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Rock Your Brand Podcast

1,293 episodes - English - Latest episode: 18 days ago - ★★★★★ - 931 ratings

How do I start an online business? How do I build a brand online? How do I get traffic and attention to my online business? The biggest question is, can I start a business online and replace my current JOB? Welcome to The Rock Your Brand podcast show where we answer ALL of these questions and a ton MORE! Scott Voelker, the host will share with you everything you need to know and help you to build a Future Proof Business that will allow you the ultimate Freedom. Scott shares tips and strategies he used himself to build multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses over the past 18 years. Along with sharing Scott’s tips and strategies, he also interviews top business experts, such as Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Rick Mulready, James Clear, Chris Ducker and so many more. Scott also shares his private coaching calls with listeners and students to show exactly what it takes to build a successful online business and brand. With millions of downloads and counting, The Amazing Seller “The Take Action Effect” movement is growing everyday and now it’s YOUR TURN to create the life you want and deserve. Are you in? Let’s Do THIS!

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TAS 180 : How To Protect Your MONEY When Ordering Product from China (Real Examples)

March 23, 2016 08:00 - 44 minutes - 30.3 MB

One of the scariest parts of building an Amazon private label business is the fact that at some point you have to send off a big chunk of money to a supplier you have never met, in a factory or warehouse that you cannot inspect in most cases, and trust that you are products are going to arrive at your location or the Amazon warehouse as promised and in good shape. Today's episode deals with that exact subject in the experiences of one Amazon Seller who had trouble getting his product payment...

TAS 181 : Ask Scott Session #52 - Amazon FBA Questions

March 23, 2016 08:00 - 26 minutes - 18.3 MB

This is one of the Ask Scott sessions where Scott Voelker answers your questions about Amazon private label sales. If you’d like to get your question answered on one of these podcast episodes, you can do it by going to Scott would be happy to address your issues to the best of his ability so be sure to take advantage of this powerful resource.   Should international sellers try to start in their local Amazon market on or the U.S. market?   A listener of the ...

TAS 179 : Top 10 Takeaways: The First 3 months in the FBA World!

March 21, 2016 08:00 - 35 minutes - 24.7 MB

Welcome back to the show notes page of The Amazing Seller Podcast. Scott Voelker is here to lead you in understanding and building an Amazon Private Label business that can build the life you want to live. On this episode Scott’s got a great list of 10 things learned in the first 3 months in the FBA world, and it was contributed by a listener to the podcast. You’ll get some great insights from this list, from a person who is fresh into the industry and knows the realities of starting from sq...

TAS 178 : Ask Scott Session #51 - Amazon FBA Questions

March 18, 2016 08:00 - 32 minutes - 22.2 MB

Welcome to this question and answer episode of The Amazing Seller podcast. Scott Voelker  is here to answer your questions about Amazon private label sales, everything from researching and buying your first product to collecting your paycheck from Amazon. On this episode Scott gets some great questions about pay-per-click campaign, freight forwarders, maximizing sales even if it means you run out of stock, and others. If you are at all interested in getting involved with Amazon private label...

TAS 177 : 5 FBA Rookie Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

March 16, 2016 08:00 - 39 minutes - 26.9 MB

There are so many people who are eager to get into Amazon Private Label sales, and they should because it’s a great platform to build a viable business that can support and even transform your lifestyle. But there are a handful of common mistakes that newbies to Amazon FBA make again and again. On this episode of the podcast Scott Voelker covers the top 5 rookie mistakes that trip up new sellers. Product research can be frustrating, but don’t give up. Perhaps the most difficult part of sel...

TAS 176 : Building Your Business Off of Amazon with Chris Ducker

March 16, 2016 08:00 - 49 minutes - 34.1 MB

If you’ve not heard the name of Chris Ducker, you are going to be glad you have by the time this interview episode of The Amazing Seller podcast is over. Chris is an online business guy who’s made it big in many different areas, and on this episode he’s joining Scott to chat about how he would go about building a business independently of Amazon after successful sales on Amazon. Scott’s been interested in this possibility for a long time and Chris has the business experience to help him thin...

TAS 175 : Ask Scott Session #50 - Amazon FBA Questions

March 11, 2016 09:00 - 36 minutes - 24.9 MB

Isn’t it great when you’re able to ask an experienced person how to do what you need to do? You get all kinds of insights and tips that you wouldn’t even think about asking for. The Friday episode of The Amazing Seller (this one) is where Scott answers your questions about Amazon Private Label sales and shares them with the entire TAS community. You’re able to ask your own questions by going to - as well as learn from the many other questions that are asked and a...

TAS 175 : Ask Scott Session #50 - Amazon FBA Questions

March 11, 2016 09:00 - 34 minutes - 23.7 MB

Isn’t it great when you’re able to ask an experienced person how to do what you need to do? You get all kinds of insights and tips that you wouldn’t even think about asking for. The Friday episode of The Amazing Seller (this one) is where Scott answers your questions about Amazon Private Label sales and shares them with the entire TAS community. You’re able to ask your own questions by going to - as well as learn from the many other questions that are asked and a...

TAS 174 : (Hot Seat) How Should I Launch My Retail Business on Amazon?

March 09, 2016 09:00 - 46 minutes - 32.3 MB

A few episodes back Scott invited his friend, Chris Schaeffer onto the podcast to do a “hot seat” evaluation of an Amazon business to give advice on tweaks, changes, and adjustments to the existing product listings to ramp up sales. You’ve got a great opportunity today to hear another of those Hot Seat sessions - this time relating to an existing retail business that is trying to get onto the Amazon platform. There are some tweaks and tips you may have never heard before taken from Scott and...

TAS 173 : Small Budget Product Launch by and Average JOE (Case Study)

March 07, 2016 09:00 - 42 minutes - 29.3 MB

There are lots of people who hear of what’s going on with Amazon private label sales and think that they can’t get into it without a huge investment. But that’s not true, and this interview episode is proof. Today, Scott is chatting with Travis, a normal guy who calls himself an “average Joe.” Travis heard about private label sales on Amazon and decided he was going to make it work even though he didn’t have software to research his product ideas or a huge budget to do it. You’re going to be...

TAS 172 : Ask Scott Session #49 - Amazon FBA Questions

March 04, 2016 09:00 - 31 minutes - 22 MB

It’s time for another episode of The Amazing Seller podcast and this session in particular is an “Ask Scott” episode where Scott Voelker answers your questions week after week. It’s an opportunity for you to get your specific problems addressed by a guy who’s been studying and doing Amazon private label sales for quite a while, now. If you want to have your question answered on one of these episodes, you need to listen so you can find out how to do it! You’ve mentioned not trying to sell su...

TAS 171 : 7 Product Image Tips for Higher Conversions

March 02, 2016 09:00 - 39 minutes - 27.3 MB

Welcome back to this edition of The Amazing Seller, on this episode of the podcast Scott is going to cover the issue of product images. This episode has been a long time coming, especially since Scott is a photographer in his own his own portrait studio in the past. He's going to talk to you about all things having to do with your product images, how to make them the best they can be, how to optimize them to get better conversions on your product sales, and how to deal with things like light...

TAS 170 : How To Find NEW Product Suppliers to Expand Your Brand

February 29, 2016 09:00 - 51 minutes - 35.5 MB

Welcome back to The Amazing Seller Podcast and thanks for checking out the show notes page for this great episode about product sourcing. In this great conversation I’m talking with Peter Zapf, an employee of Global Sources, a company that works directly with Chinese and other Asian manufacturing companies to make their products available to retailers, ebayers, and Amazon sellers. We’re going to take a deep dive into the process that Global Sources has put in place to enable to you to skip t...

TAS Bonus: Update - January Income and Lessons Learned

February 27, 2016 09:00 - 17 minutes - 12.4 MB

It may sound strange to you to hear that Scott likes to share his exact costs, profits, and other numbers with anyone who listens to this podcast. Isn’t that private information? It is, BUT - Scott’s more interested in helping you know the REALITY of what an Amazon private label business is like. You need to hear it all instead of just knowing the high sales numbers you might hear other places. Those can be misleading because they don’t include costs, fees, and other overhead that goes into ...

TAS 169 : Ask Scott Session #48 - Amazon FBA Questions

February 26, 2016 09:00 - 27 minutes - 18.8 MB

Welcome to this episode of the Ask Scott version of the Amazing Seller Podcast. This is where you can get your Amazon private label questions answered by Scott Voelker, an experienced Amazon seller. He’s had all kinds of successes and failures from which he is able to draw answers to the questions that come his way each week. If you’d like to submit a question for Scott to answer about your private label efforts on Amazon, you can submit your question by going to

TAS 168 : 5 Amazon Business Myths That Have People Confused

February 24, 2016 09:00 - 28 minutes - 19.4 MB

This episode of The Amazing Seller has been brewing for some time. It’s a response to some of the most frequent myths Scott hears during the Q&A of his private label workshops (they’re free, by the way). Today Scott is not only going to tell you what these common myths are, but also WHY they are myths and what you can do to make sure that none of them happen to you. It’s a practical episode with lots of great resources you can use today to make your private label business more successful. ...

TAS 167 : Are Review Groups Hurting Your Amazon Business? (What To Look Out For)

February 22, 2016 09:00 - 1 hour - 43 MB

On this episode of the Amazing Seller podcast you’re going to learn all about the power and importance of reviews on your Amazon products. Danny Brewer and Scott Voelker have a lot of experience soliciting and promoting reviews and both of them have tons to share about reviews and review groups and how they can help and hurt you when you’re trying to get your products out to the world.   What do reviews accomplish for your products?   Reviews are one of the most important parts of gettin...

TAS 166 : Ask Scott Session #47 - Amazon FBA Questions

February 19, 2016 09:00 - 31 minutes - 21.9 MB

Welcome back to the Ask Scott sessions of the Amazing Seller podcast. These Friday sessions are one of the funnest things Scott does every week - answering your questions from his own experience - about Amazon Private Label sales. This episode includes questions about handling returns through Amazon FBA, product categories as it relates to seller accounts, product selection tips, and customizable product offers. This episode is going to ramp up your ability to make your private label busines...

TAS 165 : (Back to Basics) 5 Steps To Finding Products with No Tools Required

February 17, 2016 09:00 - 38 minutes - 26.5 MB

Welcome back to this episode of The Amazing Seller, the very BEST place for you to learn how to sell products on Amazon. This episode is all about finding product ideas. That’s really the first and most important step to a successful private label selling business. You can’t even hope to make a living doing Amazon sales if you don’t have a product that people want to buy. So take this step seriously. Scott’s got some great tips for you about how to find product ideas that you KNOW will sell....

TAS 164 : How To Improve Your PPC Campaigns To Perform Better (my new secret weapon)

February 15, 2016 09:00 - 54 minutes - 37.2 MB

Pay Per Click on Amazon is one of the most difficult and time consuming things that run behind a successful Amazon sales business. And you can’t do without it, it’s what makes your private label products pop up on the first page of Amazon before you’re able to get there through pure organic sales and recommendations. But how can you learn it and invest the time you need to in order to make it work without breaking the bank. On this episode, Scott Voelker and his guest, Ty Rooney, are talking...

TAS 163 : Ask Scott Session #46 - Amazon FBA Questions

February 12, 2016 09:00 - 32 minutes - 22.6 MB

You’re back! Welcome! We’re so glad to have you here for another episode of The Amazing Seller podcast. This is a Friday episode - an “Ask Scott” episode that answers your Amazon sales questions each week. If you want to get your questions answered, you can submit them for consideration by going to - and your question will be in the cue. So sit back, grab your pen and paper, and make sure you take good notes because you want to be sure you’re able to take action ...

TAS 162 : (Hot Seat) Why Are My Sales Slow and How to Increase Them?

February 10, 2016 11:00 - 35 minutes - 24.7 MB

  Hey, hey! What’s up everybody! It’s wonderful to have you back on another episode of The Amazing Seller. On today’s show, Scott has invited his buddy, Chris Schaeffer to join him for a very special, first time experience. Scott and Chris are going to be doing what Scott’s come to refer to as a “hot seat.” They’re going to take a real product, sold by a real TAS community member, and are going to evaluate the strategies being used to sell the product. This is the same format Scott’s going ...

TAS 161 : (Open Discussion) How To Pick NEW Products in 2016 with Greg Mercer

February 08, 2016 11:00 - 55 minutes - 37.9 MB

One of the things that makes for a better business is learning from people who are down that business path ahead of you. Scott loves to hear from people who have been doing Amazon private label sales for some time and one of those people he’s chatted with before is Greg Mercer, creator of Jungle Scout and Amazon seller himself. This conversation is a bit of an update to a previous episode (Episode 56), where Greg and Scott share their current tips about choosing products, launching, and the ...

TAS 160 : Ask Scott Session #45 - Amazon FBA Questions

February 05, 2016 09:00 - 26 minutes - 17.9 MB

This is the episode of the Amazing Seller podcast where you get to ask your own questions and Scott will respond! That’s what you’re going to hear on this episode… real Amazon sellers or potential private label sellers who are just like you, asking questions about the way forward into Amazon sales. Scott answers them honestly, from his experience and from what he’s learned relating to other successful Amazon sellers and running his own business. If you want to ask your own question, you can ...

TAS 159 : 7 Tips for Finding The Best Keywords to Rank Your Products

February 03, 2016 09:00 - 32 minutes - 22.3 MB

Keywords are the tracks upon which your Amazon Sales engine runs. It’s how Amazon knows what you have to sell. It’s now customers find your products. It’s how you drive traffic through PPC and organic search. Knowing that, it should be clear how important keywords are to the product listings you place on the Amazon platform. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott is going to share 7 tips to find and use the best keywords for your product, and he’s also going to share some bonus tips fo...

TAS 158 : When and How to Build and Authority Website for Your Brand with Jon Haver

February 01, 2016 09:00 - 57 minutes - 39.7 MB

Many new private label sellers feel overwhelmed right from the start. There truly IS a lot to learn and a lot to do in order to build an Amazon sales business that truly thrives. For that reason, Scott wants you to know that the topic for this episode is one you DON’T have to do right away. This is for down the line, when you’re products are already on Amazon, your brand is already solid, and your sales are going well. THEN, you may want to consider building an authority website for your bra...

TAS Bonus: Exciting Dates - Where I'll be Hanging Out in 2016

January 30, 2016 09:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

There’s nothing that compares to getting together with like minded people to synergize, brainstorm, and gain inspiration. Today’s bonus episode is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to that kind of thing, and Scott is very excited to let you know about some of the places he’s been booked to speak on Amazon private label sales this coming year.   Find out two conferences where Scott will be this year, both in the early Spring months, and how you can attend. He’s excited to meet more of th...

TAS 157 : Ask Scott Session #44 - Amazon FBA Questions

January 29, 2016 09:00 - 33 minutes - 22.8 MB

It’s Friday again. Do you know what THAT means? It means that it’s time for Scott Voelker to field your Amazon private label questions again… and it’s one of the highlights of his whole week. If you’re a seasoned Vet at private label sales, or brand new, chances are that you’re going to hear a question on these Friday “Ask Scott” episodes that helps you move your Amazon business forward. And if you’d like to ask your own question, Scott’s going to tell you how you can do that on this episode...

TAS 156 : Update: December's Income and Lessons Learned

January 27, 2016 09:00 - 33 minutes - 22.8 MB

It’s not uncommon for people who are thinking about starting an Amazon private label business to step into the ring expecting great things right away. It’s nice when that happens, but the truth is that it doesn’t happen very often. There’s lot of hard work required to get to the point that truly significant profit is coming in… that’s because most people don’t take into account the product costs, FBA fees, advertising costs, and other variables that bite into your profit margins. On this epi...

TAS 155 : Amazon's NEW Listing Optimization UPDATES with Karon Thackston

January 25, 2016 09:00 - 58 minutes - 39.9 MB

Every person who lists a private label product on Amazon is playing in Amazon’s playground. That means Amazon makes the rules, and man, do they set the rules! There are all kinds of guidelines and rules that govern how you list your products and a host of other things. You want to make sure you’re doing things right. Amazon is not shy about banning people from their sales platform for breaking the rules. Recently, some changes are happening within those rules, and they’re things you need to ...

TAS 154 : Ask Scott Session #43 – FBA Amazon Questions

January 22, 2016 09:00 - 27 minutes - 19.1 MB

These Ask Scott episodes are the highlight of the week for Scott. He just loves brainstorming problems to find solutions, and this is your chance to get your specific questions answered. You can listen to find out how. But Scott’s not satisfied with only doing these Friday Q&A episodes. He’s going to be doing a LIVE event as well! It’s coming up soon in Denver, Colorado and the space is limited due to the type of event it is. You can find out how to get yourself on the list to attend that li...

TAS 153 : 3 Things You NEED to Know about Partnerships (The Good and Bad)

January 20, 2016 09:00 - 28 minutes - 20 MB

If you spend any time in the online entrepreneur communities you’ll hear all kinds of negative things about getting involved in a partnership. But is it really all that risky or bad? On this episode Scott wants to address some questions he’s been getting about the wisdom of getting involved in a partnership for an Amazon business. There are pros and cons and you need to be aware of all of them going in. So take some time to listen to this episode, even if you’re not considering a partnership...

TAS 152 : How This Attorney Removes Hijackers and Protects Amazon Sellers

January 18, 2016 09:00 - 51 minutes - 35.3 MB

It’s a big deal when another person or company undercuts your Amazon product listing and begins selling an inferior product as if it is yours. It’s called hijacking and can be a very serious problem. Scott’s addressed this issue in a handful of episodes lately and today he’s chatting with an attorney, Ted Limus, who’s helped some clients of his take on hijackers and get them off the product listings. Scott’s got lots of questions for Ted about best practices for addressing this important iss...

TAS 151 : Ask Scott Session #42 - FBA Amazon Questions

January 15, 2016 09:00 - 29 minutes - 20.2 MB

Today’s show starts out with a great testimonial from a TAS listener who’s rocking it on Amazon with private label sales. It’s proof not only that this show is helping people take action every day, but also that Amazon private label sales is the real deal! You CAN make more than just a decent living, you can make a VERY NICE living selling on Amazon. This is the podcast that teaches you how to do it, step by step. Nothing is held back. Nothing is hidden. This particular episode is the weekly...

TAS 150 : The Secret to INCREASING Your Chances of SUCCESS in Business and LIFE

January 13, 2016 09:00 - 39 minutes - 27 MB

The temptation is always there to look at people who are successful and think that everything just happened to go their way. But that is seldom true. Most people who are very successful got to that point because of determination, a positive, can-do mindset, and hard work. That kind of mindset doesn’t come naturally for most people. We tend to let discouragement, difficulties, and missed opportunities sidetrack us from the goals we desire to reach. In this episode, Scott’s going to talk about...

TAS 149 : The ROAD to $250k in 1 Month with NO LUCKY Breaks!

January 11, 2016 09:00 - 45 minutes - 31.5 MB

One of the hardest things for international sellers is feeling motivated to get started when their particular market size and volume is only a fraction of what U.S. Amazon sellers have at their disposal. This episode of the podcast should be of great encouragement to international Amazon sellers because it features a guy from the U.K. who has launched his Amazon business to over $250,000 in sales in the U.K. alone. There are all kinds of lessons to learn from this one, so make sure you liste...

TAS 148 : Ask Scott Session #41 – FBA Amazon Questions

January 08, 2016 09:00 - 26 minutes - 18 MB

Welcome to the Ask Scott session of the Amazing Seller Podcast. This is where you, and sellers like you are able to ask their practical questions about private label sales on Amazon. Scott Voelker has learned stuff the easy way, the hard way, and by interviewing experts on Amazon and related issues. He’s got a lot of advice regarding a variety of issues surrounding Amazon sales and would love to answer your question. Find out how you can ask your own question on this episode of The Amazing S...

TAS 147 : IMPORTANT Steps to Prevent Hijackers from Your Listing (Ex-Amazon Employee Reveals HOW)

January 06, 2016 09:00 - 1 hour - 44.1 MB

Most Amazon Private Label sellers have heard the term “product hijacking,” but what does it mean and how does it happen? On this episode of The Amazing Seller you’re going to get the full story of this underhanded practice and come to understand why people do it, what they’re trying to gain, how it happens, and most importantly, what you can do to protect yourself. And you’re going to hear it all from a previous Amazon employee who dealt with these kinds of issues in his responsibilities wit...

TAS 146 : The Power of FOCUS and Taking Action with John Lee Dumas

January 04, 2016 09:30 - 37 minutes - 25.5 MB

One of the most important phrases you’ll hear from Scott Voelker on The Amazing Seller is the phrase “take action.” It’s become Scott’s slogan and has motivated so many people to step out in spite of the negative voices they hear. As a result, many people are creating their own substantial income through Amazon private label sales. Today’s episode is about equipping you to be one of those action takers, one of those people who experiences the kind of success that you dream of. Toward that en...

TAS 145 : Ask Scott Session #40 - FBA Amazon Questions

January 01, 2016 09:00 - 30 minutes - 21.2 MB

Scott loves the way these Q&A episodes encourage action taking in relevant, practical ways. Taking action on your Amazon Private Label business is the most important thing you can do to see success happen. As you listen today, carefully listen for the things that Scott’s suggesting in his answers that you can do. Today. Now. To get your Amazon private label business moving forward in a new way. You can make changes now if you’re just willing to take action and put things to work for you. So ...

TAS 144 : Top 10 TAS Episodes in 2015 (Listeners VOTED)

December 30, 2015 09:00 - 29 minutes - 20.6 MB

There are lots of ways to make money using the power of the internet. But how many of them can be broken down into a repeatable system that works every time with the right amount of hard work and attention to the system? Amazon private label sales is one of those and The Amazing Seller podcast is all about helping you understand and apply the principles behind the launch system Scott has discovered. Nothing is held back. You get all the tools you need to get that business off the ground with...

TAS 143 : KILLER Tax Tips and What Business Type to Form - LLC?

December 28, 2015 09:00 - 39 minutes - 27 MB

Taxes. Uggghh. But it’s part of life that is certain, and that you have to deal with or else. This episode of the Amazing Seller is perhaps long overdue because it walks us through the details of business taxes, business structures, and the decisions you need to make in order to remain compliant with the U.S. laws regarding income and expenses in your business. For that important topic Scott asked his new CPA, Josh Bauerly to come onto the show to share from his expertise about all of these ...

TAS 142 : Ask Scott Session #39 - FBA Amazon Questions

December 25, 2015 09:00 - 26 minutes - 18.4 MB

If you are at all interested in learning how to sell private label products on Amazon, you’ve found the right podcast! The Amazing Seller is all about Amazon private label, and Scott Voelker leads the way teaching and sharing everything he knows to help you get your business rocking and rolling. On this episode you’re going to hear Scott’s weekly Q&A session, which he does every Friday. On this episode you’re going to hear questions and answers about Amazon PPC, Product research and selectio...

TAS 141 : Need a Product Sourcing Agent? Here’s 3 Tips to HELP Find Yours

December 23, 2015 09:00 - 32 minutes - 22.4 MB

Hey, hey! Welcome to this episode of The Amazing Seller podcast, the best place you can hear how to run and manage your successful Amazon Private Label business! Scott Voelker has an amazing thing going on here, passing out free information and tips for those who want to create their own private label business, selling products on Amazon. It’s great to have you here and you’re invited to listen, interact, and learn from the TAS community both on this site and on Facebook. Take some time to l...

TAS 140 : How Amber Discovered her $20k per Month Product (You'll Be Surprised)

December 21, 2015 09:00 - 40 minutes - 28 MB

There are many people who don’t believe that making a very good living by selling products on Amazon is really possible. They’re the doubters, the ones who don’t know the reality of what is possible by leveraging the amazing Amazon platform to their advantage. Today’s guest, Amber, was one of those people. She heard about FBA from a relative and had her doubts. But over time she decided to at least give it a try, and began with just over $1,000. Her success has been amazing - over $20,000 in...

TAS 139 : Ask Scott Session #38 - FBA Amazon Questions

December 18, 2015 09:00 - 28 minutes - 19.8 MB

The most amazing part of having an Amazon Private Label business is that it allows you to build your own real business to support your family and the lifestyle you desire. And there’s a huge community of people making their living this way, and most of them are inside Scott’s TAS community on Facebook. On this episode you’re going to hear Scott’s congrats to one of the members of that community for the great success he’s beginning to see in his business. Be sure to listen to this “Ask Scott”...

TAS 138 : 5 Steps To TAKE Action and CRUSH IT in 2016

December 16, 2015 09:00 - 24 minutes - 17 MB

Every year it happens. A new year comes and people make new year’s resolutions. Though resolutions may not be the best way to go about changing your life, it does represent a very important concept: You CAN change your life! Scott’s focus on this episode is to help you get yourself ready to achieve some amazing things in the next 12 months. He wants to see your Amazon business thrive and even explode in 2016. Listen in to hear how Scott suggests you go about setting yourself up for massive s...

TAS 137 : Andy Irvine Cracks $10k in 30 days by Hustling and Taking Action (Here's How)

December 14, 2015 09:00 - 1 hour - 42.3 MB

You’ve heard Scott say it a million times, “Take Action!” Today’s conversation is with a guest who did exactly that when he decided that he was going to try his hand at Amazon Private Label sales. He did the research, chose his product, and got rolling with practical actions right away. Today you’re going to hear Andy Irvine’s story of how he made it past $10K in just 30 days of selling his Amazon product. He walks through the process step by step, prompted by Scott’s questions. You’re going...

BONUS Episode: Income + November 2015 Lessons Learned

December 12, 2015 09:00 - 21 minutes - 15.1 MB

One of the best things about Scott’s experience as an Amazon Private Label seller is that it’s been a great learning laboratory… not just for him but for you! Scott’s not shy about sharing what he’s doing in terms of profits and losses with his Amazon Sales business. He does it because he’s eager to show you what can really happen with an Amazon business and because he wants to help you improve yours to improve your own lifestyle. On this episode he’s going over his profits and losses for th...

TAS 136 : Ask Scott Session #37 - Amazon FBA Questions

December 11, 2015 09:00 - 33 minutes - 23.2 MB

These “Ask Scott” episodes are Scott’s way of sitting down with you over a cup of coffee to talk about the ins and outs of doing business as an Amazon Private Label seller. It’s where you get the opportunity to ask an experienced and successful Amazon seller how he does the things he does to make his Amazon business successful. In this episode Scott answers real questions sent in from real listeners like you so get ready to hear practical responses to real life scenarios. And you can also fi...


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