To stay on the pill or stay off the pill? I have been asked by many patients about how to get off the pill contraceptive and why they need to do so. Here are some key points and important information to consider at whichever stage you are in.

To stay on the pill or stay off the pill? I have been asked by many on how to get off the contraceptive and why they need to do so. Here are some key points to consider at whichever stage you are in.
The main thing to be aware of is that any prescription medication taken for an extended period of time will cause some side effects.
For contraceptive pills, depletion of major B vitamins is one of the side effects on our body. B vitamins are ensured the body's cells are functioning properly. They help the body convert food into energy (metabolism), create new blood cells, and maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells, and other body tissue.