PLEASE NOTE: This episode is about shifting "I'm sorry" for having a hard time into "Thank you for..." I absolutely believe apologizing is required when you've hurt someone, shown disrespect, or flat out disobey an authority. 

Now that we are clear on that, you can rest assure that this episode will give a fresh perspective on how to shift your "shame filled, self-doubt, and lack of confidence," to that of gratitude and growth! 

Creating these habits at a young age will product more confident busy brains as you navigate through the "oops" moments with gratitude for grace and a chance to try it again another day or even in another way! 

Please reach out if you would like to share about your ADHD journey on this podcast!! Kids LOVE hearing from other kids!!! It's a great way to connect and feel seen, while also taking a step of self-advocacy as you share what works best for your brilliant brain!! 

Visit for more resources, to order my book, "Hi, It's Me! I have ADHD" or to schedule a FREE 15 minute consult call with me if you'd like to seek additional personalized coaching. 

Love you all! I hope you have a blessed day!