Everlasting Covenant reveals the restoration and hope that lay beyond the #troubles of #Godselect. Hidden within these phrases is also the #Hope of #allbelievers in #Yeshua, #JesusChrist. However, it is not to be taken lightly that the #Lord is also looking at #Israel. Both the Northern Tribes taken captive and scattered by Assyria and Judah being in captivity for seventy years highlights the judgment and the restoration. #Judgment is #redemptive for those who will hear and repent, however it is #devastating to those who are stubborn and will not listen. Here the #Lord reveals that even amidst judgment, he did not delight in the plunder and sin that #Babylon moved to destroy #Judah and take over #Jerusalem. "It was a long and painful captivity" as Albert Barnes states. The #covenant, however, is everlasting and the people are #restored, #hope is ahead.  #EverlastingCovenant


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