Latest Adhdresources Podcast Episodes

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids artwork

The Power of Chores

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - January 20, 2023 04:35 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
CHORES...AHHHH! It has become such a bad word that kids are only motivated to do through incentives and money making. This is where I want to challenge you to make a mindset shift!  Instead of chores being a bummer, what if we look at them as an opportunity!?  An opportunity to grow confiden...

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Let's FOCUS on Connections- Interview with Angie Grandt (SLP & Parent Coach)

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - January 12, 2023 05:02 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
When we hear "you need to focus" that sends chills up your spine, doesn't it!? It sure does mine! Oh how I wish it were that easy! But in this episode you will be introduced to the word "FOCUS" in a whole new light as we see it through the lens of helping us connect with others in different envi...

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Novelty in the New Year!

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - January 06, 2023 04:27 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Do you ever change your bedroom around when you get bored of the set up? Does your brain get excited when a novel idea comes flooding in!? That's because our brains crave novelty. This means that my brain craves novelty too and wants to change up my podcast intro song!! This is where you come in...

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New Year Habits

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 30, 2022 05:06 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Make a New Year resolution they say!? Our ADHD brains say NOPE! Instead, let's create micro goals to practice and turn into HABITS! Creating habits allow you to do things without needing those executive function skills that are so tricky for us so often!  "Easier said then done" you say!? You ...

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Let's Be Prepared Over a Holiday Break!

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 23, 2022 04:03 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
We hear, "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" This is true for many and I for one am so grateful for what this season brings! As much a Christmas and the holiday season in general brings good cheer, it can also feel like a time of choas and disorder with all that is going on over the brea...

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It's Okay to Do Things My Own Way- Interview with Melanie Buckley

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 14, 2022 17:31 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Do you ever look around and think, "why are they doing that faster than me?" or "why is it taking me more steps to get this project done?" If so, you are absolutely not alone! Sometimes it feels things come easier to those around us and we work so hard for the same goal or result! Right!?  Thi...

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Are My Senses Really Hypersensitive Too!?

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 08, 2022 05:49 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Abolutely hypersensitive senses can be a trait that those of us with ADHD have! This is also something that can trigger emotional dysregulation or other misguided reactions due to low self-awareness. In this episode, you will start out hearing from our 8 year old friend Geovanne who has a brilli...

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Introducing Calm Strips! Interview with the Creators

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 01, 2022 05:13 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Do you even feel anxious in different situations and you wish you had something to do to help your mind and body find calm!? Look no further! In this episode, you will meet Michael and Luce who are the cofounders of Calm Strips. This brilliant product sticks on and off of any surface (phone, i...

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Movement Helps Your ADHD Brain Grow: Interview with Dr. LaCount

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - November 24, 2022 05:35 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Did you know that movement actually has the power to help your brain grow and function better throughout the day!? It's true! In this episode, you will meet Dr. Patrick LaCount who is a Psychologist from Fort Collins Colorado. Dr. LaCount specializes in helping those living with ADHD explore h...

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Did You Know ADHD is Hereditary!?

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - November 17, 2022 04:13 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
ADHD is a neurological difference that research shows often runs in the family! In this episode, we talk about why it is important to get your ADHD diagnosis so that it can act as a roadmap for how your brain works differently. On this journey you will discover which Executive Function skills ar...

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How to Respond to a Bored Busy Brain with Dr. Tish Gentile

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - November 10, 2022 05:09 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Raise your hand if you hear "I'm bored" or you struggle internally with this thought!!? We have busy brains, what can be boring about that;) This is a common struggle that those of us with ADHD brains have because we are constantly seeking that dopamine and when we are low, we feel a deep sense ...

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In Your Face! The power of visual tools for your brain

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - November 03, 2022 03:36 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Do you ever feel like you are in a constant state of forgetting things or unsure of what to do next!? This is because working memory, organizing, prioritizing, and even task switchig can feel tricky for our ADHD brains!! This is also why you NEED to practice the strategy and use tools that get...

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Let's Talk About Your ADHD Journey

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - October 27, 2022 04:56 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
This episode took a turn when my 10 year old ADHD warrior sat at my desk and said, "mom! I want to record an episode on my own!" What started off as a quick audio recording, turned into her taking notes and sharing some of her ADHD journey with you all, along with some tools and strategies that ...

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Becoming "Habit Aware" of your Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRB)

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - October 20, 2022 04:09 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Confession time...When I was a young teen, I started picking my eyebrows and eyelashes. What started as a repetitive behavior when my brain was  anxious or dysregulated, quickly turned into a habit that I was ashamed of and didn't want anyone to know about. Who else can relate? In this episode...

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What's in your ADHD Toolbox?

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - October 13, 2022 03:54 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Have you done a self-assessment/reflection lately of what tools you are using to make your days successful? This might sound like an adult thing to do, but kids need to do this too!  In this episode, you will first hear a song, sung impromptu, by my 6 year old ADHD warrior! She sings of heartb...

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Navigating Your Journey with ADHD Life Coach Tyler Dorsey

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - October 06, 2022 03:36 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Go to to get on my email list and recieve the latest podcast episode each week with additional resources on the topic at hand!  Welcome back to episode 101! We made it past 100 and I am super excited to learn and grow alongside you all. Thank you for being here on this ADH...

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Celebrating Your ADHD Gifts & Strengths with ADHD Brain Health Coach Brittany Hochstetler

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - September 29, 2022 05:03 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
AHHH! We made it to episode 100!!! Wohoo! To celebrate in a special way, this episode starts off with some of our fabulous ADHD warrior friends who were brave to share their personal strengths and gifts with us!! I always love to hear from my listeners, so please reach out if you would like to s...

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Diving Deep into Emotional Dysregulation with Dr. Carrie Jackson

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - September 22, 2022 03:22 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Do you feel like your emotions feel like a rollercoaster at times!? That's because they are often on the wild ride of emotional dysregulation! In this episode, you will meet Dr. Carrie Jackson, a brilliant child phychologist from San Diago California, who specializes in the ADHD brain!  In thi...

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STOP to Practice Grounding Your ADHD Brain

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - September 15, 2022 03:44 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Do you struggle with big, huge, intense emotions that effect your mind and body too!? I know I sure do and so do so many of us living with ADHD. This is because it can be super hard for our busy brains to regulate our big emotions in moments of stress, overwhelm, lack of sleep, or other reasons ...

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Jump into the Deep End of Your ADHD with Life Coach RJ Porfilio

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - September 01, 2022 03:52 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
This interview is a little longer than normal episodes, but everything our guest said was so powerful that I didn't want to cut any of it out! This might be a great episode to listen to in parts!  RJ Porfilio is an ADHD Life Coach from Denver Colorado. He lives with ADHD and has now started a ...

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Mindset Check: How to get on the Growth Mindset train

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - August 18, 2022 04:14 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Let's start with credit to my friend and music artist, Matthew West, who wrote and sang the song you hear near the beginning of this podcast. It is titled, "Never Ever Give Up!" You truly all are extrodinary and at times our thoughts tell us a different story! In this episode, we revisit the t...

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Tackling New School Year Nerves

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - August 04, 2022 05:07 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Raise your hand if the thought of a new school year brings about ALL the feelings?! I know it does for me too! You are not alone! This is something I think MOST kiddos can connect on and those of us with ADHD simply sometimes feel that anxiety at a more intense level and think more often about t...

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Boundaries That Help You Love Yourself and Others

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - July 22, 2022 04:26 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
BOUNDARIES are one of those super important topics that we don't talk about enough and often times we have a hard time creating them with ourselves and others! In this episode, you will meet my new found friend and fellow mama, Izzie Chea. She is an ADHD advocate/story teller who is raising tw...

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ADHD Can Hurt Sometimes

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - July 08, 2022 04:54 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Hey friends! In full transparency, this episode dives a little deeper into mentally, emotionally, and physically experiencing and expressing hurt when living with an ADHD brain. Too often your hurt is hidden and then projected onto those you love the most and then relationships are affected! I b...

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Create, Customize & Connect a Structured Routine for your ADHD Brain

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - June 23, 2022 05:19 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
AHHH! Our ADHD brains CRAVE a daily structured routine, but our busy brains have the hardest time CREATING it!! Some days feel impossible to navigate and this is why getting help to put a structured routine in place is a must!  In this episode, you will learn all about WHY our brain craves a s...

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It's Cool to Stand Out: The battle of wanting to "fit in"

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - June 10, 2022 04:51 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
" Why fit in when you were born to stand out!" Dr. Suess was on to something with this quote! Too often being "different" is tied to a bad thing and ALL kids struggle with the desire to just want to fit in with their peers. This challenge is greater for those of us with ADHD, because many kids a...

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Time Management & Learned Confidence with Dr. Kojo Sarfo

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - June 02, 2022 04:08 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
A FEW NOTES: Please forgive my audio quality as I experienced difficulty with my microphone this episode, but wanted you to hear from Dr. Kojo! Also, this is a longer episode that you may want to listen to in two parts. Lastly, I have been doing every other week due to family struggles, but I wi...

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Let's Learn About ADHD Medication: Interview with Pharmacist, Michelle Lum

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - May 19, 2022 04:29 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
WARNING: I know this can be a tricky topic, but I think it's important for kids to hear. This episode is simply meant to be informational and act as a conversational guide, if medication is a route you are choosing to take. This interview is not promoting medication. It does simplify the explana...

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Why Do I Put Things Off?! The battle of procrastination

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - May 07, 2022 04:58 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
ADHD and procrastination go hand in hand! This is because when we are faced with a task to do, there are a lot of executive function skills needed to start, carry out, and complete that task! There is also the overwhelm factor, avoidance due to fear of failure, or even the mere fact that the tas...

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ADHD & All or Nothing Thinking

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - April 28, 2022 05:17 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 92 ratings
Do you hear a lot of " I can't" or "I always" or I'm not good at..." Often times our brains can go to the extreme and hang onto the negative! This all or nothing thinking can take you down a slippery slope of fixed negative thoughts that leave you in a bad place mentally and emotionally! That's ...

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