Do you even feel anxious in different situations and you wish you had something to do to help your mind and body find calm!? Look no further!

In this episode, you will meet Michael and Luce who are the cofounders of Calm Strips. This brilliant product sticks on and off of any surface (phone, ipad, desk, etc.) and has texture that helps calm your nervous system when that anxious energy strikes! Not only do they have texture, but also come in a variety of designs, while also offering breathing techniques too! This multi-purpose tool can be helpful during test taking, homework time, or even used to ease those big emotions that can come when stuck in traffic! It's a great tool for kids and trusted adults alike! Michael shares that kids seem to enjoy trading the stickers as well, which is a great way to promote inclusion of the tool among peers. They are a helpful tool that also look cool! 

You can connect with Michael or Luce and learn more about how you can get your own set of calm strips at This would make a great stocking stuffer or teacher gift! 

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