Saviour Redeemer also brings to the table important #prophetic #truths. Judgment is not what many believe for it was the very route of #judgment that #Judah although #affliction and troubles pursued her, it led to restoration with the #GodofIsrael. Herein we find #joy, #gladness, and of the voice of the #bridegroom, and of the #bride. We find that the #Lord is #merciful, and that mercy is extended through the #generationsofman. The voice of #praise and not sorrow, the #voiceofhappiness and #blessing replaces the #wilderness of #Godswrath and #judgment. The word here is #Restoration. Thus, #Isaiah says "thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob" - Isaiah 60:16. #SaviourRedeemer,#Saviour, #Redeemer, LORD


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