New Wave Leadership Podcast artwork

New Wave Leadership Podcast

160 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 12 ratings

Old school leadership approaches are as irrelevant as they are ineffective, and it’s time for a movement! We need a new wave of leaders representing all identities, perspectives, and lived experiences.

This podcast is dedicated to expanding what it means to be a leader, who qualifies as a leader, and how to show up in our own unique leadership identity.

You can expect real talk about the behind-the-scenes issues leaders face and what it means to be a whole ass human, manage our capacity, emotional regulation, and stay the course when burnout strikes.

If you have little ears listening in - grab your headphones because this show is 100% uncensored.

Help us get the word out by subscribing to the show, leaving us a gold star review, or by sharing your fav episodes! You can find video recordings of all podcast episodes are available on our YouTube channel!

Discover your leadership style with this FREE quiz! Join the New Wave Leadership Coalition today and receive confidential consultation support for only $99 a month.

Show music is called Devil by Mama Yaya - produced by Jake Bass.

Careers Business Education Self-Improvement
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Season 3 Ep 18: Sheng Herr on Confidence As a Journey — Not a Choice

November 12, 2020 05:01 - 35 minutes - 48.2 MB

Has anyone ever told you that confidence is a choice? My guest this week, Sheng Herr, believes otherwise — and by the end of this episode, I think you will, too! Sheng is a Business Strategist and Wealth Coach for women of color. Due in part to her own upbringing in a culture with many limiting rules and expectations of women, Sheng is on a mission to empower other WOC to build their dream business, create their own wealth, and reach financial independence. In our conversation today, She...

Season 3 Ep 17: Sweaty Palms, Vulnerability Hangovers, and Being Transparent About Diversity & Inclusion

November 09, 2020 05:01 - 19 minutes - 26.3 MB

Welcome to (drumroll)... the final teaching episode of 2020! It's hard to believe I'm already wrapping up my first year as a podcaster — and what a year it's been — complete with three full seasons. It's been a huge learning experience for me, and you know I love sharing those learnings with all of you! With that in mind, I wanted to give you a behind the scenes look at a few aspects of the show. Most notably, I want to talk about my goals for diversity and inclusion on the show, and how I...

Season 3 Ep 16: Tasha Booth on Building Trust While Growing Your Team

November 05, 2020 05:01 - 42 minutes - 57.8 MB

This week's guest, Tasha Booth, is the founder and CEO of the Launch Guild, a course launch support and digital marketing implementation agency. Through the Launch Guild, Tasha supports established coaches and course creators, along with her team of over 20 members. And while she's a star in all things launch, we'll be talking about so much more than just that: The growing pains of stepping into a new role and delegating Avoiding turnover by anticipating your hiring needs Empowering y...

Season 3 Ep 15: Getting to Know You (Yes — You!)

November 02, 2020 05:01 - 8 minutes - 12 MB

One thing you may have noticed about me is that I thrive on human connection in a big, BIG way. But now, three seasons into Serving it HOT, I need to confess that sitting behind the mic can feel, well... a little one-sided! My conversation with Mai-kee (episode 10 of this season, in case you missed it) got me thinking about how much I want to connect with all of you. So consider this your formal invitation to tell me: your name and where you live what you're watching on TV a fun fact ...

Season 3 Ep 14: Unlearning BS Narratives & Embracing Courageous Conversations with Brigette Iarrusso

October 29, 2020 04:01 - 46 minutes - 63.2 MB

This week's guest, Brigette Iarrusso, is on fire with the purpose of accelerating entrepreneurial leaders and change agents who are driven by more than just profit. When it comes to deep connections and building safe spaces, Brigette is 100% passion and 0% BS — so you can see why I had to have her on the show! In our conversation, we cover a lot of ground: disrupting the harm in the business coaching and personal development space, cutting through the online "noise" to have a financially s...

Season 3 Ep 13: Let's Talk Launch Mode: the Good, the Bad, and the Button-Pushing

October 26, 2020 04:01 - 26 minutes - 37 MB

Lately, I've been in full-on launch mode for Ready! - My Grief, Loss and Trauma-Sensitive Certification Program for Coaches. Am I a launch "expert"? Hell no! But I think we need to bring the self care angle into these conversations a lot more than we have in the past. I know a lot of you are either curious about launching, or struggle with it, and hey — I get it. That's why I thought today, instead of the usual teaching episode, I'd just jam a little with you about what went on behind the ...

Season 3 Ep 12: In Defense of Dressing Up with Swapna Patel

October 22, 2020 04:01 - 38 minutes - 52.5 MB

All right, show of hands: who's listening to this episode in their sweatpants? I think we can safely say that athleisure, pajamas, and messy buns have become the default "look" of 2020 — but my guest this week, Swapna Patel, doesn't think it has to be this way. Through her business, Style Remixx, Swapna helps female business owners level up their style using what they already have in their closets so they can look like true industry experts. Thanks to her keen eye and attention to detail, ...

Season 3 Ep 11: Where Is Your Intuition Trying to Take You?

October 19, 2020 04:01 - 17 minutes - 24.1 MB

Sometimes we're intuitively called to do things that, as far as our logical mind is concerned, make absolutely no sense. I haven't talked about intuition too much on the podcast so far, but my intuition has led me to make some decisions that felt downright terrifying! But the only thing harder than honoring your intuition... is trying to ignore it. Intuition is that nonsensical, but absolutely clear, without a shadow of a doubt KNOWING that arrives from within that you just can't deny. It ...

Season 3 Ep 10: The Quiet Rebellion of Letting Go of "Should" with Mai-kee Tsang

October 15, 2020 04:01 - 32 minutes - 44.8 MB

For this week's interview, it's another first: my first fellow podcaster! But Mai-kee Tsang is so much more than just the host of the Quiet Rebels Podcast. She's a podcast guesting strategist and sustainable visibility mentor who helps purpose-driven coaches, copywriters, and online experts expand their reach, grow their businesses, and make a deeper impact on the world. Mai-kee has so many brilliant insights about not just podcasting, but also leadership, knowing your ideal client as well...

Season 3 Ep 9: Moving Into and Through Your Trauma Triggers

October 12, 2020 04:01 - 21 minutes - 29.5 MB

I've spent a lot of time lately preparing to launch Ready — my grief, loss, and trauma-sensitive certification program for coaches — and that means I've had trauma on my mind even more than usual. Did you know that 70% of us have a history of trauma, or with a past trauma experience? Yeah. That's a LOT of people! So when I discuss trauma on the show, I know that the majority of my listeners have been through it themselves. And that brings me to what I want to talk about on this episode. ...

Season 3 Ep 8: Brandon Love on the Importance of Uncomfortable Conversations

October 08, 2020 04:01 - 39 minutes - 53.9 MB

If you're a long time listener of the podcast, you know that by the end of all my interviews, I always want to have my guest on again. This week, we've got our first repeat guest: Brandon Love! A lot has happened for Brandon since his first appearance on the show back in February — so much that we had a whole list of things discuss. And let me just say: we didn't waste any time diving right into the deep end. "We have made politics in this country taboo. Why have we done that? It boils d...

Season 3 Ep 7: To Push Through, Or Not To Push Through?

October 05, 2020 04:01 - 18 minutes - 25.9 MB

Most of us don't become entrepreneurs unless we've got a little bit of that "work through lunch" hustle in us. But when you feel yourself flagging, you've probably wondered, "Can I just push through and get this done? ...Should I?" Of course, it would be great to offer up a quick, black and white, yes or no response to that question... but there isn't one. Every time you make that call, it's a totally unique situation — and every person is going to respond to it a little differently. S...

S3 Ep 6: Laura Slinn on Support, Supervision, and the Wounded Healer

October 01, 2020 04:01 - 38 minutes - 53 MB

My guest this week is the incredible Laura Slinn, Co-Founder of Avalon Empowerment and board certified trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Her firsthand experience in the power of working with the unconscious mind served as a catalyst for her spiritual awakening — and one of the many reasons she walked away from a successful career and devoted herself to helping other people achieve extraordinary results. "At the end of the day, there's really no better feeling than watching som...

Season 3 Ep 5: A Peek Behind the Scenes With Amanda Wermers

September 28, 2020 04:01 - 52 minutes - 72.2 MB

You probably already know that I'm a coach — more specifically, a business coach for women of influence. (that's you, listeners!) But if you've never worked directly with a coach yourself, you might have some curiosity around what it's like. Enter my special guest today: Amanda Wermers! As the owner and operator of Game Chest in Sioux Falls, Amanda has quickly forged a passionate community of game enthusiasts. She's also a super special client of mine. Originally, we toyed with the idea ...

Season 3 Ep 4: Chris Maxwell on Mindset Work and Positivity as a Superpower

September 24, 2020 04:01 - 42 minutes - 58.5 MB

My guest this week is Chris Maxwell, founder and CEO of Maxwell Strategies. He helps organizations both start up, and go through big changes, focusing on finding, building, and keeping momentum on what matters most. And when it comes to big changes and knowing what matters most, Chris is an expert — especially after the past year and a half. What began as seemingly minor tingling in his legs and feet escalated rapidly to the point where he spent almost four months on a ventilator. "When ...

Season 3 Ep 3: Understanding Your Decision-Making Tree From the Roots Up

September 21, 2020 04:01 - 15 minutes - 21.1 MB

Everyone's process for making decisions looks different. Two people in the exact same situation might take totally different courses of action — and here's the thing, one of them isn't necessarily "right" and the other "wrong." There are so many factors that go into how you make decisions. That's why you should never compare yourself to someone else when it comes to how they approach the tough stuff. Your decision making tree is unique to you! So this week, let's talk about some of the...

Season 3 Ep 2: Our Very First "Live" Q&A!

September 17, 2020 04:01 - 20 minutes - 27.6 MB

I've been planning this episode for a while now, and I'm so excited to put it out there for you all to hear! On this episode, I'm going to answer some of the great questions sent in by listeners. I'll be covering things like: Moving into a new focus with confidence — not disappointment The biggest lesson(s) I learned when becoming an entrepreneur The importance of "tangents" in journaling Making space for clients when you're having a totally crap week I hope you enjoy this episode ...

Season 3 Ep 1: How Can You Change the World When You Can't Get Off the Couch?

September 14, 2020 04:01 - 22 minutes - 31.4 MB

Right now, it's easy to feel paralyzed. It's easy to look at all the large, systemic, deep-rooted issues in the world and think, "What the hell can I do? I'm just one person. How can I actually change any of this?" I know because I've been there. So I want to kick off season 3 by telling you a story that starts with me, sitting on the couch, wrist-deep in some Haagen-Dazs... and ends somewhere I honestly never expected. If you're listening to this podcast, I already know that you want ...

Season 2 Ep 20: Kim Dansby-Berry on Money and the Freedom of Opportunity

July 09, 2020 04:01 - 38 minutes - 52.3 MB

We're finishing off season 2 of Serving it HOT with a conversation about a big source of fear for lots of us: money. My guest today, Kim Dansby-Berry, is the perfect person for this conversation. As the founder of Boreal Insurance Brokerage, the education of her clients is at the core of Kim's philosophies. She's had an incredible multi-decade career in the investment and insurance services spectrum. So when I tell you she knows money? She KNOWS money. And beyond that, she knows how money...

Season 2 Ep 19: Boundaries, Priorities, and Self-Reflection: 5 Tips for Staying Positive

July 06, 2020 04:01 - 15 minutes - 21.1 MB

Shoutout to one of my all-time favorite clients, Miss Mary, for inspiring this episode with a seemingly simple question: how do I stay positive and manage the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship? I admit, I had to sit with this one for a little while and really think about it. Eventually, I came up with this list of 5 different things I do to keep that positive frame of mind. Spoiler alert: these aren't hacks or shortcuts. But if you've enjoyed the sort of deep work we've been discussing...

Season 2 Ep 18: Jenn Mansell on Transformational Healing Through Breathwork

July 02, 2020 04:01 - 35 minutes - 48.5 MB

I've got an important question for any of my listeners who are feeling extra stressed, trapped, or wound up these days. (probably more than a few of you!) When's the last time you paid attention to your breathing? My guest this week is Jenn Mansell, certified breathwork facilitator and somatic coach, and she is all about helping people get out of their heads to develop self-nurturing practices. The best part is, you don't need expensive equipment or a plane ticket to the mountains of Tib...

Season 2 Ep 17: Who Really Belongs in Your Committee of Peers?

June 29, 2020 04:01 - 11 minutes - 16.4 MB

There are plenty of moments, as leaders, where we're tempted to crowd-source a decision from our committee of peers. Maybe you need some validation that it's OK to move forward with something risky. Maybe you don't fully trust your intuition, or maybe you're just well and truly stuck on making a decision! With this episode, I'm urging you to take a closer look at your committee of peers, and their role in your business. Who's in your committee of peers? When and why do you seek them ou...

Season 2 Ep 16: Asha Suppiah on the Power of the Subconscious Mind

June 25, 2020 04:01 - 33 minutes - 45.4 MB

I hope you're ready, because on this week's interview, we're getting deep — and I mean DEEP. My guest, Asha Suppiah, is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, and money mindset expert who helps her fellow women bust through their money blocks. (in other words: rake in the dolla dolla bills!) Asha knows all about money blocks, firsthand. She's had a long journey of ups and downs, starting at age 12 when she applied for her first patent. (Yes, really!) But then, seemingly over...

Season 2 Ep 15: Pumping the Brakes vs. Getting It Done

June 22, 2020 04:01 - 9 minutes - 12.9 MB

We've all heard the age-old saying "Timing is everything." Those 3 little words can be applied to comedy, relationships, and yes, even your business. But it's way too easy to get in our heads about the timing of things. How do you know when you're trying to speed things along by taking an ill-advised shortcut? On the flip side, how do you know when you're needlessly delaying something that just needs to get DONE already? Well, step one? Listen to this episode!

Season 2 Ep 14: Sarah Werner on Service, Self Care, and Sacrifice

June 18, 2020 04:01 - 38 minutes - 53.1 MB

Quick show of hands: who secretly dreams of having their own TED Talk? I know my hand is up! But while most of us love the idea of giving a TED Talk, we don't always think about the work that goes into making it happen. On this week's interview, Sarah Werner's here to share exactly that. A professional writer and podcaster, Sarah loves to help other creators find confidence and success. Last July, she gave her TEDx Talk, "When You Can't Help Everyone." Watching her speak, you'd never gue...

Season 2 Ep 13: Handling Those "I can't handle this!" Moments

June 15, 2020 04:01 - 10 minutes - 13.9 MB

No matter what type of leader you are, I'm willing to bet you've had your fair share of moments that felt impossible. I know I have! Sometimes, our responsibilities just feel too big and overwhelming. For this week's teaching episode, I'll share my own 5-step process for handling those moments. So if you've got phrases like "I can't handle this" (or, if you're me, "I can't f*cking do this") running through your head, this episode is for you.

Season 2 Ep 12: Vaney Hariri on Accountability, Exhaustion, and Big Emotions

June 11, 2020 04:01 - 38 minutes - 53.4 MB

My guest this week, Vaney Hariri, is a culture consultant with Think 3D Solutions where he helps businesses create customized solutions to address issues such as attrition, low engagement, and generational gaps. He's also an extremely active leader in his community. In fact, I was drawn to speak with Vaney after a raw, emotional, and 100% authentic appearance he made on Facebook live. I'm honored that Vaney brought that authenticity to our conversation, where we discussed integrity and acc...

Season 2 Ep 11: Showing Up, Shutting Up, and Self-Education: White Fragility Edition

June 08, 2020 04:01 - 13 minutes - 18.5 MB

Listen: I'm sure you already know that us white people have a lot of work to do right now. It's not enough to not be racist — we have to do the work to be anti racist, and to actively dismantle racism. Does talking about this make me uncomfortable as f*ck? YES. But I'm not going to let that stop me. This is me, showing up imperfectly — but honestly — to share the work I've been doing to to educate myself on how to dismantle racism. So hey, my fellow white leaders and coaches? We're going...

Season 2 Ep 10: Servant Leadership and Finding Your Truth with Shannel Rivera

June 04, 2020 04:01 - 42 minutes - 58.2 MB

I can't wait for you to listen to this interview with Shannel Rivera, founder of BeautyandHustle. Focused on empowering women, BeautyandHustle began as one of the top 100 most engaged FB groups. Today, the BeautyandHustle programs help women work smarter and become more profitable while also finding more balance in life. Shannel and I have more in common than just our love of coaching, and it was such a joy to have this conversation with her. We talked about everything from fertility strug...

Season 2 Ep 9: How are you meeting the Big Resistance?

June 01, 2020 04:01 - 15 minutes - 21.1 MB

All of us, at some point, reach that moment in our life's journey where it feels like we're running into the wind. Or rolling a boulder up a hill. Or just, well, stuck. Welcome to the Big Resistance. For this week's teaching episode, we'll talk about resistance — when to push through, and when to pump the brakes. And spoiler alert: talking about resistance means talking about the F word... yes, fear. Don't worry: you got this. Because the good news? Often, the big resistance goes hand ...

Season 2 Ep 8: Intentionally Dismantling Perfectionism with Darius Bashar

May 28, 2020 04:01 - 41 minutes - 56.6 MB

My guest this week, Darius Bashar, is a celebrated (deservedly so!) photographer whose subjects include bestselling authors, international celebrities, and thought leaders. He's also a guided meditation instructor, and Founder of the Artist Morning, an international community of artists, creators, and meditators. I'm not going to lie — some magic happened in this episode. If you've been listening to me for a while, you know that I've been working on my inner perfectionist. This episode put...

Season 2 Ep 7: What a T-shirt Taught Me About Service Over Sales

May 25, 2020 04:01 - 16 minutes - 22.5 MB

It's safe to say that people's spending habits — and their comfort level with long-term commitments — have changed a bit with everything going on. But the last thing we need to do, as service providers, is chase after sales. When we put sales over service, we're not able to listen and be in response to what's going on around us. So let's talk about 5 things to consider when you're looking to put service over sales.

Season 2 Ep 6: Access Your Essence & Harness Your Voice with Mama Yaya

May 21, 2020 04:01 - 37 minutes - 51.3 MB

I hope you're all ready to feel the love, because my guest this week is none other than Mama Yaya, the featured musician on this very podcast (and my dear friend, to boot). She's a Chicago-based singer-songwriter of Palestinian and Jewish descent who began her music and acting career in the 5th grade. Since then, she's gone on to play numerous venues, compete on American Idol, sign with producer Jake Bass, and — as of this week — release her first EP! She has also been a part of my journe...

Season 2 Ep 5: There Is Space for Your Voice: a PSA for the Informal Leaders

May 18, 2020 04:01 - 9 minutes - 12.8 MB

Confession time! After I finished recording last week's teaching episode, I realized I'd forgotten to mention one of the leadership styles. My inner perfectionist wanted me to sit right back down and re-record the entire episode (naturally) but instead, I decided to give this 6th type of leader their own follow-up episode. So this week, let's shine the spotlight on... the informal leaders! Who are they? How do they show up in the world? What can we learn from them?

Season 2 Ep 4: Professor Tonya Butler on Dreams, Challenges, and Responsibility

May 14, 2020 04:01 - 41 minutes - 57.6 MB

I am so excited to share this week's interview with all of you! Among her many, many other accomplishments, as of August 2020 Professor Tonya Butler will begin serving as Chair of the Music Business Management at Berklee College of Music, becoming not only the first woman, but the first person of color to lead the department in its 30-year history. As a child growing up on the border of Watts and Compton in California, she wanted to be an actress, a lawyer, a teacher, and a politician — and,...

Season 2 Ep 3: What's Your Leadership Identity and Style?

May 11, 2020 04:01 - 11 minutes - 15.4 MB

Hey, listeners, what's your approach to leadership? Are you... The boss mare, leading from the front? The team captain, cheering your people on? The anchor, strong and silent? The accidental leader, an expert who found herself at the helm? The control freak, who knows (maybe a little too well) exactly what she wants? Let's talk about each one, and what they bring to the table. Special thanks to Brittany, who suggested this topic over on the Serving it HOT Facebook group. Got a topi...

Season 2 Ep 2: Michael Roderick on Giving Up the "Giver's Fix"

May 07, 2020 04:01 - 36 minutes - 49.5 MB

For my first guest episode of season 2, I'm sharing my conversation with Michael Roderick, a high school English teacher turned Broadway producer in under two years (no biggie). Currently he's the CEO of Small Pond Enterprises, and co-host of the podcast Access to Anyone. Michael's whole M.O. is helping thoughtful givers become thought leaders — so naturally, I was thrilled to chat with him about authenticity, leadership, marketing, and so much more. Tune in to hear all about: how we get...

Season 2 Episode 1: Serving and Leading During Chaotic Times

May 04, 2020 04:01 - 16 minutes - 22.3 MB

And we're back! I'm so excited to kick off season 2 of Serving it Hot. Let's start right out the gates by talking about what's on everybody's mind right now: COVID-19. If you're feeling overstimulated, overwhelmed, annoyed, frustrated, and just plain over it — I get it. So here's some concrete things to think about and pay attention to as we navigate these, ahem, interesting times. Please join me for a free Trauma Basic’s Masterclass on Tuesday, May 5th from 1-3pm MST: https://lisa-kuzma...

Episode 21 (bonus!): Allyssa Jones on Honoring Your Calling in Uncertain Times

March 30, 2020 04:01 - 38 minutes - 53.4 MB

This is an interesting time for us entrepreneurs, and many of our 9-to-5 friends are struggling to adjust to our version of normal. And that's why I decided to release my conversation with Allyssa Jones now, as a bonus episode, instead of waiting for season 2. Allyssa is an award-winning musician and educator who leads sessions on creative leadership, music and literacy, and culturally responsive teaching. She also has so much wit and wisdom to share on self care, deep honesty, and navigat...

Episode 20: Staying Authentic When Sh*t Gets Real: My Turn in the Hot Seat

March 26, 2020 04:01 - 31 minutes - 43.3 MB

Real life doesn't stop when you step into a leadership role. Big, life-changing events will keep happening even if you're about to launch a course or start a new project. But how do we continue to lead from an authentic place when our lives get disrupted? Can we blend and integrate real life with what's happening in our business? For the final episode of season 1, we're talking about just that — but with a twist. I'm taking my turn in the hot seat today, and interviewing me is Jill Farmer....

Episode 19: Playing to My Strengths: 9 Lessons I Learned in Season 1

March 23, 2020 04:01 - 25 minutes - 35.3 MB

Whenever I do a big project, one that really makes me stretch myself, I like to check in and reflect on what I've learned. (Confession: part of why I do this is so I don't have to re-learn the same lessons later on) Since this podcast was definitely one of those big, stretchy projects, I wanted to use the second-to-last episode of season 1 to do that reflection! I've also got some news to share about what's coming next, as well as a small sneak preview for the final episode, where I'm the ...

Episode 18: Kelly Ruta on Setting — and Holding — Boundaries From the Inside Out

March 19, 2020 04:01 - 39 minutes - 53.9 MB

On this week's interview, I spoke with Kelly Ruta, a clinical psychotherapist turned mindset expert who believes that women are being called to rise and lead like never before. I was so excited to have Kelly on the show to talk about boundaries, but our conversation went in so many exciting directions! How internal boundaries shape external boundaries Control vs leadership Reacting vs responding Explanation vs justification The need for self awareness in leadership "Self awareness ...

Episode 17: Knowing When to Follow the Rules and When to Make Your Own

March 16, 2020 04:01 - 14 minutes - 20 MB

I may have some perfectionist tendencies, but that doesn't mean I always follow the rules. Whatever your project or industry, knowing the standards is just as important as knowing when to ignore them. So for this week's teaching episode, I'll use this podcast as a lens for examining when to stick to the script and when to try a little bit of improv. Then I'll give you some guidelines for when to say YES to the industry standards, and when you can happily say NO!

Episode 16: Dr Nicole R Robinson on Taking a BIG Leap of Faith

March 12, 2020 04:01 - 42 minutes - 58.2 MB

We've all heard the stories about people who leave their unfulfilling, dead-end jobs to pursue a passion project. But what about the people who feel the persistent pull to leave an established and successful career to chase their dreams? Dr Nicole R Robinson, my guest today, is one of those people. Today, she's the Founder and CEO of Cultural Connections by Design, a diversity consulting company that distinguishes itself by providing diversity education — not diversity training. A teacher ...

Episode 15: The Causes and Consequences of Going "All In"

March 09, 2020 04:01 - 10 minutes - 14.9 MB

There's a reason why the phrase "Everything in moderation" has been thrown around for centuries. When we go "all in" on one area of our lives, we tend to let other areas fall by the wayside. So this week, let's talk about the causes and consequences of hyperfocus. Take heart! You are not alone in this, and a little bit of self-awareness can go a long way to bringing you back into balance.

Episode 14: Nick North on Gender, Relationships, and the "Number System"

March 05, 2020 05:01 - 43 minutes - 59.6 MB

This week's guest, Nick North, is a branding consultant, dad to the 5 kids in his blended family, trans man, and (full disclosure) one of my favorite people on the internet right now. Especially after this conversation! We talked all about gender and biases, the work of nurturing a marriage, and how he decided to stop "living stealth" and instead speak from his experience on both sides of the gender coin. "I know what it feels like to not have space at the table, and it's real, and men c...

Episode 13: It's Time to Stop Doing ALL the Things! ...But How?

March 02, 2020 05:01 - 19 minutes - 27.2 MB

Between the interviews and the teaching episodes, you might have noticed a recurring theme in season 1 of this podcast: doing all the things. Sometimes, despite our best efforts and stellar time management skills, we find ourselves reaching for our phones mid-workout to do one. last. thing. and... end up falling off our Peloton bikes. (Anyone else? No? Just me and my giant bruise?) I'm willing to bet you already know that "doing ALL the things" isn't sustainable in the long term. Your time...

Episode 12: Brandon Love on Grief, Growing up, and Getting Loud

February 27, 2020 05:01 - 32 minutes - 44.9 MB

Though he's only in his early 20s, Brandon Love already has some serious accomplishments under his belt: he's the founder and owner of Crumble Co and its thriving 50k+ member community, the Crumble Family. (He's also the first of only two dudes to appear on this season of Serving it HOT!) On this episode, Brandon and I go deep on discrimination, ageism, mental health, and how none of those things have held him back from taking strong stances with his brand. "I love having thin skin — I thi...

Episode 11: The World-Changing Benefits of Being 100% Yourself

February 24, 2020 05:01 - 15 minutes - 21.8 MB

Brene Brown (one of my all-time favorite authors) defines authenticity as "the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be, and embracing who we are." This week, I want to dive into the powerful benefits of true authenticity, and we'll start with this question: Do you know what it feels like to be 100% authentically you? PS: We have officially crossed the halfway point for season 1! To commemorate that, I'll share a little more about how this podcast progressed from ...

Episode 10: Brielle Cotterman on Trauma, Healing, and the Power of Sharing Your Story

February 20, 2020 05:01 - 34 minutes - 47.1 MB

My guest today, Brielle Cotterman, helps her clients craft dream careers (and lives!) through her work as a publicity expert and celebrity maker. She is also a survivor of domestic violence and attempted murder at the hands of her late husband. On this episode, Brielle will talk about how her experiences have shaped her desire to help people tell their stories — stories that make a difference in the world. Please note: this episode has a trigger warning for discussion of domestic violenc...

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