Quick show of hands: who secretly dreams of having their own TED Talk? I know my hand is up! But while most of us love the idea of giving a TED Talk, we don't always think about the work that goes into making it happen.

On this week's interview, Sarah Werner's here to share exactly that. A professional writer and podcaster, Sarah loves to help other creators find confidence and success. Last July, she gave her TEDx Talk, "When You Can't Help Everyone."

Watching her speak, you'd never guess just how tumultuous her journey had been up to that point. We're talking: submitting 7 different topics, rewriting up to the day of the talk, and straight up walking off stage during dress rehearsal. Whew.

"It was probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. The most grueling thing. And part of that was because I was pushing myself towards a presumption, a truth that... wasn't true! It was terrifying."

Sarah, thank you so much for everything you shared today! I know your story is going to resonate with a lot of my listeners out there. If you want more from Sarah, visit her website —  https://www.sarahwerner.com/ — or find her on Twitter and Instagram.

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