Hey friends! In full transparency, this episode dives a little deeper into mentally, emotionally, and physically experiencing and expressing hurt when living with an ADHD brain. Too often your hurt is hidden and then projected onto those you love the most and then relationships are affected! I bring the statement "hurt people, hurt people" to life as we navigate the different types of hurts and two takeaways of how you can transform from hurt into healing! 

1. Identify and name the hurt you are experiencing and how you are hurting others because of that hurt. Be intentional about taking steps to release and work through the hurt so that you go from stuck to successfully finding strategies/armor that work for you.

2. Practice forgiving yourself and others. Forgiveness allows you to stop the cycle of hurt to your own self- esteem and confidence. Forgiving others allows you to find peace in your heart and release resentment and anger that may have been stuffed inside!

I know this is a deep episode, but I think it is super important to have these conversations at young ages so that they can practice healthy habits and break the cycle of hurt.

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