I've got an important question for any of my listeners who are feeling extra stressed, trapped, or wound up these days. (probably more than a few of you!)

When's the last time you paid attention to your breathing?

My guest this week is Jenn Mansell, certified breathwork facilitator and somatic coach, and she is all about helping people get out of their heads to develop self-nurturing practices. The best part is, you don't need expensive equipment or a plane ticket to the mountains of Tibet. It all starts with your breath.

"[Breathwork] meets you where you're at. The people who created this process understood that the body knows how to heal itself. The body, when given the space, the breath, the presence, the surrender, it will take care of the rest. It will show you the block. If you pull yourself back enough from that wall to let there be space — which is really uncomfortable! — it will be revealed."

Jenn, thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us! Our conversation was filled with so much deep insight, and I can't wait for all my listeners to hear it. Want more from Jenn? Check her out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jlmansell/?hl=en