Do you ever look around and think, "why are they doing that faster than me?" or "why is it taking me more steps to get this project done?" If so, you are absolutely not alone! Sometimes it feels things come easier to those around us and we work so hard for the same goal or result! Right!? 

This is because our ADHD brains need us to show it some compassion and find the way that it figures stuff out best! We need to honor the fact that we are out of the box thinkers and at times things need to be looked at or presented differently so we can fully understand it. More steps, visuals, lists, whatever it takes isn't wrong, but simply your own unique way...that's OK! 

In this episode, you will hear from Melanie Buckley, who is a therapist who works with kids and adults with ADHD. She lives in Denver Colorado and works for a wonderful mental health company called, "Family Care Center." Melanie herself was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 6 and has very personal and professional insite into this topic at hand. She shares her own experience with this feeling of doing things at different rates or in different ways and gives wonderful analogies to better understand and feel more confident in the way your brain learns best! She explains that 2+2=4, but you may it may make more sense that 3+1=4 in your mind. This is a visual of how we can get to to same result or goal by taking different paths. Same holds true for doing a project. You want a wall to be painted blue...Your friend may paint it in two steps and with one paintbrush and you may paint it in 5 steps and use more paint tools to finish it up! Neither way is right or wrong, it's simply unique to the way each of you feel most comfortable and confident gettiing it done!! Malanie is a great resource and you can find out more about this amazing company at

Check out my website to get on my email list and recieve the latest podcast episode straight to your inbox each week. I also included added tips and resources that may be helpful for you on your journey. You can also snag a copy of my book "Hi, It's Me! I have ADHD." This is a great conversation starter and makes a great teacher gift too! 

Can't wait to be with you again next week! Love you all!