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Mojo For Running Podcast

167 episodes - English - Latest episode: 23 days ago - ★★★★★ - 452 ratings

Mojo for Running Coach Debbie Voiles presents training principles and running news. From beginners to marathoners, all runners will learn how to make wise training decisions. Topics include training schedule, base building, tapering, cross training, speed work, stretching, nutrition, drills, and much more. Learn how to train smart to achieve your goals.

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MFR 113: Running Families

September 07, 2016 14:33 - 24 minutes - 22.3 MB

It’s Saturday morning. Katie, your daughter, has a soccer game at 9:00, and your husband has to work. That means you’ll have your 9 year old son, Patrick, with you. You’ve got 8 miles on your schedule, but how will you manage it? Then you think, “I wonder if I could get Patrick to ride […] The post MFR 113: Running Families appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 112: Running in the Rain

August 31, 2016 13:02 - 14 minutes - 13.6 MB

When you look outside and see that it’s raining, do you reluctantly move on to the next thing on your ‘to do’ list? Do you cheer because now you have an excuse not to run? Do you head for the gym and the dreadmill? Or do you put your shoes on and smile? Rain provides the […] The post MFR 112: Running in the Rain appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 111: Stair-Climbing as Cross-Training for Runners

August 24, 2016 18:40 - 23 minutes - 21.8 MB

This is the fourth in a series of podcasts about cross-training. If you haven’t already done so, please check out MFR 108, Cross-Training Basics, MFR 109, Swimming as Cross-Training for Runners and MFR 110, Cycling as Cross-Training for Running. You may count your steps every day if you have a fitness tracker, but have you ever […] The post MFR 111: Stair-Climbing as Cross-Training for Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 110: Cycling as Cross-Training

August 17, 2016 11:31 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

Cycling is ideal cross-training for running. Like swimming, it fits into the category of cardio cross-training, but what is unique to biking is that it trains you to move your legs in the perfect pattern for running. No other form of cross-training has this effect, and that’s just one reason I think every running should […] The post MFR 110: Cycling as Cross-Training appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 109: Swimming as Cross-Training for Running

August 04, 2016 17:38 - 39 minutes - 36.1 MB

Related article: Cross-Training Basics Episode 108 was an overview of cross-training for runners. In that episode, I grouped all cross-training into three categories. In this and the next episode, we’ll look at the two most popular forms from the cardio category of cross-training for runners, swimming, in this episode, and biking will be Episode 110. […] The post MFR 109: Swimming as Cross-Training for Running appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 108: Cross-Training Basics

July 22, 2016 13:20 - 21 minutes - 20 MB

Related article: 8 Reasons to Cross-Train Do you cross-train? And if you do, do you have a plan? Do you think about how each type of cross training impacts your running? Do you think of any exercise other than running as cross-training? In this episode, I break down all cross training into three categories, which […] The post MFR 108: Cross-Training Basics appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 107: Reality Check, or a More Objective Perspective on the Miles You Run

July 08, 2016 23:53 - 8 minutes - 7.68 MB

One of my favorite quotes is the simple cliche, “Everything is relative.” I express it often because it has such a profound effect on virtually everything, and remembering it, keeping it in mind, has the potential to massively impact our perspective on everything from miles we run to all the rest of our lives. Runners […] The post MFR 107: Reality Check, or a More Objective Perspective on the Miles You Run appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 106: The One-Two Punch of Tart Cherry Juice and Epsom Salt Baths

June 30, 2016 03:56 - 18 minutes - 16.8 MB

During the weeks before my most recent marathon, I tried two changes to my usual pre-race regimen: Drinking tart cherry juice Soaking in epsom salts Neither was a far out, weird new idea. On the contrary, both were supported by solid research, particularly the cherry juice; however, I’ll add that there were also articles on […] The post MFR 106: The One-Two Punch of Tart Cherry Juice and Epsom Salt Baths appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 105: Grandma’s Marathon Race Report

June 24, 2016 15:38 - 35 minutes - 32.1 MB

Grandma’s Marathon is well known as one of the most popular races in the United States. If you’ve ever done an internet search for the ‘Most Popular Marathons’ or ‘Most Scenic Marathons,’ you would have discovered this one. This Deluth, Minnesota marathon has it all, great crowd support, flawless organization, great weather – most of […] The post MFR 105: Grandma’s Marathon Race Report appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 104 – All About Aid Stations

June 14, 2016 19:47 - 15 minutes - 14.7 MB

Whether you’re a new runner or you’ve been running and racing for years, I bet there will something for everyone in this episode of the Mojo for Running Podcast. I’ll break down what you need to know to maneuver safely through a water stop, whether you’re stopping to drink, or just trying to get through […] The post MFR 104 – All About Aid Stations appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 103: Clayton’s Choice and the Epidemic of Hearing Problems Among Runners

May 25, 2016 21:12 - 12 minutes - 11.6 MB

Every day is filled with choices: hit the snooze or get up in time to run, peanut butter and jelly or tuna salad, black coffee or add sugar, run around the block or go to the trail, and many other more difficult decisions, decisions that really matter, decisions that affect your whole life, sometimes for […] The post MFR 103: Clayton’s Choice and the Epidemic of Hearing Problems Among Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 102: Listener Question Answered – Should I Train for Distance or Speed

May 19, 2016 14:03 - 9 minutes - 8.71 MB

For this episode, I’m responding to a question someone asked on Instagram. She described her current pace and running training schedule and asked whether she should concentrate on improving speed or endurance. Great question because pretty much everybody wants to run faster and be able to run farther, but there is even more to it […] The post MFR 102: Listener Question Answered – Should I Train for Distance or Speed appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 101: Runner Etiquette

May 04, 2016 23:52 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

Running manners matter. We all learned the basics of life etiquette, when to use a fork and when to use a spoon, how to make introductions, and when to say, “Excuse me,” but the rules of the road, path and track are unique to running; somewhere along the way, every runner needs to know them […] The post MFR 101: Runner Etiquette appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 100: Listener Stories

April 20, 2016 12:49 - 18 minutes - 16.8 MB

Super excited to be celebrating the 100th episode of the Mojo for Running Podcast. To commemorate this day, in episode #99, I asked my listeners to send me their best running stories or their favorite quotes for me to feature them in this episode. Some are funny, some provide great running inspiration, some will give […] The post MFR 100: Listener Stories appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 99: Foot Trouble, or Alternatively, Dumb Runner Mistakes I’ve Made and Hope that You Won’t Make

April 12, 2016 00:46 - 19 minutes - 18.2 MB

Some runner foot problems, i.e, injuries, can be prevented, and some can’t. Sometimes, you do everything right, care, meticulously for your feet, and boom, they still happen. Other times, you do something really dumb – and by ‘you,’ I mean ‘me.’ Yes, recently, I made a super dumb runner mistake.Yep, in this episode, I explain […] The post MFR 99: Foot Trouble, or Alternatively, Dumb Runner Mistakes I’ve Made and Hope that You Won’t Make appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 98: Cadence, the Magic Bullet for Runners

April 07, 2016 17:55 - 13 minutes - 12.8 MB

Most people do speed work and work on running form to get faster and to limit injuries, but they don’t realize that improved leg turnover is the most efficient way to get faster, and it will also have an impressive impact on form. They tend to start with speed work and drills without ever doing […] The post MFR 98: Cadence, the Magic Bullet for Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 97: Safety for Runners

March 31, 2016 14:35 - 21 minutes - 19.7 MB

Running gives us so much. It makes our lives better in a hundred ways, but we can’t forget running safety. We owe it this: to be careful, to exercise wisdom, to do what we know in our hearts, we should do, even if it’s inconvenient and even if sometimes restricts our running. I’m talking about […] The post MFR 97: Safety for Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 96: Races as Training Runs

March 23, 2016 14:51 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

It’s common for people to do races as a training runs. Have you done this? It’s really not a bad idea – sometimes – but  other times it might be a very bad idea.  You must go into it with a plan and stick to it. The key is to keep your goal in mind. […] The post MFR 96: Races as Training Runs appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 95: Compression Gear

March 16, 2016 20:42 - 19 minutes - 17.7 MB

Compression gear, especially compression calf sleeves, are all the rage. As I write this, I’m wearing compression shorts, and I’ve got to say, I’m becoming quite fond of them, but I’ll save that for another article. I’ll need to test them out in more situations before I’ll be ready to offer an opinion. No, this […] The post MFR 95: Compression Gear appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 94: Warming Up Before Your Race

March 11, 2016 01:52 - 22 minutes - 20.9 MB

Most people realize they ‘should’ warmup before a race, but I notice that many people don’t. Hopefully, by the time you finish listening to this episode of the Mojo for Running Podcast, you’ll be convinced of the incredible value of a good warmup. Too, I hope you’ll realize that warming up is essential, if for […] The post MFR 94: Warming Up Before Your Race appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 93: You Must See “Run Free” and Other Running Films

February 25, 2016 15:20 - 16 minutes - 15.1 MB

There is nothing like a great running movie to get you charged up for your next run, and I deliver the perfect choice in this episode of the Mojo for Running Podcast. A few months back, when I was out West, visiting Kiddo, we joined the Tacoma Runners for a one night special showing of […] The post MFR 93: You Must See “Run Free” and Other Running Films appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 92: Perspective on a Few Days Off From Running

February 17, 2016 18:38 - 14 minutes - 13.3 MB

When you have to take time off from running, you probably freak out; most runners do. Once we’re in the habit, we can’t even imagine not running. After all, it’s part of our identity, a big part. Time off from running leaves a gaping hole in our day, and if it occurs several days in […] The post MFR 92: Perspective on a Few Days Off From Running appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 91: When You Have a Race Bib You Cannot Use and Other Bib Related Topics

February 11, 2016 00:39 - 20 minutes - 18.4 MB

You probably don’t give too much thought to your race bib, except to make sure you have one, right? If you’re like most people, your biggest problem as regards race bibs, is when the occasion arises that you have one and can’t use it. This is not just a problem for you, the runner, but […] The post MFR 91: When You Have a Race Bib You Cannot Use and Other Bib Related Topics appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 90: Running Drills

February 03, 2016 20:21 - 17 minutes - 24.2 MB

I’m a huge believer in taking into account all elements that might affect your running performance, evaluating it from every angle, not all at once, of course, but I think it’s important to realize that adequate sleep is just as important as the right shoe, and speed work is just as important as the appropriate […] The post MFR 90: Running Drills appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 89: HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training

January 27, 2016 03:38 - 16 minutes - 22.2 MB

While cheetahs are known for their speed, they are sprinters. They can’t hold that speed for long. Humans, on the other hand, can run much farther but not as fast. We can, however, improve our ability to run faster by modifying our speed training to add high intensity interval workouts. In recent years, high intensity […] The post MFR 89: HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 88: Fartleks, Repeats, Intervals and Tempo Runs Explained

January 20, 2016 22:34 - 11 minutes - 15.3 MB

When runners discuss speed work, four words you likely hear thrown around are fartleks, repeats, intervals, and tempo runs. If you ask ten people what each means, you’ll get several people agreeing on their meanings, but you’ll also get several people who know ‘more or less’ what they mean, and you’ll get some who’ll tell […] The post MFR 88: Fartleks, Repeats, Intervals and Tempo Runs Explained appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 87: Goals, Resolutions and the Mojo 2016 Race Challenge

January 12, 2016 13:00 - 18 minutes - 24.9 MB

January is the month of reflection and projection. I’ve got some thoughts that I hope will help with your running goals for this next year, and I present the Mojo for Running 2016 Challenge. I hope your running resolutions for next year are not just about how many miles you run. While it’s good to […] The post MFR 87: Goals, Resolutions and the Mojo 2016 Race Challenge appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 86: Part 2, Exercises and Drills to Improve Balance and Proprioception

December 30, 2015 14:55 - 21 minutes - 29.7 MB

Last time we discussed the importance of balance for runners of all levels and at all speeds. It’s critical to virtually every element of running, and perhaps most important of all, because it is at the root of good running form. That’s because if you have a poor sense of balance, it will be that […] The post MFR 86: Part 2, Exercises and Drills to Improve Balance and Proprioception appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 85: Balance and Proprioception for Runners

December 23, 2015 03:09 - 21 minutes - 29.5 MB

Oddly, relatively little is said about balance for runners. Yet, running is all about balance. Right? If you’re on two feet, you’re walking, and if you’re on one foot, you’re balancing. I am all about finding every conceivable way to improve running, and I’m an especially big fan of any means that is not intense, […] The post MFR 85: Balance and Proprioception for Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 84: Training for Multi-Day Running Events

October 27, 2015 22:51 - 15 minutes - 21.8 MB

Multi-day running events, frequently referred to as challenges, are becoming more and more popular as runners reach for new challenges and race directors seek new ways to attract runners, but training for multi-day running events, of course, should be different and leaves many runners stumped. That is the topic of this podcast. I’ll discuss how […] The post MFR 84: Training for Multi-Day Running Events appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 83: Stop the Pounding, How to Tread Lightly When You Run

October 07, 2015 00:23 - 21 minutes - 19.9 MB

Do you ever listen while you run? No, I don’t mean listen to music or conversation or podcasts. Do you listen for the sound of your feet hitting the ground? Try it. If your feet make a loud pounding noise, that means you’re hitting the ground with more force than necessary, and there is room […] The post MFR 83: Stop the Pounding, How to Tread Lightly When You Run appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 82: Make Three Changes to Your Training This Month to Set a PR Next Month

September 07, 2015 17:58 - 20 minutes - 28.3 MB

Most of the runners I know hope to PR on a regular basis. They know they’re not likely to PR often, but they at least hope to PR every once in a while. That makes sense, but it’s important to keep in mind that your chances of setting a new PR (personal record), aka PB […] The post MFR 82: Make Three Changes to Your Training This Month to Set a PR Next Month appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 81: Critical Information for ‘All’ Runners about ‘Older’ Runners

August 18, 2015 15:45 - 30 minutes - 34.4 MB

One topic that doesn’t get much attention in running magazines, on online sites, and in blogs, is older runners, senior runners, masters runners – yikes! There lies one of the problems:  what word to use. That alone is a semantics nightmare. You don’t want to offend anyone, for sure. I know I don’t; so, in […] The post MFR 81: Critical Information for ‘All’ Runners about ‘Older’ Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 80: Overtraining Syndrome

July 28, 2015 03:05 - 23 minutes - 13.6 MB

Any runner at any level is always at risk for becoming overtrained, of developing overtraining syndrome, a condition you’ll want to go to great effort to avoid because it’s unpleasant, disappointing, and dangerous. In this Mojo for Running Podcast episode, I explain how runners can fall into the trap of overtraining, the symptoms and what […] The post MFR 80: Overtraining Syndrome appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 79: Injury Prevention Tips for Runners

July 06, 2015 22:11 - 24 minutes - 14.4 MB

Keep these injury prevention tips top of mind, and you’ll be able to prevent most running injuries, meaning more miles and more smiles. If you run for many years, it’s inevitable that you will have to overcome a minor injury from time to time, but some people manage to run for decades with very few […] The post MFR 79: Injury Prevention Tips for Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 78: How to Run Hills Part 2 – Running Downhill

June 18, 2015 00:41 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

Last time we discussed uphill technique, but what goes up must come down. Let’s discuss how to maximize downhill running while preventing injury. If you’ve done races with hills, then you’ve probably noticed that most people run downhill at the same pace they run on flat ground. That is a huge opportunity missed. If you […] The post MFR 78: How to Run Hills Part 2 – Running Downhill appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 77: How to Run Hills Part 1 – Uphill

May 06, 2015 23:24 - 14 minutes - 8.46 MB

In this episode of the Mojo for Running Podcast we take a look at running hills. Master hill-running technique and you’ll never be intimidated by hills again. On the contrary, you’ll be looking for races with hills because you will know how to run hills. You will have an edge over all the runners struggling to […] The post MFR 77: How to Run Hills Part 1 – Uphill appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 76: Encouraging Words for Runners, Two Perspectives on Motivation and Inspiration

April 23, 2015 03:21 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

To be a successful runner, to keep getting back out there, day after day, year after year, you need a constant stream of motivation and inspiration. When one of our running friends needs motivation to run, we all have a responsibility to keep them going, because there will be days when our running friends will […] The post MFR 76: Encouraging Words for Runners, Two Perspectives on Motivation and Inspiration appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 75: Tempo Runs Explained

April 04, 2015 02:21 - 8 minutes - 4.9 MB

Of the various forms of speed work, one time tested way for any runner to improve running speed is to raise their lactate threshold by incorporating tempo runs into their training schedule. Devoting just one workout per week to a tempo run should payoff with lower times in only a short time. Subscribe with Stitcher […] The post MFR 75: Tempo Runs Explained appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 74: The Whole Story of Mojo for Running, Run Tampa and More

March 13, 2015 16:52 - 19 minutes - 11.4 MB

Coach Deb explains the genesis and evolution of Mojo for Running, how its origin ties in with the local running club she founded, Run Tampa, and much more. In this episode of the Mojo for Running Podcast, she explains the genesis of the Run Tampa running group and all that followed as it continues to […] The post MFR 74: The Whole Story of Mojo for Running, Run Tampa and More appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 73: When You Feel Compelled to Walk – Listener Question Answered

March 03, 2015 03:49 - 19 minutes - 11.1 MB

Every runner will end up doing a walk run from time to time, for one reason or another, and there is nothing wrong with that. I do a walk/run for the first mile every time out. Some people employ the walk run method for the duration of every run, and that is their goal. I […] The post MFR 73: When You Feel Compelled to Walk – Listener Question Answered appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 72: Running Tips and Tricks

February 10, 2015 04:03 - 18 minutes - 10.4 MB

One of the things that draw people to this sport is its simplicity and ease of access. It’s inexpensive and you can do it just about anywhere, but even so, there are running tips and tricks that veteran runners know, which can save time and trouble, and facilitate all that is good about running. These […] The post MFR 72: Running Tips and Tricks appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 71: 2015 Mojo for Running Challenge

December 22, 2014 02:02 - 11 minutes - 7.04 MB

Every year at about this time I provide Mojo for Running listeners with a  running challenge for the following year. For 2014, I challenged you to run twelve 5k races, and for 2013, I challenged you to run thirteen half marathons. In MFR Podcast #71, I challenge you to run six 5k’s and six half […] The post MFR 71: 2015 Mojo for Running Challenge appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 70: Great and Not So Great Running Advice

November 29, 2014 16:25 - 15 minutes - 9.05 MB

Since runners, by nature, tend to be incredibly helpful to each other, it’s no surprise that when one runner asks for running advice, it pours forth in large quantity. This is probably a good thing, but it’s only a good thing if the giver and receiver exercise good judgment. I hope this episode of the […] The post MFR 70: Great and Not So Great Running Advice appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 69: My Broken Arm PR at the SF Marathon

November 04, 2014 01:29 - 18 minutes - 10.7 MB

When you pin on that number, when you enter the appropriate corral, when you cross the starting line, no matter how your training has been over the months leading up to the marathon, you never really know how the morning will unfold, and such was the case on July 27th of this year when I […] The post MFR 69: My Broken Arm PR at the SF Marathon appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 68: Shin Splints

October 08, 2014 19:26 - 24 minutes - 14.4 MB

Shin splints affect virtually every runner at some time in their running career, and for long-time runners, they may come and go over the years. In this podcast, I present the symptoms, causes, treatments, and preventions as presented by numerous medical/health professionals, and links to those primary sources are below. Inside the Doctor’s Office: Keep […] The post MFR 68: Shin Splints appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 67: Hydration for Runners The Goldilocks Principle

September 03, 2014 12:32 - 13 minutes - 7.96 MB

Related article: 5 Tips for Running in the Heat The Goldilocks Principle says ‘something’ must fall within two margins, not too much and not too little, and so it is with hydration for runners. You must consume enough to prevent dehydration, but you must not drink too much. When training for long races, it is […] The post MFR 67: Hydration for Runners The Goldilocks Principle appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 66: Hydration Systems for Runners

August 06, 2014 01:43 - 13 minutes - 8.69 MB

Any time you’ll be running for more than an hour, you know you’ll need to have a hydration plan, which will, no doubt involve one of the many hydration systems available. In this episode I explain the options, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and what to consider when shopping for hydration gear. The importance […] The post MFR 66: Hydration Systems for Runners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 65: First Time Half Marathoners

June 29, 2014 17:45 - 16 minutes - 9.37 MB

It is not surprising that half marathons continue to grow in popularity. They are the perfect distance to challenge the runner, but training for 13 miles does not have to completely dominate your life. Anyone who can run a 5k can run a half marathon if they’re willing to put in six months of hard […] The post MFR 65: First Time Half Marathoners appeared first on Mojo for Running.

MFR 64: Two Words Runners Love to Say

June 04, 2014 22:15 - 13 minutes - 7.52 MB

Runners do a lot of talking. Maybe it’s one of the reason running relaxes us. People need to talk; they need to just socialize, away from electronic devices and screens. Exercising our mouths while we exercise our bodies may be part of the overall health benefit of running. In fact, I’m sure it is. Anyway, […] The post MFR 64: Two Words Runners Love to Say appeared first on Mojo for Running.