Missions Advocacy rests on the #commission found in the #Gospels. For example, in Mark Sixteen, verses fifteen to sixteen gives the "Go" in the gospels. We are to "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." On this commission, Christians and #Christianorganizations have been going into the world with our #Lordscommission. For he came unto us and #diedforoursins. This is the greatest go ye in all the world, for #ChristJesus who came, did so to #saveus from #sin, death, hell, and the grave. Today #Missions goes and at the same time through #moderntechnology the message of the gospel goes forth as well. Through the #streaming of #Gospelprograms and related, we find an important way to reach those #worldwide. In addition, these same Gospel goers also #feedthepoor, #healthesick, #delivertheafflicted, #deliverfood, clothing, and provided many other items for those in need. Do not forget Missions advocacy and the #God of the #Gospel and His #redemption through #JesusChrist our #Lord and #Savior. #MissionsAdvocacy


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