Yet amidst all this, "I #Trusted in Thee." #Christian #faith flares up like an ever-burning torch of #righteousness as many people globally come to the #faithinJesus, #Yeshua the #Christ. It is as the #Psalmists says in Psalm Thirty-one and verse thirteen saying "For I have heard the #slander of many: #fear was on every side: while they took #counsel together #againstme, they #devised to #takeawaymylife"- KJV. For #believer's the #victory is achieved amidst #heartache and much #trouble, even unto #death. Here #Revelation twelve and verse eleven says it all. "And they #overcamehim [the Devil, Satan, the Beast] by the #bloodoftheLamb, and by the #wordoftheirtestimony; and they #lovednot their #lives unto the #death."#ITrustedinThee



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