This week's guest, Tasha Booth, is the founder and CEO of the Launch Guild, a course launch support and digital marketing implementation agency. Through the Launch Guild, Tasha supports established coaches and course creators, along with her team of over 20 members.

And while she's a star in all things launch, we'll be talking about so much more than just that:

The growing pains of stepping into a new role and delegating Avoiding turnover by anticipating your hiring needs Empowering your team to make decisions — and trusting them to make the right ones Battling your "launch gremlins" Her greatest leadership challenge this year

Whether you're a solo entrepreneur, hiring your first assistant, or managing a growing team, Tasha has incredible wisdom to share that I just know will resonate with you.

Want more from Tasha? Check out the How She Did That podcast here!
You can also learn more about the Launch Guild here:

Thanks so much for coming on the show, Tasha, and thank you to everyone tuning in! See you next time.