My guest this week is Chris Maxwell, founder and CEO of Maxwell Strategies. He helps organizations both start up, and go through big changes, focusing on finding, building, and keeping momentum on what matters most.

And when it comes to big changes and knowing what matters most, Chris is an expert — especially after the past year and a half. What began as seemingly minor tingling in his legs and feet escalated rapidly to the point where he spent almost four months on a ventilator.

"When I got my diagnosis, the doctor told me 90-95% of people get back to how they were before. So immediately, I had hope. Luckily nobody told me, when I was completely paralyzed, that I had now moved into the 5% of people who get it as bad as I did... so I had hope. Never take someone's hope away. It buoys you through the most challenging times."

Today on the show, Chris will share not just the story of his diagnosis with Guillain-Barré syndrome, but also his road to recovery, and how he stayed positive even when he couldn't blink his own eyes. I'm honored to call Chris my longtime friend, and so excited to share this episode with all of you. Chris, thank you for being my guest this week and thank you as well to everyone listening!