Who else is an "overthinker!?" This is soooo common among those of us with ADHD brains, because our minds are constantly in motion and it so easily goes into overdrive! Overthinking can be driven by fear or frustration with some of our executive function challenges! In this episode, we will talk about how our overthinking takes over and feels like a "giant" in our mind! I share the story of David and Goliath to use as a visual for you to imagine using helpful stones (replacing what is wrong with what is right & making fear your friend) with the power to knock down those overthinking thoughts! 

Email me at [email protected]  to sign up for my upcoming virtual zoom seminar called "Why Mindset Matters with ADHD!" It will be on Friday, October 29th at 11-11:40 CST. The cost is $20 and includes a signed copy of my book, Hi, It's Me! I have ADHD" along with a zipper bracelet! The seminar will be recorded and sent out with the notes afterwards. There will be a max of 5 participates enrolled for this round and if all goes well I hope to host more in the near future! I want to keep it personal! I hope to hear from you soon! 

You can also visit my website to join my email list for upcoming events or for more resources! www.katelynmabry.com