I hope you're ready, because on this week's interview, we're getting deep — and I mean DEEP. My guest, Asha Suppiah, is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, and money mindset expert who helps her fellow women bust through their money blocks. (in other words: rake in the dolla dolla bills!)

Asha knows all about money blocks, firsthand. She's had a long journey of ups and downs, starting at age 12 when she applied for her first patent. (Yes, really!) But then, seemingly overnight, she went from having investors clamoring to work with her, to everything... just... falling apart.

"95% of what we do is controlled by our subconscious mind. [...] You need to take a look at how you see yourself, how you see the world. If you, inside, don't feel good enough, it's going to come for you."

Asha, thanks so much for bringing your mix of both "science and woo" to the show today. Want more from Asha? Check her out at ashasuppiah.com and become unstoppable.