This week's guest, Brigette Iarrusso, is on fire with the purpose of accelerating entrepreneurial leaders and change agents who are driven by more than just profit. When it comes to deep connections and building safe spaces, Brigette is 100% passion and 0% BS — so you can see why I had to have her on the show!

In our conversation, we cover a lot of ground: disrupting the harm in the business coaching and personal development space, cutting through the online "noise" to have a financially sustainable business, and even the personal narratives she had to dismantle to get where she is today.

"Never once did it occur to me that I could disrupt the patterns of thinking and the stories that had me locked in this belief system, in this reality, that my life was over. That I had no options…that there was no path forward. For 5 years I did a tremendous job of convincing myself and my therapist of this narrative."

I know you'll all enjoy this conversation with Brigette as much as I did. If her words resonated I’d like to invite you to join me at her upcoming event, the Disruption Unconference. You can learn more about it here:

Brigette, thank you so much for coming onto the show, and for all the work you do in the world!