We hear, "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" This is true for many and I for one am so grateful for what this season brings! As much a Christmas and the holiday season in general brings good cheer, it can also feel like a time of choas and disorder with all that is going on over the break! 

In this episode you will hear my little ditty, "Hey Hey Hey, Ho Ho Ho, It's holiday season and we need to know, what to do over break, when we come prepared it's a piece of cake!" Corny I know, and you will hear that my 10 year old isn't amused by my rhyme, but I'm hopeful it will be helpful to you!! Entering into break with a predictable plan will help you to feel more in control of those big intense emotions that often comes with the unknown. Remember, we crave order, but have a hard time creating it! This is why intentionally coming up with some sort of structure during break will be a helpful tool to use! Also, savor any extra rest given! Your brain and body will thank you for it! I give tips in this episode to stay hydrated, eat protien first thing in the morning, and make sure to get that body moving too!! The last part of the episode I share 3 R's to try to do during break. REST...REFLECT...RENEW! As I stated before, rest when you can to strengthen and grow that busy brain. Reflect on what tools and strategies work best for your brain and continue investigating what you can continue to try to tie into your day to make your brain and body happy! Continue to Renew that mind on a daily basis! On average, kids with ADHD hear 20,000 more negative comments before the age of 10!! That just hightens the negative self-talk that we too often let live in our heads! This doesn't have to be the way it is!! Choose daily to move those negative thoughts aside and push forward those growth thoughts that speak love and strength into your mind and heart! 

Trusted Adults!!! Check out my website www.katelynmabry.com to get on my email list and recieve a weekly email with the latest episode along with more tips and resources! Also, please message me if your kiddo would like to share his or her thoughts on the show! Kids feel even more empowered hearing from other kids! 

Sending hugs and love to all of you celebrating Christ's birth and/or simply celebrating with friends and family holiday season!