someplace you can see them everyday and use them to judge the news events that happen everyday.