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Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids artwork

Tests Do Not Define You: ADHD & Test Taking

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - April 16, 2022 10:42 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Taking a test has always been a battle for me. How do you feel about taking a test? Growing up, it always made me feel like I wasn't smart enough and it would be so frustrating to feel like I was trying as hard as possible and still the test or even sometimes assignments didn't show my effort! W...

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ADHD & Technology

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - April 08, 2022 17:34 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Our busy brains love technology because it gives us some of the things we crave...It provides a dose of dopamine, it triggers that imaginitive state of mind, and ignites that superpower of hyperfocus as it taps into an interest we have! This sparks joy and even can be a way we find our "calm" at...

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Episode 84- ADHD & Technology

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - April 08, 2022 17:34 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Our busy brains love technology because it gives us some of the things we crave...It provides a dose of dopamine, it triggers that imaginitive state of mind, and ignites that superpower of hyperfocus as it taps into an interest we have! This sparks joy and even can be a way we find our "calm" at...

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Not Fooling You: Your ADHD brain gets BORED for reasons too!

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - April 02, 2022 03:29 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
April Fools!! For my regular listeners, you may have been wondering if I was going to do an episode this week, but here I am one day late using April 1st as a perfectly good reason to delay the episode;) My daughter, Alayna, joins me in the beginning of this episode as we play off of April foo...

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Transition Time: Practicing the 3 P's

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - March 25, 2022 04:47 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Transitions can be super tricky for your ADHD brain sometimes! Between being pulled out of a hyperfocus, being asked to use that "flexible thinking" executive function skill, and the emotional control required to wrap your "here and now" thinking around task switching can all just feel like too ...

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Painting a Picture of Your ADHD Brain: Interview with 11-year-old Kendall

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - March 18, 2022 04:46 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
If you were to paint a picture of your ADHD brain, what would it look like? In this episode, you will hear from 11-year-old Kendall, who describes a beautiful chaos that would be hard to explain to others! Kendall also shares her greatest strengths, her areas of struggle, and the armor she uses ...

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Processing Your ADHD: Interview with 9-Year-Old Oliver

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - March 11, 2022 05:53 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
This episode leads with strengths, while also tackling some of our ADHD struggles. Do you have a hard time processing information? I know I do at times and it can feel frustrating. You and I are not alone as Oliver shares his struggle with processing in this episode.  9-year old Oliver is so b...

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Sharing Your Strengths, Struggles and Strategies with ADHD: Insightful interview with 8-year-old Addie

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - March 04, 2022 05:56 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
One of my goals on this podcast is to empower kids to let their voice be heard as an opportunity to gain confidence andSelf-esteem. Eight year old Addie wanted to share her persepective on living with and ADHD brain by inviting her peers to hear about her journey so you know you are not alone in...

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Sharing Your Strengths, Struggles and Strategies with ADHD: Insightful interview with 8-year-old Addy

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - March 04, 2022 05:56 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
One of my goals on this podcast is to empower kids to let their voice be heard as an opportunity to gain confidence and self-esteem. Eight-year-old Addy wanted to share her persepective on living with and ADHD brain by inviting her peers to hear about her journey so you know you are not alone in...

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Turning "I'm Sorry" into "Thank you!" : Shifting from shame to gratitude

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - February 25, 2022 04:47 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
PLEASE NOTE: This episode is about shifting "I'm sorry" for having a hard time into "Thank you for..." I absolutely believe apologizing is required when you've hurt someone, shown disrespect, or flat out disobey an authority.  Now that we are clear on that, you can rest assure that this episod...

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Practicing the Art of Friendship

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - February 18, 2022 05:35 - 7 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
"Difficulty with frienships" isn't on an ADHD diagnosis, but it sure is something that many of us with supercharged brains struggle with at times. It can be hard to make and maintain friends. It's not something that often comes natural. Many kids need an adult to facilitate and/or practice the s...

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ADHD Isn't a Bad Word: Interview with ADHD Influencer & Entreprenuer Angie Lee

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - February 11, 2022 04:20 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Angie Lee is a brilliant ADHD warrior who sees her brain as the ultimate gift that has driven her to be as successful as she is in the business she has built. In this episode she shares her unique ADHD journey as well as introduces the fact that our ADHD brains feed off of novelty! How can you...

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The ADHD Overwhelm! One Step at a Time

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - February 03, 2022 21:03 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Feeling "overwhelmed" is something I hear from all ages with and without ADHD! The added challenge when you live with a supercharged brain is that while feeling mentally and emotionally overwhelmed, you don't always have the skill to break down the overwhelm on your own.  In this episode, I wi...

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Let Your Voice Be Heard! Sharing your ADHD Journey with others

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - January 28, 2022 05:23 - 4 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
This episode is a call to all of my ADHD warriors out there. The #1 feedback I get from listeners is that you LOVE hearing other kids voices!! That's because we love to hear that we are not alone! It can be so hard to share about what you are thinking or feeling, and especially hard to admit that...

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Let's Talk About It! Meet two of my kiddos with ADHD

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - January 20, 2022 05:02 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
WARNING...This episode is a raw conversation with my two girls who are diagnosed with ADHD combined type. The sound may go up and down with conversation that doesn't fully depict the life we live with ADHD! This episode is a great opportunity to tune in with your kiddos and have them hear other ...

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What is ADHD Inattentive Type- Interview with ADHD Coach Damon Manley

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - January 12, 2022 20:44 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
There are three types of ADHD. The first is the primarily inattentive type, which we will talk about in today's episode. The second is primarily hyperactive, which we will discuss in future episodes. The third is combined type, which is a combination of inattentive and hyperactive. I have ADHD c...

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What is ADHD Inattentive Type- Interview with ADHD Coach Damon Maney

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - January 12, 2022 20:44 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
There are three types of ADHD. The first is the primarily inattentive type, which we will talk about in today's episode. The second is primarily hyperactive, which we will discuss in future episodes. The third is combined type, which is a combination of inattentive and hyperactive. I have ADHD c...

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Living Your Best ADHD Life- Interview with Ryan Mayer

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - January 06, 2022 13:33 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Living with an ADHD brain comes with challenges, but it also comes with some amazing superpowers too! How do you see your ADHD? Are you trying to fit in or stand out? Have you found your tribe of supercharged brains too? In this episode, you will hear from my friend and fellow ADHD brain, Ryan...

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids artwork

Happy New Year- What will you do in 2022?

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 31, 2021 05:01 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Sometimes it's hard for our all or nothing brains to stick with any sort of "New Year's resolution!" This is why, like everything else, we need to think outside of the box and take a different route to make changes to continue to grow in all areas of life!  In this short but sweet episode, you...

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Learning About Your ADHD Brain with Dr. Hallowell (Part 3)

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 23, 2021 06:27 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Why is getting an ADHD diagnosis important? So, you can learn about how your Ferrari brain works and then you are able to get the help you need with those "bicycle breaks." Just like you go see an eye doctor if you have a hard time seeing or a pediatrician (child doctor) if you are not feeling w...

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Interview with Dr. Hallowell (Part 2)- Psychiatrist & World Authority in ADHD

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 16, 2021 05:42 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
HE'S BAAAACK!! You are all in for a treat as this episode is the 2nd of a 3-part series interview with Dr. Edward (Ned) Hallowell. In this episode, Dr. H shares in detail how our ADHD brain works differently and gives some fantastic tools and strategies too. You will be reminded of the vast imag...

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Interview with Dr. Ned Hallowell- World Authority in ADHD

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 09, 2021 04:39 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
AHHHH! Interviewing Dr. Hallowell has been a dream of mine since starting this podcast and here is the 1st of a 3-part series of interviews with him! If you don't know him yet, Dr. Hallowell is a world-renowned psychiatrist who specializes in helping kids and adults with feelings and understan...

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids artwork

Morning Madness! Waking Up Like the ADHD Warrior You Are!

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - December 02, 2021 19:10 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Who else dreads the hustle and bustle of many mornings?! Once we open our eyes to start our day, a flood of executive function skills are being called on and that can just put you in a state of overwhelm and cause emotions to take over, going in a downward spiral if we let it! This is where you ...

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What are You Thankful For?

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - November 25, 2021 04:57 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Tomorrow many of us are celebrating Thanksgiving! Those of you from other parts of the world, I see you and am beyond thankful for you too! This is a fun episode where I talk with my daughter, who is 9 and also an ADHD warrior! We chat about being thankful for the unique way she is wired and s...

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"The Kindness Machine"- Discovering the Power in Kindness

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - November 17, 2021 20:43 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Being "kind" sounds like such a simple thing to do, but honestly it takes a lot of practice to show kindness to others and yourself! In this episode, you will hear from Christina Dankert, who is a teacher, author, and mama of 2 kiddos. She will share more about the power of being kind to others ...

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ADHD Paralysis: "I'm Not Lazy"

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - November 11, 2021 05:03 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Do you ever think "Man, I am feeling so lazy?" This is a common misunderstanding when you live with an ADHD brain! The truth is that one big battle that we are faced with is something called "ADHD paralysis", which is when we are up against a big task and our mind goes on overload, we freeze!  ...

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The Decision Making Rollercoaster

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - November 04, 2021 20:14 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Does your mind go on a spiral rollercoaster when faced with even the simplest decision!? This is because our brains struggle to prioritize or organize our thoughts around the decision being made!! This challenge sends down a road of shame and discontent as we are left wondering which choice to m...

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I Am the Grasshopper! See Me Fly!

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - October 28, 2021 04:27 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Have you ever said the works, "I want to be like..." or " I want to be normal!?" My question is...what is "normal" anyways and why would we all want to be the same thing!? For ADHD Awareness Month, I am trying to get more creative with my episodes and begin empowering kids voices to be heard! Yo...

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Nature Is a Gift to Your ADHD Brain

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - October 21, 2021 04:13 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Did you know that the simple act of entering into nature can give your brain the gift of Dopamine and Serotonin, just to name a few neurotransmitter chemicals that our ADHD brain can benefit from!  In this episode, I talk about these gifts that nature so graciously gives us and the benefits th...

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Knocking Down the Giant of Overthinking

Journey With Me Through ADHD: A podcast for kids - October 14, 2021 05:09 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 95 ratings
Who else is an "overthinker!?" This is soooo common among those of us with ADHD brains, because our minds are constantly in motion and it so easily goes into overdrive! Overthinking can be driven by fear or frustration with some of our executive function challenges! In this episode, we will talk...

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