#Gentiles shall Come #Isaiahs #Prophetic #Book Pt196 Battle Lines

Gentiles shall Come is a #promise found through the many associated passages in the #OldTestament.  It is further fulfilled by the #NewTestament and coming of the #MessiahJesus, #Yeshua. This particular phrase is found in #Isaiah chapter sixty and verse five, which states in the last portion of the sentence saying, " because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces [Great resources, riches, substance] of the #Gentilesshallcome unto thee." This week when looking at Isaiah and the promises given to #Israel, we find #redemptive #prophecy that mentions the Gentiles coming with the #wealth of the #nationsofmen to be used for the #glory of #God. We have other #scriptures that follow up on this which will indeed bring the #Jews, #Zion, and #Jerusalem together. Here along with the "#Nations of them that are redeemed" pour into the #Glory of the #cityofGod, Zion. #GentilesShallCome


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