Latest Female health Podcast Episodes

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Toning and Strengthening For Female Reproductive Health

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - May 14, 2020 15:00 - 20 minutes
Learn about toning and strengthening the female reproductive system to help ensure you are on the right path with your female reproductive health.

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit artwork

Special Tea for Monthly Flow

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit - May 07, 2020 17:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Chinese herbs have varied uses and many benefits. In my office, I do custom herbs combinations for each person according to their particular constitution. Of all the teas, I enjoy making this particular tea during my own period/Flow days.

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ALL About Sleep and Why You Need More

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit - April 30, 2020 15:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Have you been getting enough Zzzz's? Or waking up in the middle of the night? Are you on your iPhone reading news in bed? Let's explore some acupressure points to get you some quality Zzz's.

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Immunity Through Mushrooms

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit - April 23, 2020 16:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
There's no better time than now to work on enhancing our immunity through natural foods like mushrooms. Today we will look at medicinal mushrooms you can find, cook, or capsule supplements that you can use to boost your immunity.

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Acupressure Tapping Techniques To Release Anxiety and Stress

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit - April 16, 2020 18:00 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Acupressure harnesses the power of Qi using Acupressure points in your body to relieve stress and anxiety. It is a method of tapping your fingers on specific acupressure points to help reduce anxiety, stress, and PTSD. Anyone can use this during these difficult times to reduce stress and heighten...

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit artwork

Increasing Immunity Using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Approach With Moxibustion (Moxa)

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit - April 09, 2020 23:30 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Moxibustion is one of the main therapies in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and uses heat stimulation on the body surface from the burning of moxa to release pain or treat diseases. It's amazing and it works. I use it on myself and patients frequently for a wide range of conditions including c...

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Facial Gua Sha: What, When & How. Tools and Demo.

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit - April 02, 2020 16:30 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Facial Gua Sha: What, When & How. Learn about this ancient form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with tools and a demo.

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Working Out & Exercise: How Increasing Physical Activity Can Change Your Period

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit - March 26, 2020 17:30 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Movement, moderate exercise and working out is good for maintaining not only a strong physical body, but mental as well. It helps to de-stress the body and detox when we sweat. I exercise 3-4x a week, alternating between cardio, barre and yoga. But what you may not expect is that regular exercise...

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit artwork

Getting Off The Pill: The Why and The How To Stop Taking Contraceptive Pills

Tea Time with Dr. Siatnee Chong - Women's Body, Mind and Spirit - March 19, 2020 20:30 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
To stay on the pill or stay off the pill? I have been asked by many patients about how to get off the pill contraceptive and why they need to do so. Here are some key points and important information to consider at whichever stage you are in.

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Fibroids and You. Shrink Them The Chinese Medicine Way

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - November 18, 2019 16:00 - 9 minutes
My personal journey to eliminate fibroids took a year of Chinese herbs and acupuncture. I see women in my practice that have suffered from them and I have a way to help ensure they go away.

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Urinary Tract Infection and Using Chinese Herb Medicine For Results

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - November 13, 2019 19:00 - 11 minutes
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), effect too many women. Learn how Chinese Medicine and Herbs can put an end to UTI suffering.

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What You Can Do For Your Mental Health

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - October 23, 2019 22:30 - 12 minutes
October is Mental Health Month. Learn about one of my favorite acronyms as a way of life with MEDS. Meditation, Exercise, Diet and Sleep.

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Detox From Sugar

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - October 15, 2019 15:00 - 12 minutes
Does sugar detox work? I've always had a sweet tooth and wanted to do this experiment to see if a sugar detox would help curb my sugar cravings. I did it for 3 days and found it to help me cleanse my liver. Here are some why's and how to do it safely.

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The Candida Diet

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - October 03, 2019 15:00 - 11 minutes
How to incorporate the Candida Diet into your life for a more healthy, balanced lifestyle and to reduce painful yeast infections.

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Spot on Acne Treatment

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - September 25, 2019 15:00 - 12 minutes
Why, When and How To Treat Acne Using Chinese Medicine Herbs

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How Digestion and Elimination Improve Sleep and More.mp3

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - September 19, 2019 15:00 - 14 minutes
Learn how proper digestion and elimination can make can impact on improving your sleep and overall health.

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Changing Seasons, Improve Immunity and Vitality

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - September 13, 2019 15:00 - 13 minutes
Why Changing Season is the time to boost your immunity. Welcoming Autumn, enhancing immunity (prevent cold, allergies..) vitality and emotional balance. Let's look at some food to emphasize and to reduce this season...

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Nourishing The Yin and Quieting The Noise

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - September 03, 2019 15:15 - 7 minutes
My personal take on nourishing Yin. Ever have an acquaintance or friend that wants to give you advice whether you want it or not?

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Chinese Herb Teas To Help With Menstrual Pain

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - August 05, 2019 17:00 - 4 minutes
Spotlight on a tea that helps reduce period pain and ease the flow. Like the moon balances the earth, the women’s period is cyclical.

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What, When and Why Am I Feeling So Moody Before My Period Part 2

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - July 03, 2019 16:00 - 13 minutes
The average woman spends 50,000 hours menstruating during her lifetime. Most people become an expert at a topic after doing it 10,000 times however, few women have mastered their cycle...

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit artwork

What, When and Why Am I Feeling So Moody Before My Period Part 1

Qi Valley - Wellness For Women's Mind, Body and Spirit - June 15, 2019 16:00 - 11 minutes
The average woman spends 50,000 hours menstruating during her lifetime. Most people become an expert at a topic after doing it 10,000 times however, few women have mastered their cycle...

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