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Visions, Faith, and the Persecuted Church

912 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 days ago -

Warn Radio Visions is an endtime outreach of the WIBR/WARN Radio with the Watchman n Tower covering biblical teaching, Gospel News, & the Persecuted church

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Jerusalem Watchmen Isaiah's Prophetic Book Pt206 Battle Lines

February 23, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 55.1 MB

Jerusalem Watchmen have been set upon the walls of the city. They are to cry unto the Lord and not hold their Peace Day or Night. This is directly set forth by the #LordGod to the #Watchmen to #crytotheLord and do not stop until the #Lordestablish and make #Jerusalem a #praise in the earth. This action is one of restoral and blessing, since the #deliverance of #Israel, here #Judah from Babylon and the seventy-year captivity. As the #bridegroom rejoices over the bride, as Isaiah writes "so sha...

#Gospel #Faith, #GospelCost, #Christians #Targeted, #StandingbyFaith, #Advocacy

February 22, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.3 MB

Gospel Faith, Gospel Cost go hand in hand as the call of the #redemptivevoices #herald the Word of God with the anointing of the #SpiritofGod. It is very true that in these #lawless #endofdays entire #nations and #societies of men will face the most inclement conditions to live in since civilization began. For those who know #technology, #modernism, #wealth, and the taste of #abundance; many today do not. The great #equalizer comes in the form of #tribulation, #trial, and the #cost of great u...

The #Word of the #Lord #Prophet #Rising Pt6

February 16, 2024 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.3 MB

Prophet Rising Brings us to an important #warning and #Word on Prophets and #deception. As many Prophets as there may be in today's world, there are also many #antichrists, many #falsepurveyors of what these deceivers call truth. Especially in #America where today we find many different truths of the #gospel, #God, #Salvation, #Truth, and Prophecy.  #Scripture is abundantly clear that a Prophet reveals truths from #God that come true. However, it may not be for a time you think it should be. ...

#Salvation and #Righteousness #Isaiah's #Prophetic Book Pt205 Battle Lines

February 16, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.3 MB

#Salvation and #Righteousness #Isaiah's #Prophetic Book Pt205 Battle Lines Salvation and Righteousness comes straight out of the #Lords purposes in the earth. #Godsmercy flows from His #loveofman. The #redemptionofman from His sins vanquished by the #BloodoftheAtonement provided by #Jesus, #Yeshua's death on the #cross. His #resurrection provides the power to #overcomedeath. Faith is the key instrument in man that enables us to believe and receive. In Isaiah's book as well in life, including...

#Love of #ChristJesus, #Tribulation, #GospelCost, #Christian #Faith, #Persecute

February 15, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.3 MB

For many believers the Love of Christ is the impetus, and the #HolySpirit is the active agent in our lives as #believers. The #WordofGod is our #Sword to use, declare, fight #supernatural #darkpowers, and to set in us the authority of "Thus Saith the Lord" to the world. We are #witnesses that stand against the #grainofunbelief, #hatred, and #persecutions as we declare the #Gospel of #JesusChrist to a lost and dying world. The faith and the cost of following the #LordJesusChrist cannot be down...

The #Word of the #Lord #Chosen #Generation Pt5

February 09, 2024 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Chosen Generation brings us to part five in the latest series from the Watchman Dana G Smith in The Word of the Lord. It is upon that Word we stand. John begins His gospel with "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".  Our entire being of body, mind, spirit, and soul both physical and spiritual can live breathe and have our being because of the Word of the Lord. As our Lord said as it is recorded in Matthew’s gospel chapter four and verse four saying "...

#Everlasting #Covenant #Isaiah's #Prophetic Book Pt204 Battle Lines

February 09, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Everlasting Covenant reveals the restoration and hope that lay beyond the #troubles of #Godselect. Hidden within these phrases is also the #Hope of #allbelievers in #Yeshua, #JesusChrist. However, it is not to be taken lightly that the #Lord is also looking at #Israel. Both the Northern Tribes taken captive and scattered by Assyria and Judah being in captivity for seventy years highlights the judgment and the restoration. #Judgment is #redemptive for those who will hear and repent, however it...

I #Trusted in #Thee, #Yeshua #HaMassiach, #War on #Christian #Faith, @WarnRadio

February 07, 2024 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Yet amidst all this, "I #Trusted in Thee." #Christian #faith flares up like an ever-burning torch of #righteousness as many people globally come to the #faithinJesus, #Yeshua the #Christ. It is as the #Psalmists says in Psalm Thirty-one and verse thirteen saying "For I have heard the #slander of many: #fear was on every side: while they took #counsel together #againstme, they #devised to #takeawaymylife"- KJV. For #believer's the #victory is achieved amidst #heartache and much #trouble, even ...

The #Word of the #Lord #Speak #My #Word #Faithfully Pt4

February 02, 2024 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Speak My Word Faithfully as directed by the #ProphetJeremiah. He knew the issue with #Judah and paramount was they did not listen to the #ProphetofGod. Speak #MyWord #Faithfully takes its direction from the #WordoftheLord and it is to the #servant of the #Lord to make sure they are receiving what the Lord wants them to #speak. The Lord has Jeremiah directly #prophesy these #truths given to #Judah. They are also told directly that if His people have a dream, or a word of the Lord they are to s...

#Everlasting #Joy #Isaiah's #Prophetic Book Pt203 Battle Lines

February 02, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Everlasting Joy and the finality of the separation and release of blessings that form one unit. God seals his promises by the fulfillment of what has been prophesied. In this section the #Prophet "saw the future in the mirror of the present as a complete inversion of the relation in which the two has stood before" -K.D. #Israel here comes to know the #MessiahtheChrist and with the #Gentiles the two become one before the #Lord.  Not male or female, jew or Gentile; but #oneinChrist. Yet we find...

I have #ChosenYou, #Prophetic #Events, #Persecuted #Church 2024, #Christian

February 01, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

I have Chosen You brings us to the events in and around the globe and the persecution of Christians. This is the Persecuted Church 2024 and the enemies of God, Faith, and the Lord Jesus Christ never rest. It is to the believers and followers of the Lord the wicked plot and use evil devices, ideas, and the sword to make war on the Christian Church. Persecution Advocacy tracks what is going on and then relays that information to connect the persecuted with the Organizations with boots on the gr...

The #Word of the #Lord Be Not #Deceived Pt3

January 26, 2024 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Be Not Deceived is an important phrase we find when the #LordJesusChrist discusses those events at the end of Days. Paramount was Be ye not deceived when he told them what these events would entail. These would be a #sign of #Hiscoming again and the end of the world. As we have seen already, there have been False Christs or deceivers. Do not confuse these with John's Epistles that discuss there are many #Anti-Christs. Today we have many people and governments that are #AntiJesusChrist and are...

#Proclaiming #Liberty #Isaiah's #Prophetic Book Pt202 Battle Lines

January 26, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Proclaiming Liberty to the captives. Literally Isaiah proclaimed freedom and good tidings. The Prophet who prophesied of Judah going into captivity, warning them; is the same prophet who now in the latter portions of #Isaiah gives good news. But this would be a grand announcement of a coming one who was #anointed to preach #goodtidings to the meek. The #MessiahYeshua, #Jesus quoted this same scripture in the #Synagogue on #Sabbathday. After he quoted this scripture which is recorded in Luke c...

#Rejoicing in #Hope, #Representing #Jesus, #Persecuted #Lives, #America

January 25, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

#Rejoicing in #Hope, #Representing #Jesus, #Persecuted #Lives, #America #Anti-Christ, #Christian #Faith @WarnRadio   Rejoicing in Hope reaches down in the depth of those persecuted, #castdown, #imprisoned, #facingdeath, with no earthly hope; the #gatesofhell against them; #Persecuted and #lost, they find #hope. This is a Rejoicing Hope filling them within their #spirit and #soul amidst a war against those who follow the #LordJesusChrist. Paul reminds us of that hope in Romans chapter five. ...

The #Word of the #Lord #Righteous #Branch Pt2 @WarnRadio

January 19, 2024 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Righteous Branch brings us to part two in our study "the Word of the Lord". This week we key in on the Righteous Branch, Preaching the Word faithfully. Opposite this are those false prophets and teachers who distort the Word, even lie about it. We will look at the Word in Isaiah and in Matthew, with a few other scriptures. What has He who is faithful to worry about? Contending with the thieves of the Word of God as they distort, lie, and apprehend gullible people into their web of deceit. Any...

#EverLasting #Light #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt201 Battle Lines

January 19, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Everlasting Light shines forth into #planetearth upon the #nationsofmen. Here the #fruits and the #deeds are plain before the #Lord. It is time for the #Sons and #Daughters of #men-to-awaken from the #darkness and come into the #Light of the #GloryofGod. For the #Father sent His #only-begotten-Son, #Yeshua, #JesusChrist to #provideatonement for all people. Today, this same Jesus as the #Apostles saw Him go is #comingagain in the clouds. He will with fury crush the #adversaries of the #LordGod...

#Conformed, #Transformed, #Renewed, #Persecuted #Church, #Christian #Persecution

January 18, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Conformed, Transformed and Renewed brings us to a new year. For over Twenty-Five years #WarnRadio has been #warningAmerica of the #Judgment to come. We have been #preaching, #teaching, #publishing #articles, #books, and #e-books all geared to warn and exhort this people to #drawnigh to the #Lord. As 2024 ramps up, there are many #troubles in the #world. This trouble also has #America in its grip. In this we bring our #advocacy and look at the #power of the #gospel to #transform and bring #bel...

The #Word of the #Lord #Message and #Messenger Pt1 Sound the Shofar

January 12, 2024 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.2 MB

Message and Messenger is priority for those who #speak, #preach, and #teach the #WordofGod. This study is purposed to address #authority, use, and #scriptural basis for the #spokenWord of #God. We do not go into endless semantics or meanings and definitions here. We will look at the #Word of God, here our use is in both the old and new testaments. As we move into the realm of the #endofdays, the #warnings of the #prophets, and the #RevelationofJohn as well; we can unequivocally say that the r...

#Saviour #Redeemer #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt200 Battle Lines

January 12, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.5 MB

Saviour Redeemer also brings to the table important #prophetic #truths. Judgment is not what many believe for it was the very route of #judgment that #Judah although #affliction and troubles pursued her, it led to restoration with the #GodofIsrael. Herein we find #joy, #gladness, and of the voice of the #bridegroom, and of the #bride. We find that the #Lord is #merciful, and that mercy is extended through the #generationsofman. The voice of #praise and not sorrow, the #voiceofhappiness and #b...

#Revelation #Look #Ahead 2024 and #Review 2023 @WarnRadio

January 02, 2024 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.3 MB

#Revelation #LookAhead - We submitted to that calling in the mid-seventies. Then in 1998 as Wings Ministries and later as #WIBR/WARNRadio we focused even more on #warningthisnation. Today we have been #warning, #teaching, and #preaching the #WordoftheLord for over Twenty-five years. The goal is to specifically tell this nation that #Americawillcease to exist if it does not #repent and #turnback to the #Lord. Today as 2024, we continue the warning. But the truth is today the #warofdarkness and...

#City of the #Lord #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt199 Battle Lines

December 15, 2023 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.8 MB

City of the #LORD known also as #Zion; more specifically the Zion of the Holy One of Israel as the prophet writes in chapter sixty and verse fourteen. The city where #tribulation found its place, persecution, and many other troubles. Also related to New Jerusalem. Here the melting of the #prophecies of Israel and of the #NewJerusalem along with God's calling of the #Gentiles through the #atonement of the #Messiah #Yeshua, #JesusChrist. Herein, the enemies of the Lord are the same ones who spe...

#Hope in #Christ, #Americas #Captors, #Gaza, #Pakistan, #Tribulation, #Advocacy

December 14, 2023 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

#Hope in #Christ, #Americas #Captors, #Gaza, #Pakistan, #Tribulation, #Advocacy #PersecutedChurch @WarnRadio   Hope in Christ brings us to the issues of Persecution, the troublesome but ever-present fact of #stayingalive when there are those trying to kill you and your family. In addition, major nations like Iran, North Korea, China, and many others allow the #persecution of #Christians, the deporting of Christians, all amidst a world that seems oblivious of these important issues of #Chris...

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King The #Word is Coming Pt14 @WarnRadio

December 08, 2023 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.5 MB

The Word is Coming, the Almighty in #Revelation chapter one, who is the Resurrection and the Life. This leads us to part fourteen in the Kingdom war and the coming King.  We are to be #Watching, and be sober, awake, and on watch as we warn those around us to draw nigh to the #Lord and to #repent. It has become clear that in the U.K. a plethora of people now agree with the #government to ban the #bible. Along with this, some time ago they pushed to ban the #ChurchofEngland. The headline read "...

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming Word was God Pt13 @WarnRadio

December 01, 2023 16:30 - 59 minutes - 54 MB

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming Word was God Pt13 @WarnRadio   The Word was God, and He is God. He is the Son of God, the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever. While we have many titles for him that describes his all-encompassing nature and power, He is the #Savior of all people. He is the "Almighty" as described by John in #Revelation chapter one. While many others have not believed, the #Apostles categorically revealed him as the #SonofGod, the #EternalOne, and He who #Overcame #sin, #death, ...

#Judgment and #Justice #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt198 Battle Lines

December 01, 2023 04:30 - 58 minutes - 52.6 MB

#Judgment and #Justice #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt198 Battle Lines Judgment and Justice calls into the #globalnations of men as a warning. For all that they do shall be examined under the #fire of the #LordGod on that #Burning #examination when the #Lord comes. The fuel of the nations could not quench the #heat, #fire, and #wrath upon the #wicked who #refuseGod. For #theirworks shall be #burnedup with heat. Yet, despite this judgment, there are #multitudes who #servetheLord and on that #grea...

#Trial of #Faith, #Righteous #Truth, #Prayer, #Hope, #Freedoms, #Christian

November 30, 2023 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Trial of Faith directly meets head-on with the #trials and #temptations of today's world. As James says "My brethren, count it all #joy when ye fall into #divers #temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of #yourfaith worketh #patience" -James 1:1-2. However, many times the all joy here gets in the way. No doubt the #Lord can fill our hearts with joy, #love, #peace, and much more. But these days are difficult for many people. Especially so for #Christians in #NorthKorea, #China, #Russia, #P...

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King #Watch #BeSober, Pt12 @WarnRadio

November 17, 2023 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Watch Be Sober means for you to keep awake at these #endsofdays. You're in the Light so be one of those in that #Light of #Jesus #Christ. You and I are to #Watch, be #vigilant, keeping awake to stay on your guard against the #wiles of the #devil. Be discreet, be wise, and stay in the #Word. Do not be #drunk on the #worlds #pleasures and attractions but #walkinthelight as He [Jesus Christ] is in the Light. Then you have #fellowship one with another. See 1st John chapter one. #God has set befor...

#House of My #Glory #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt197 Battle Lines

November 17, 2023 04:30 - 59 minutes - 53.6 MB

House of My Glory spans a look over the plenty and the #pastoral scene of what lay ahead for #Israel. It also must bring in the #Gentiles. We see the #camels and the #flocks, along with the #Rams. Emphasis is seen here as to the #quality and where these animals come from. In #captivity, you do not gather crops. You work for your master to keep their flocks. Herein, Israel is finding the #promises as are the gentiles as to the #mercy of the #Lord towards both Israel and nations of gentiles. We...

#Life #Eternal, #Pray for Us, #Glory Land, #Sudan, #Military #Conflict

November 16, 2023 04:30 - 59 minutes - 53.2 MB

This is Life Eternal as man passes from this #earthlyvail we find another life all together. For some, #lifeends and #judgmentbegins. The entire crux of the #bible and the gospel is to save people from that aspect of #eternity. The truth is people don't have to go to #hell, they have a #savior waiting if they will but come to him. The world is in #chaos today and people are caught in the middle of the #war. Along with this we find #hunger, #sickness, and at times #famine. But to the #church a...

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King #Armour of #Light, Pt11 @WarnRadio

November 10, 2023 16:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King #Armour of #Light, Pt11 @WarnRadio   The Armour of Light, revealed as we see numerous items from the law like love being the first topic, as believers we are to owe no man anything but love. That alone can be tough, but through #ChristJesus who himself loved us and went to the #cross; can we do anything but obey this love #commandment. Paul also addresses adultery, killing, stealing, bearing false witness, coveting, and if there be any other commandment, ...

#Gentiles Shall Come #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt196 Battle Lines

November 10, 2023 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

#Gentiles shall Come #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt196 Battle Lines Gentiles shall Come is a #promise found through the many associated passages in the #OldTestament.  It is further fulfilled by the #NewTestament and coming of the #MessiahJesus, #Yeshua. This particular phrase is found in #Isaiah chapter sixty and verse five, which states in the last portion of the sentence saying, " because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces [Great resources, riches, substance] ...

#Missions #Advocacy, #Persecution, #Pakistan, #Ukraine, #Israel, #Namibia

November 09, 2023 04:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Missions Advocacy rests on the #commission found in the #Gospels. For example, in Mark Sixteen, verses fifteen to sixteen gives the "Go" in the gospels. We are to "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." On this commission, Christians and #Christianorganizations have been going into the world with our #Lordscommission. For he came unto us and #diedforoursins. This is the gre...

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King #StandTherefore, Pt10 @WarnRadio

November 03, 2023 15:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Stand Therefore! It is as the Apostle Paul told the Ephesians in chapter six and verse twelve "For we wrestle not against #flesh and #blood, but against #principalities, against #powers, against the #rulers of the #darkness of this world, against #spiritual #wickedness in high places" In these ends of days wickedness, evil, and the #rulersofdarkness are now in place in many areas of the #globalnations of men. In #America, many believers can see the changes and the #evil taking over this natio...

#His #Glory Upon You #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt195 Battle Lines

November 03, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.8 MB

#His #Glory Upon You #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt195 Battle Lines His Glory Upon You! Today we see that the #darknessofevil and #rebellion are upon the earth. However, one comes who shall arise upon all those who are His. The #Glory of the Lord shall then be seen upon thee. Flowing out of the #Lion of the #TribeofJudah came a #savior, #ChristJesus; #Yeshua #HaMassiach, #IESOUS #Christos; who shall bring in the #KingdomofGod to fullness. Although #grossdarkness fell upon the world and the nat...

#King of #Kings, #ComingKing #Middleeast, #Iran, #Israel, #Spiritual #Warfare

November 02, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.2 MB

#King of #Kings, #ComingKing #Middleeast, #Iran, #Israel, #Spiritual #Warfare #Gospel @WarnRadio   The King of Kings brings us to the reality of what is happening #globally. #Prophecy is on the lips of many, and eyes are looking for more #signsoftheend. This week, however, Israel made her move into #Gaza with full strength. While #Iran, aka #Persia threatens Israel. In addition, we find #Erdogan of #Turkey also threatening the #nationofIsrael. Around the nations of men, we are finding #mult...

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King, #Admonitions Pt9 @WarnRadio

October 27, 2023 15:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Admonitions reaches into the end of days in this episode of Kingdom War and the Coming King. Today, however we are seeing a Kingdom War of light verses darkness. Millions of people are #dangerously #unaware of their own #redemption in the light of ongoing #delusion and #wickedness. The #KingdomofGod will come, and it will flourish, however the #wicked and #unbelieving will find themselves short of it. Those pushing other avenues of #Salvation besides that which is written in the #Gospels will...

#Redeemer #Redemption Comes #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt194 Battle Lines

October 27, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Redeemer Redemption Comes and with it the #Light, #Glory, and #Power of the Almighty. Here so mentioned in #Revelation chapter one, calling #Yeshua the #Almighty. The #Light of the #everlastingFather shining through the redeemer #JesusChrist as the #Resurrection and the #Life flows in power as the #Word rides through #eternity and into the world in #glory and #power. We find the connection as well to #Zion, which #Godloves and has set it as the center of prophecy with #Israel in the middle of...

#PersecutedChristian, #China, #Russia-Ukraine, #GazaChurch, #PrintingBibles

October 26, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Persecuted Christian is the current situation in these ends of days. From #Russia, #NorthKorea, #China, #Belarus, #Africa, and more we find many enemies thwarting the #GospelofJesusChrist. They also attack Christians who find #martyrdom even while spreading the #GoodNews of the #Gospel. Yet, in all, we see that these #persecuted continue to work in dangerous areas. Many times, #enduring #intense #persecution. No matter what these #Believers come against #resilience and #faith can be seen in t...

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King, #In His Name Pt8 @WarnRadio

October 20, 2023 15:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

In His Name finds us looking at the #redeemer and #Lord working among those in #Israel at the time of #Hisrevealing to the masses. He performed #miracles the likes of which had never been seen in Israel. As the #Romans kept the #peace and worked the streets to keep #justice, the #LordofLords was working among them. These Romans never knew the division that occurred when the #SonofGod arrived. While the people saw the unbelievable #miracles, the Pharisees and the contingent from the temple wor...

#Righteous #Salvation #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt193 Battle Lines

October 20, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.1 MB

Righteous Salvation is the discussion herein as the #plightofmen and nations lay in the fact, they cannot #redeem themselves. So it was with #Judah, not to forget the #tennortherntribes. Man was incapable of being #righteous without the #LordGod. It was the Lord who brought #redemption and with-it #salvation. Man could not create it, sustain it, or deliver it. It was an operation of the Lord God where #Hisrighteousness sustained him in this push to redeem the #unredeemable, for without the LO...

#Light of the #World, #Lawless People, #Conversion, #Martyr, #Advocacy

October 19, 2023 02:30 - 1 hour - 54.7 MB

#Light of the #World, #Lawless People, #Conversion, #Martyr, #Advocacy #Persecuted #Church @WarnRadio   Light of the World directs us to the #Lords #Words saying in #Matthew chapter five verses ten through fourteen, "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." #Israel is not alone when it comes to having those set on killing, murdering, and destroying #Israeli men, women, children, homes, and anything or anyone in their way. Hamas is also not alone in their ...

#Judgment and #Justice #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt192 Battle Lines

October 13, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Judgment and Justice bring us to part One hundred and ninety-two on this week's Isaiah' Prophetic Book. We are finding this week that a nation and its people to not bring a nation to the true judgment and justice which God requires. As Isaiah chapter fifty-nine and verse fourteen says: "And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." Surely today many nations have fallen short of any true justice or godliness. Y...

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King, #Fighting #God Pt6 @WarnRadio

October 06, 2023 15:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Fighting God which in simple English means to go against the will and purposes of the #LordGod. To #resisthiswill, #hisword, and go on your own.  This week we look at #FightingGod and the #childrenofIsrael. It can get seriously out of hand when challenging the #Lord. Today though just as #Israel did after the report of the #twelvespies, the people rejected to follow through with going into the #promiseland. It is a classic #bible story. Yet with all this to go against the will of the Lord is ...

#Fruits of #Transgressions #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt191 Battle Lines

October 06, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 55.1 MB

Fruits of Transgressions are not the  #fruit you want in your life, your city, or nation. Herein lay the  #root and  #stem of the trouble. You spend your days and night  #departing from the  #LivingGod. To deny it, you spend your days continuing in  #transgressions. But your transgressions mount up with no solution. Your  #sins are  #testifying against you while you know about the  #iniquities you walk in as does your nation. No matter what you do, there is  #nopeace with your  #God. In this ...

Revelation Saving America, Gospel, Christian Aid, Cost of Faith @WarnRadio

October 05, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.8 MB

Revelation Saving America comes into focus with other #miracles and #signs amidst the biggest upheaval of nations since the time #ChristJesus walked with the #Apostles on this earth. We are finding that #America is being washed down the river by #globalists both in and out of this nation. Yet as we see this, other upheaval's, #trials, and #persecution of both #Christian and #non-Christians continue. However, we are finding amidst the #cost of giving #Christianaid, #heralding the #gospel, and ...

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King, #Heavenly #Fire Pt5 @WarnRadio

September 29, 2023 15:30 - 1 hour - 54.8 MB

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King, #Heavenly #Fire Pt5 @WarnRadio   The Heavenly Fire of the #SpiritofGod with the purpose of spreading the #GospelofSalvation. Within this #Redemptive #firefight for the #soulsofmankind lay the #battle set before us. Onward as the #upheavalofnations continues with the #leaders of the world forming their own union of a #oneworldgovernment. All intent of bringing #unity through #power, #persuasion, and #coercion. From the WTF, U.N., and onward to Communist #...

No #Justice No #Peace #Isaiahs #Prophetic Book Pt190 Battle Lines

September 29, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.8 MB

No Justice No Peace directly reflects the lack of #benefits for #servingtheLord with all your #heart, your mind, your #soul, and #. There is a difference between #good and #evil, that which is good and right in the sight of the #Lord. There is no quicker way to lose favor and your #redemption than to walk out of the #lightoftheLord and do your own thing. There lay in the opportunity for #delusion, #deceit, and increased #lawlessness against the Lord. Through #Jesus, #Yeshua; the #Christ we ob...

#Kingdom #Gospel, #KingdomWar, #Missions, #Christianity, #GlobalPersecution

September 28, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

#Kingdom #Gospel, #KingdomWar, #Missions, #Christianity, #GlobalPersecution, #Christian #Faith @WarnRadio   Kingdom Gospel shall be #preached in all the #world for a #witness to all #nations and #peoples.  Only then shall the end come. The #endofdays directly refers to #Revelation, Matthew twenty-four, Mark thirteen, and Luke twenty-one; along with second #Thessalonians are the #trumpets sounding loud warning all nations of the #endoftheage. For #global #governance, shall do what they like....

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King, Two Sisters #Whoredoms Pt4 @WarnRadio

September 22, 2023 15:30 - 1 hour - 55 MB

#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King, Two Sisters #Whoredoms Pt4 @WarnRadio Two Sisters Whoredoms brings to the forefront of the #LordGod revealing the deep #secrets of the #twosisters. These two sisters, the daughters of one woman, here is #Israel. The reign of #Solomon and the rise of the #Jewishstate that became world famous, rich, and powerful was a wonder to behold. However, the kingdom came crashing down as Solomon sinned against the Lord. The nation of #Israel was #divided into #twokin...

#SerpentRoot #Prophetic #Book Pt189 Battle Lines

September 22, 2023 03:30 - 1 hour - 54.8 MB

Serpent Root brings us to the #worthlessness and #deceptive #character of a people. The phrases in verse five of Isaiah chapter fifty-nine mention the serpent and the eggs which they should nourish of a venomous snake or #serpent. Instead of destroying them, these took pains to hatch them. As Albert Barnes says of this "Nothing can more forcibly describe the #wickedcharacter and plans of #sinners," that this language used by the #Prophet is purposed to reveal. It is a former civil society, a ...