Have you done a self-assessment/reflection lately of what tools you are using to make your days successful? This might sound like an adult thing to do, but kids need to do this too! 

In this episode, you will first hear a song, sung impromptu, by my 6 year old ADHD warrior! She sings of heartbreak and being on this ADHD journey together in her own sweet way! ADHD can be a challenging journey if its traveled alone and without any tools for success! 

I encourage you to dig into your toolbox to find what you are using that works and which tools you are missing in your day to day life to succeed and thrive!

Is your working memory a struggle? Do you have reminders set, visuals in place, or post-its in your face to help you remember? Do tasks/assignments feel overwhelming? Then are there tools in your toolbox to break things into chunks (checklists, only do ONE step at a time and celebrate it when completed!) Are you late due to time blindness? Then discover a tool that you can use to help you manage time better (ie: visual timer, alarms, set clock ahead, use Alexa, etc.) Are you completely disregulated emotionally? Then which tools can you use to find your calm? (ie: breathing techniques, going to a calming corner, coloring, fidgeting, get moving in some way!) Movement is fantastic tool that you can pull out to help east all executive function challenges as it releases chemicals that our brains crave to calm down! 

Visit my website www.katelynmabry.com to get on my email list and recieve weekly episodes with added tips and resources! Send me a message if you'd like to be on my show too! I'd love to hear from you! Or leave a review to help others see how this podcast has been helpful to you! 

Love you all! Have a great week!