Proclaiming Liberty to the captives. Literally Isaiah proclaimed freedom and good tidings. The Prophet who prophesied of Judah going into captivity, warning them; is the same prophet who now in the latter portions of #Isaiah gives good news. But this would be a grand announcement of a coming one who was #anointed to preach #goodtidings to the meek. The #MessiahYeshua, #Jesus quoted this same scripture in the #Synagogue on #Sabbathday. After he quoted this scripture which is recorded in Luke chapter four verses sixteen through twenty-one, he said to those listening "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears" verse twenty-one. This is the statement to tell the people that the #Spirit of the #LordGOD was upon Him. He is the one #prophesied to come and #heal, #forgive, #bindthewounds, and bring #deliverance. Proclaiming liberty to the Jews in #Jerusalem first and then to the rest of #Judah. Then extending this #redemption to the #Gentiles. #ProclaimingLiberty


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