#Kingdom #War and the #Coming #King, #Heavenly #Fire Pt5 @WarnRadio


The Heavenly Fire of the #SpiritofGod with the purpose of spreading the #GospelofSalvation. Within this #Redemptive #firefight for the #soulsofmankind lay the #battle set before us. Onward as the #upheavalofnations continues with the #leaders of the world forming their own union of a #oneworldgovernment. All intent of bringing #unity through #power, #persuasion, and #coercion. From the WTF, U.N., and onward to Communist #Chinas own #aggressive stance to control the world, we find the #nationsofmen lining up for a #conflagration against the #LORD and #HisAnointed for the control of earth and all that therein is. The world however is busy, much too busy to see all this happening. Join us for the shaking and the #HeavenlyFire as the #Gospel goes forth unto all nations. Even as the world opposes the #FaithofJesus #Christ, the #harvest continues to be gathered.

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