Watch Be Sober means for you to keep awake at these #endsofdays. You're in the Light so be one of those in that #Light of #Jesus #Christ. You and I are to #Watch, be #vigilant, keeping awake to stay on your guard against the #wiles of the #devil. Be discreet, be wise, and stay in the #Word. Do not be #drunk on the #worlds #pleasures and attractions but #walkinthelight as He [Jesus Christ] is in the Light. Then you have #fellowship one with another. See 1st John chapter one. #God has set before us a #redemption and we must be on #ourguard. Set therefore #yourarmour and #beprepared. We are that #Light and need to be able to #discern that which is #deceitful and that which is #honest. Our #testimony on our lips and keeping the #faith of #JesusChrist. "Therefore, let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober" -1st Thessalonians 5:6. #WatchBeSober, #Watch, #BeSober


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